💎magical mechanism physical theory

ページ名:magic mechanism

💎    possible magic  

                =  total energy same   

                = possible process of observation change


    ⚡   energy source of magic

                🔥( heat ), 📖( info entropy ), 🔦( light ),  ● ( mass )

    📰  info of object necessary, that will appear from " magic "                                 

               🔦( light )        or 📖( info entropy )

    🌠 reason why energy turn to object                           

               ● ( blackhole)

    🎴 reason why particular quantity of energy,    

              predicted ( 100% ) to turn to particular object    

                       🌀( info gravity ) and 🎴 ( pediction )   


⚡   energy source of magic

        physical energy source of     " magical phenomenon "


    ⚡e = mc^2    

        e: energy 

        m: mass

        c: speed of light                                          

    1       when atom fusion (nuclear generator),  energy = ⚡ created from object 

            ( mass of object become energy )   


    ⚡ e = hν

        h: plank constant

        ν: frequency

    1    change wave friquency with wave controll methods    (  from sin wave  cos wave theory of  Gauß            )


    ⚡📖info entropy = heat 🔥         

                     info entropy of water💧, appear when water turn into ice❄️.    

    1       pull 📖info entropy with 🌀information gravity ...   

    2      Laplace's  energy reward from next prediction                                                   from Pierre-Simon Laplace


    ⚡information ( 📖info entropy ) in short length     🐁    

    1 info 📖 in small scale, hard to observe. 

        =>    ( observe hard, but energy exist. )

    2 if we can read small scale info 📖, it become energy.


    ⚡gate to another world   ⛩                                                            

    SOLOMON can do, but ...


📰  info of object necessary, that will appear from " magic "     


📰  if object create from info, light hold,

      what info, light should holds ?


  •      📰 information, about " created object " 

  •      📰 information, about " how energy change into that object  " 


    📰 how light holds info ?

           1 wave shape of light

                         1 energy = amplitude of light

                         2 Polarization of light

                         3 wavelength of light 

           2 " gravity wave ??? " of light


     📰 🔦example, when energy flow change network

                           📰 neural network

                                where light (energy) pass through, neural network will create.


                            📰 3 axis printer with metal powder:

                                where lazer light (energy) pass through, metal will tie together.


        📰 conclusion:

        🔦if energy flow cause

                1 some changes to metal object network,

                2 some changes to body newron network,

            new form info of object,

                come from    energy flow path of light


         📰 when space created , hydrogen likely to appear. (Space Scientist Says,)

              = when space created,

                   ( information, about " created object " ) = hydrogen 


    🌠reason why energy turn to object   

       ●🌠  when object created from energy ⚡ ?

           bigbang, blackhole ( writer 's suggestion )

        ● 💎🌠 

               when energy input to object, and energy output from object = 0,

                       energy may change into object.






    if we admit 3 contents,

  • Gravity
  • Bond Power of objects                 ... checkable
  • star's mass sometimes over Bond Power of core of planet

        we find heavy planet  become ● black hole                    (   prediction of  Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar    )



🌠●  when light energy⚡ become object ... ● Black Body Objects

 blackhole ● 


... absorbe light energy, and output object  

black object ●


charcoal in water

    =>bubble will appear from charcoal 

    ==charcoal might convert light into Hydrogen.


🎴 reason why particular quantity of energy,    

      predicted to turn to particular object ?

            1 🌀( info gravity )

            2 🎴 ( pediction )   


1 🌀( info gravity )



    info have " effective " gravity


    steven hawking, 朝永振一郎, Julian Seymour Schwinger, Richard Phillips Feynman, Alert Einstein, Newton, Leibniz


                                                                                                                             ==>Renormalization - Wikipedia theory

🌀 gravity of information = effective mass = vibration of objects

                           just like when surfer ride on waves,

                           same friquency vibration 2 object, pull each other.

🌀 waving object, pull same frequence waving object.

    🌀evidence 1

  • in Renormalization theory (quantum physics)

                 wave of object  is treated as gravity       

    🌀evidence 2

  •  Einstein 's formula              energy   = m c^2 

          if entropy of info = energy,         info & heat have gravity


    🌀evidence 3

  •  "gravity wave"                                 (from Einstein's prediction)

         "gravity wave" ~=  info entropy

                           "gravity wave" = wave 

                                                      wave  sometimes pull objects


    🌀evidence 4


🌀                   info Black hole prediction

                          = black hole                                ●          (in real cosmic celestial)

                           + if info can convert into heat   💧=>❄  

                           + if heat convert into mass        ☢        (heat = mc^2)

                           + outcome of big information                 ( = blackhole )       


                                                                             ☢ ... represent nuclear weaapon,  convet mass into heat. 

    ●Gravity, pulls ●Gravity.

    🌀info gravity, pulls 🌀info gravity.

    ●Gravity, pulls          🌀info gravity.


2 🎴 ( pediction )   



🎴    when prophecy happens ?

  •     🎴world wide prophecy

  •     🎴predicted from everyone

  •     🎴📰 easy to read certification, exist in public


  •     🎴⚖ physically possible

                  🎴⚖ statistic number should similler to heat physics macro prediction 


    🎴 world wide possibility,  pulled from ALL observer 's prediction 

    1 🎴 Shielding effect,   sometimes stop prophecy. ( your information from other observer, accessible ? )

    2 " information increase " effect     from surround  you  observers



🎴🔦 when " particular prophecy " happens

     🎴🔦 when prophecy cut other prophecy possibility


    🎴🔦 high gravity prophecy

              profit pull observer,  particular🎴 prophecy                                             

                     => every player gathered from prophecy,

                     => if create theory to do how, prophecy might happen.




    space 's  physical calculation outcome    overwrite ???


    if light send all information of object,

    new physical calculation outcome, sometimes create from light.


    light may send

  •     gravity
  •     info about object form

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