極夜幻想劇・剣を持つ王女! - 原神 非公式攻略wiki
File:Vo_yywq001_3_princess_02.ogg Princess: I have not forgotten your teachings; I cannot give up dreams and nobility.http://genshin-impact.
File:Vo_yywq001_3_princess_02.ogg Princess: I have not forgotten your teachings; I cannot give up dreams and nobility.http://genshin-impact.
bedo, who was looking for Starsilver for painting. Paimon asks him to teach the Traveler how to paint. He agrees and they return to his camp
t to it! Paimon's so angry!Paimon: And then the Traveler was about to teach them a lesson, but took a wrong step and fell into the lake...Eu
おば: You see? I get all worked up just thinking about it. I'll be sure teach him a thing or two about good cooking!Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg Goo
radually settled into an almost father-daughter role, with The Doctor teaching Kes as a medical assistant. Kes also trusted The Doctor enoug
t to it! Paimon's so angry!Paimon: And then the Traveler was about to teach them a lesson, but took a wrong step and fell into the lake...Eu
ce for ウサギ伯爵~Amber: Hurray!Amber: This is delicious! Can I get you to teach me how to make it? Hehehe~Traveler: Huh, something feels off wit
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anything for publicity.[13]Teaching Shao Jun[]"So I spent many years teaching men and women to think and act for themselves. First in Rome,
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ose who needed protection. He was also very religious and would often teach his son about the gods and how they shaped daily life within the
ered the consequences of your actions, Jacob Frye? Or did your father teach you nothing?"―The final words of John Elliotson[src]Jacob target
教団での暮らし[]"My Brothers have placed a child into my care. [...] I am to teach him the ways of our Order as I was taught at his age."―Perotto,
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selfish hunger for territory and power, others believe she did it to teach the youkai a lesson about starting wars of conquest; namely, tha
is sister took over Rosa in Fiore's administration, he volunteered to teach the girls several skills.[2]Characteristics[]Courtesans_ACII_Art
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All Bottled UpTrixie "should have told me all the steps" S7E2シーズン №:7シーズンエピソード №:2合計エピソード №:145放送日:2017/4/15脚本:Joanna Lewis and Kristine Son
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n't you?You're really just too much~Since you really want me to, I'll teach youa little of the secret to my genius, okay?あらゆるあらゆるあらゆるあらゆるあらゆ
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"And we are now under attack across the Viery territory, including Orbital Defenses. As per the Winter Contingency, we are countering on eve
y Light[15] and have since learned how to use the Shadow; the priests teach that there must be a balance between Light and Shadow, and membe
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Disambig icon.png この記事は血潮海岸のヒーローチャレンジのドレイクについてです。一般のバージョンについては River Drake Broodmother を参照してください。 River Drake BroodmotherRiver_Drake_Broodmo
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