「spells」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Patch_3.1.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki

ns, all players will have their talent points reimbursed. Several new spells and abilities have been added for select classes. Players will

起爆性放射物 - Noita Wiki

mmended with most projectiles.目次1 Multiple modifiers2 Self-harming EP spells3 Increased radius Material spells4 TipsMultiple modifiers[]Spel

Patch_3.2.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki

ence: No longer reduces the amount of damage done by damage-over-time spells, but instead reduces the amount of all damage done by players b

呪文からエネルギーへ - Noita Wiki

To Power スペルSpell_blood_punch.pngSpell_essence_to_power.pngA group of spells that modify damage output by absorbing other things.Spells to P

DeathKnight/Talent - World of Warcraft Wiki

viction5Blood 10Increases your chance to critically hit with weapons, spells and abilities by 1/2/3/4/5%.Death Rune Mastery3Blood 10Whenever

DeathKnight/Ability - World of Warcraft Wiki

ranged attack power by 14% for 12 sec. Caused by Icy Touch and other spells.ファイル:Spell DeathKnight EmpowerRuneBlade.pngPlague Strike55A vic

トリガー - Noita Wiki

Wiki by expanding it.目次1 Description2 How it works3 See Also4 List of spells with triggers5 GalleryDescription[]A trigger is defined as a sp

触覚を召喚する - Noita Wiki

not the player.A Tentacle with increased speed can be used to 'steal' spells from Holy Mountain spell shops.上級テクニック[]呪文からエネルギーへはタイマー付きの触覚を召喚

Warlock - World of Warcraft Wiki

ties/能力2.1 Summon Pet/使い魔2.2 Mount/乗騎2.3 Spells2.3.1 Damage over Time spells/DoT2.3.2 Direct Damage spells/DD2.3.3 Channeled/憑依2.3.4 Curse/呪

ステータス - Deltarune 非公式Wiki

y are considered downed, but can be revived with any healing items or spells. A Revive Mint may also be used, which restores a downed charac

呪文重複 - Noita Wiki

33sアンロックメスタリエン・メスタリを倒すTier ⓘ5,6,10 Spell Duplication duplicates all spells that have been cast in the current cast before it. If you have

Area_of_Effect - Warhammer Online Wiki

nk Area of Effect4 Cone Area EffectArea of effect, AoE, or simply AE, spells and skills affect a given area of the game world, and not any o

カオスの魔法 - Noita Wiki

ion.png杖自体または特定のサブセットのいずれかから、他の呪文をランダムに唱える呪文Chaos magic casts 1 of 25 spells when the effected spell's projectile hits something and/or expi

Glossary - arkham horror lcg

CardsアセットカードAsset card は、シナリオ中に探索者を支援または使用する可能性のあるアイテム、allies、talents、spells、およびその他の asset を表します。 asset をプレイすると、その asset はプレイエリアに配置されます。 通常、

ElementsBattle - mine倶楽部Wiki

シャドウワンドHealth:26Attack your enemies in a far range遠距離から敵を攻撃するAll your spells can steal manaすべてのスキルはマナを吸収するShadow Talent/シャドウの能力Manabreakマナブレ

新着情報_2019 - Habitica 日本語wiki

ness, QuartzFox, AaronTheTwin, tricksy.fox, and SabreCatScene_casting_spells.pngBlog Post: MageThis month's featured Wiki article is about t

量子分裂 - Noita Wiki

l create copies, only one explosion will occur. Summon Explosive Box spells appear to be exceptions, with all connected boxes exploding whe

スピードアップ - Noita Wiki

lly extends the range of almost every spell.ヒント[]Synergizes well with spells like Black Hole and Lightning Bolt, greatly extending their rea

Spell_Tiers - Noita Wiki


The_Burning_Crusade - World of Warcraft Wiki

races)3 新たな乗り物(mount)3.1 フライング・マウント(Flying mounts)4 キャラクターの変更点4.1 新しい spells と talents4.2 戦闘システム(Combat rating system)について5 追加された場所など(zones)

岩 - Noita Wiki

by the player.It has 3 charges (although you may find a wand with no spells and the descriptor "always casts summon rock" which will summon

光る槍 - Noita Wiki

delay modifier while minimizing the usual downsides of trigger/timer spells: firing lag (for timer spells) and projectile reflection off wa

トップページ - kontferocのうぃき

eing a single mom humor sayings funny christmas gift black dotted dia spells emily gravett das enneagramm im coaching ein praxisbuch heiko h

オメガ鋸刃を召喚する - Noita Wiki

out the size of two player heights in diameter. Unlike all other disk spells, it's innately Piercing, has an extremely high longevity at abo

電撃アーク - Noita Wiki

be hit by this.Synergizes well with a multicast array of Bubble Spark spells, as they're somewhat slow & very cheap.v · d · e スペル放射物Spell_ma

蔓延 - Noita Wiki

projectiles.ギャラリー[]Demo_infestation.gifShooting multiple Infestation spells.v · d · e スペル放射物Spell_machinegun_bullet.pngSpell_summon_hollow_

ドリルショット - Noita Wiki

lude an Increase Duration modifier to make sure certain shorter-lived spells actually reach their target.v · d · e スペル放射物Spell_machinegun_bu

タイカサウヴァ召喚 - Noita Wiki


エネルギー球体 - Noita Wiki

amage, without the potential for accidental damage to the player that spells like Disc Projectile have.As the spell bounces a little, it can

Lanka - Warframe日本語 Wiki

n in the reticle:The Corpus text near the bottom of the scope overlay spells out 'MARS', which might allude to which planet this weapon was

学者 - FFXIclopedia

re active, the Scholar gains access to additional white or dark magic spells respectively.Spells cast that are incompatible with an activate

ウーシ・アウリンコ - Noita Wiki

kill enough enemies by exposing them to the Sun Egg. Those spawned by spells like Summon Egg or Summon Taikasauva (Swarm Spells, or at least

Priest/Spell - World of Warcraft Wiki

-Self1395Dispel Magic Dispels magic on the target, removing X harmful spells from a friend or X beneficial spells from an enemy.敵対ターゲットからMag


(melee range, if unmodified) to be the target of a barrage of Meteor spells. Upon casting, 3 waves of meteors, arriving from all sides and

呪文から核爆弾へ - Noita Wiki


呪文から死の十字架へ - Noita Wiki


溶岩の海 - Noita Wiki
