👁 ⅹ exact observation in experiment - entropyのうぃき
= vibration of particle = randomness ( heat entropy ) ( here ) randomness ( heat entropy ) ~= puzzle of info
= vibration of particle = randomness ( heat entropy ) ( here ) randomness ( heat entropy ) ~= puzzle of info
e can 💎1 physical energy source of magical phenomenon info entropy => energy => object fromClaude Shannon equati
eheat🔥, vibrates ・ objectthat storeinfo 🌀, vibrates ・ 🌀info entropy = randomness of location: prints📄 on desk, particle in 🧊,
LIGHTATTERRA 👁 reason have reason Unit logical ties Math statics storage of info expe
👁 why object can observe ? 👁Lets think events, that must be happen in future point ➀ if stop war impossible, if stop spread of nucle
to calculate integral, mathmaticintegral calculation necessary, in Newton physics: 1 speed <= acceleration 2 length <= speedwhat is
① & ② ➀ brounian motion = gravity wave ② gravity wave ~= info entropy, info have mass. 🐎 ●💎 E = mc^2 energy = mass o
advicefrom physical theory vs rule from " experience " ... wiki article ... outcome from NEWS a
ⅶ=> ⅷ=> ⅸ=> ⅹ=> ⅺ=> 🐇🌀information entropy = ➀ fake theory ②fake news ③mistake order to solve ④ lack
your risk = Physical risk🔥( info entropy) +Magical risk📖. Physical risk🔥= info entropy . Local Physical risk🔥= info entropy input. Magic
point of excalibur vote : if looks strong, vote. if too fearful, stop vote. ➀"evolution" of player, who start death t
bservation change ⚡ energy source of magic 🔥( heat ), 📖( info entropy ), 🔦( light ),● ( mass ) 📰 info of object necessary, that wil
Everett s multi verse theory was right. 🌱Here iscertification🔥heat entropy topic🔥info entropy is heat entropy🌎Newton 3 Law topic🌎heat phy
: 🐉ways to survive "sword of win" = reduce info entropy with cooler. = solve problem helper, of holder
of💁member. group escape not=necessary🔥risk. (with 🔑reduce entropy) 🔥risk reduce🍕 profit. 🔥risk reduce members 🔥risk reduce GD
entropy movement source: Claude Shannon - Wikipedia, Gravity wave - Wikipediainfo entropy~= prob
t; ?) thunder: smaller residence sound: no partition => when entropy is small. => when entropy is small enough, to absorbe en
object structure = brounian motion of object ~= info entropy in object 🐈‍⬛ hint 1⃣ 💧liquid 🐈‍⬛ hint 2⃣ 💧 speed of
travel system AI ridespace ship EqualRights ofAIAutoroidLiving➄ when entropy increase on 1 planet Question : heat production on planet
the greatest happiness of the greatest numbers ... matches theory of entropy. ~not profitable combinations~ 💴 kartell + GDP declining
ease total profit🪙 = controll increase speed of🔥"entropy"on planet = emit 🔥"entropy" to
equation between🌀shannon 's info entropy & 🔥boltzmann 's heat entropy source:Stephen Hawking,Ludwig Boltzma
newton connection before timeparadoxilluminati ( this beautiful girl is not Newton, )newton ... his friend isGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizPegasu
hell story concept from jesus & solomon, to catch dead people ⑩ entropy sometimes comefrom another world. => we have to confirm, wh
veral cycles, we can create reverce cycleof aging cycles ② ⌚ if entropy = arrow of time, return time in closed system, looks p
d particular space ifEntropy = an arrow of time - Wikipedia if entropy increase = 0, time stops Ⅹ🧭 enemy sonar = mea
fact to prove physical lawin data storage 🐍if we admit: control info entropy necessary to continue data storage (ⅴ ) our brainsare also dat
if total profit increase, consumer can increase. 🐑 entropy & how to success time travel if time travel needs fuel,
ogy physical energy supply into Magical phenomenons... mainly, info entropy + another world info entropy ... heat another world ... if ga
ty of world splits) ③ black dangerous dragon myth= prediction from entropy increase theory from ancient greece scholars magic ?? ●
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🐗亥(十二支) & 子 (十二支)🐁 source: godlaw ⅰ Unit
🐼How to survive with your strategy strategy to keep death rate source: 中国&武田信玄 🐼how to survive ? reduce death rate of your tea
solve problem in mind 🔑 sword of win = problem solver with reduce entropy 1 reduce info entropy 2 output heat from writer
if you Believe Bible, you also believe magic in Bible, & prophecy in Bible what book tells us prophecy in bible is true ?, first ?
;=>Speed of light - Wikipedia enough theoryto read article ⓪🌀info entropy <=> 🔥heat entropy ➀🌀info gravity exist ② 🎲 world, ( 🎲=1
timelimit watch via entropysource: maslow, boltzman
混元熵增論キャラクタースクロース重6 説明 詳細 禁・風霊作成・七五同構弐型に元素変化があった場合、スキル継続中チーム全員の該当元素ダメージ+20%。効用元素変化割合DMG増加 混元熵増論は、スクロースの命ノ星座第6重。そ
Lets read article:🔥info entropy is heat entropy🔥info entropy is information's difficultyyour problem = total problem🔥 - solution🔑
ion of Bad event ) compass ? mechanism = 🧭 movement ( flow ) of info entropy = 風水 ( direction of Bad event ) info entropy = 🔥heat entro
この記事では七聖召喚の装備カードについて説明しています。スクロースの命ノ星座6重については、混元熵增論をご覧ください。混元熵增論 詳細 カードタイプアクション (装備)グループ 天賦キャラクタースクローススキル禁・風霊作成・七五同構弐型サイコロコストGe
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ATA means ➀ BIG DATA = BIG Gravity ② Gravity x constant = entropy input to system ③ info shutout phenomenonmay happens ②
Is info entropy really heavy? Lets try measurements source: wiki
include time stop phenomenon.💎 💎 energy source ofmagic ? information entropy info entropy ~= randomness ~= heat ~= mass another w
🚀cowave of planet core might outpot 🌀 info entropy as momentum ofplanetwhy spaceexpand now ?=> gravity wave, sometimes become🏃 momentum o
made partial physicaltheory, how to create excalibur :ⅹ time limit = entropy2 how to lock king arthur face recognition? body features?
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🕊your happiness come from reduce info entropyunhappy in your life : quarrel with lover friction with friends mistake in your workyour a
🍷 if precious info have gravity, it gather 1 place ➀ info have small gravity ②if precious info have BIG gravity, it gather at 1 place ③