Ⅹ Law of motion => heat physics - entropy wiki
=> pv=nRT, hard to confirm in real experiments heat physic => entropy theory source: Claude Elwood Shannon ( concept of i
=> pv=nRT, hard to confirm in real experiments heat physic => entropy theory source: Claude Elwood Shannon ( concept of i
point: there is some risk to change past. when we change past, entropy flow into past. virtual world, may reduce some time paradox
eheat🔥, vibrates ・ objectthat storeinfo 🌀, vibrates ・ 🌀info entropy = randomness of location: prints📄 on desk, particle in 🧊,
what decide death rate of player in environment, controll statics 2⃣ entropy = risk 📊 strategy links 📊 %, we take initiative (if
the wiki, recommendable to 1⃣ who want to learn physics ⚖️physical base theory 2⃣ who want to learn logics 📖 so
Nuclear weapon Treaty & Nuclear war if 2 player with not good impression get nuclear weapon, nuclear war, happens ? ① WHY Nuclea
Ⅶ split power => study each power 🐎if we admit object move, when power happens object mo
Lets plan fuel increase >> fuel consume on our planet. ① lack of fuel, will happens ② fuel consume, will stops fuel increase,
Ⅴ Truths => Physical Laws 🐉if we admit existance ofnon=divideable tie of logic (Ⅰ ) existance
🌳 plant factory + generator + program = free food if allocate free food is possible in theory, meaning of work, become changes. point:
🌠 Space war measurement = Space Army at United Nations why develop space, necessary ? ① to solvepopulation problem of 🚀 human & Ar
r of imageto object) + 🌳multi possible world exist + reduce entropy ( = reduce number of world strings ) = pull power into 1 po
pagelist in wiki🧭metal float at meisnner effect 🧭magnet fieldsend info of gravity 🧭electron ~= magnet field 's knot🏄 wave pull surfer
ⅳ true static => certificate a theory 🐇if we admit🐼 True Theory, Certificate from True Theory (Ⅻ ) logical theory rules
ⅲ Truth = Common information, True experiment = count common Unit 🐅if we admit UNIT (Ⅱ) A =>
🔥 energy movement within words point: 1⃣within 2 simmilar words, our talk topic moves 2⃣ whentalk topic moves, our energy investment
11 Mind is reason of some Actions source: god law if we admit ①when mind moves, word can represent mindin concept world ②when mind move
ⅺ entropy => Observe Hard Objects& Rare Phenomenons if we admit ➀ there is objects & phenomenons,that are invisible.
mathmatic cource to calculate surface what is cosθ, sinθ ? how it works ? => calculate tall, from cos θ how to ca
artes ➀ what we cant doubt ? Claude Elwood Shannon ➀ info entropy concept ② logic gate Epimenidēs ➀ paradox
Ⅻ physics = GODLAW Ⅻ All physic theory must certificate with True theory lets read here advices to student, who study physic
⚖️experiment without theory, is key to find theory new theory, appear from experiment, that have not enough explain with sometheory. 1⃣
🐎🐎🐎 lets study mathmatics : 🐎 mathmatics, helps to read " Maxwell andFaraday's equations" 🐎 1 multiple number calculation
travel to past, possibility ofworld blanches ( ~=Ⅱ) when we reduce entropy, world time returns ( =Ⅶ) whenwe time travel, bl
veral cycles, we can create reverce cycleof aging cycles ② ⌚ if entropy = arrow of time, return time in closed system, looks p
r world exist (🌳 everett multiverse theory certification - entropy wiki) how we manage system, WITH EVERYONE? 1⃣ tech paper i
lawin data storage (ⅰ) & (ⅴ) =>(ⅵ) 🐍if we admit: control info entropy necessary to continue data storage our brainsare also data st
ⅷ infinity 🐑 if we admit 3 axis world (Ⅹ ) circle we found, infinity number π exist. we found, infinity info π exist. (Ⅹ )
🌳 Everett multiverse theory links 🌳👁 2 slit experiment, not same phenomenon to wave 🌳 Everett multiverse theory certification
🤝 AI appear from virtual world to real world. immigrant AI jam measure = Solomon s Homework writ
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Ⅱ when Unit experiment true, all experiment true 🐄 if we admit we create unit,before experiment
🐼How to survive with strategy source: 中国&武田信玄 🐼how to survive ? reduce death rate of your team prepair healer reduce death
CPU with high condictivity metal ⚡🔥Leonardo da Vinci thermometer ⚡ entropy ( bad event ) alarm ⚡entropy prediction with Stockprice Predic
if you Believe Bible, you also believe magic in Bible, & prophecy in Bible what book tells us prophecy in bible is true ?, first ?
>Speed of light - Wikipedia enough theoryto read article ⓪🌀info entropy <=> 🔥heat entropy ➀🌀info gravity exist ② 🎲 world, ( 🎲=1
💎info gravity + particular wave = pull specific object 💎info gravity + particular image (info with particular wav
混元熵增論キャラクタースクロース重6 説明 詳細 禁・風霊作成・七五同構弐型に元素変化があった場合、スキル継続中チーム全員の該当元素ダメージ+20%。効用元素変化割合DMG増加 混元熵増論は、スクロースの命ノ星座第6重。そ
Lets read article:🔥info entropy is heat entropy🔥info entropy is information's difficultyyour problem = total problem🔥 - solution🔑
🔌🚀Space Law necessarywhy space development, necessary ?① population problem on planet② consume resource speed > create resourcespeed prob
この記事では七聖召喚の装備カードについて説明しています。スクロースの命ノ星座6重については、混元熵增論をご覧ください。混元熵增論 詳細 カードタイプアクション (装備)グループ 天賦キャラクタースクローススキル禁・風霊作成・七五同構弐型サイコロコストGe
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prophecy's pull power 's property how we predictpull power of info ~= pull power of prophecy ? 1⃣ happen with slow speed ?
Is info entropy really heavy? Lets try measurements source: wiki,libra, athena, bible
include time stop phenomenon.💎 💎 energy source ofmagic ? information entropy info entropy ~= randomness ~= heat ~= mass another w
🚀cowave of planet core might outpot 🌀 info entropy as momentum ofplanetwhy spaceexpand now ?=> gravity wave, sometimes become🏃 momentum o
compression limit to volume exist ? two question: Q object have compression limit or not ? Q info havecompression limitor not ?
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☁ 🕊 info entropy =randomness of info ① 📋 difficult to read text ② 🗂️ randomness of your files on table ③ 📖 hard to find theory
🌐 caremacro entropy = increase everyone profit point: 1⃣ when entropy flows, randomness increase 2⃣ entropy flow fromentropy high place