「applying」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Glossary - arkham horror lcg

horror that is being dealt are resolved between steps 1 and 2. After applying damage/horror, if an investigator has damage equal to or high

Warframe外装 - Warframe日本語 Wiki

sterday’s Update 24.7.0 included the change of Secondary Energy color applying to Warframe emissives - but it seems we got it backwards and

Zaw - Warframe日本語 Wiki

once the player returns to their Orbiter.On the first in-game day of applying a Lens to the new Plague Strikes, the Lens will not drop conv

Patch_3.1.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki

addition, Divine Plea will only penalize the original heal instead of applying the penalty a second time on the duplicated heal.Blessing of

設定 - マインクラフト 指輪物語MOD Wiki

。入力した数値以内で死亡した場合に、ベッドでリスポーンする。 # Threshold distance from spawn for applying Middle-earth respawning # when the player's spawn point is

Soma - Warframe日本語 Wiki

its clip in the Arsenal.Update 21.0 (06-29-2017)Fixed Soma skins not applying to the clip when previewed.Update 19.5 (12-22-2016)Reduced Ma

Penta - Warframe日本語 Wiki

's sounds.Update 11.6 (01-08-2014)Fixed Penta energy color not always applying to grenades.Hotfix 11.5.3 (12-21-2013)Fixed elemental damage

Sibear - Warframe日本語 Wiki

g a Skin.Hotfix 21.0.7 (07-13-2017)Fixed the Palatine Hammer Skin not applying correctly to the Sibear.Hotfix 19.11.5 (02-28-2017)Fixed a sc

v0.15.12.0 - Barotrauma日本語wiki

"targetlimb" argument to the giveaffliction command (allows applying the affliction to a specific limb).- Players who wander insid

Ash - Warframe日本語 Wiki

he sounds for the entire duration of the ability.Fixed Ash’s Shuriken applying numerous Slash Status Effects to every enemy (even ones not h

Charm - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ory[]Hotfix 25.3.3 (07-16-2019)Fixed Smeeta's instant reload buff not applying to battery weapons, it will now instantly recharge beam weapo

Principled Hair BSDF - Blender Cycles memo

574β4N + 0.245β5N)2where βN is the radial roughness of the hair after applying randomization (if specified).../../../_images/render_shader-n

Ash/更新履歴 - Warframe日本語 Wiki

he sounds for the entire duration of the ability.Fixed Ash’s Shuriken applying numerous Slash Status Effects to every enemy (even ones not h

Energy_Siphon - Warframe日本語 Wiki

Auras not stacking in missions.Hotfix 19.3.2 (12-14-2016)Fixed Auras applying twice when using a Focus ability.Hotfix 15.16.2 (03-11-2015)A

Acrid - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ing destroyed.Update 18.0 (12-03-2015)Fixed the Acrid's Toxin DoT not applying to Osprey enemies.Update 15.0 (10-24-2014)Acrid: Toxic Sequen

Condition_Overload - Warframe日本語 Wiki

ation. Revised Stances and the new Heavy Attack give reliable ways of applying Status to enemies, which greatly increases the reliability of

Furis - Warframe日本語 Wiki

to 8%.増加 マスタリーランク requirement from 0 to 2.Fixed Forest Camo Skin not applying properly to the Furis.Update 20.2 (04-12-2017)The Furis has r

Equinox_Clisthert_Helm - Warframe日本語 Wiki

t".更新履歴[]Hotfix 22.20.3 (05-18-2018)Fixed Equinox Clisthert ヘルメット not applying custom Energy color.Update 22.20 (05-17-2018)Introduced.Last

Gara - Warframe日本語 Wiki

hrown grenades, causing them to detonate harmlessly against Tenno and applying its explosion damage against nearby enemies.Cast Mass Vitrify

地脈異常 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

ient}}\times {\text{Damage Reduction by Resistance}}}The durations of applying aura on characters is determined by the elemental gauge, whic

Loot_Detector - Warframe日本語 Wiki

tinct for a total detection range of 102 meters. Can further stack by applying Animal Instinct to Venari while playing Khora for a total ran

Mecha_Empowered - Warframe日本語 Wiki

125%-65+150%-7参考[]追加ダメージは、マークされた敵に対してダメージが計算されるたびに適用される乗算ボーナスである。When applying a damaging status effect to the enemy (Invalid, Invalid, Inva

Kuva_Bramma - Warframe日本語 Wiki

atch History[]Hotfix 29.2.1 (10-02-2020)Fixed the Oscira Bow Skin not applying correctly to the Kuva Bramma.Update 28.3.0 (08-13-2020)Fixed

Karak - Warframe日本語 Wiki

x: The Silver Grove 1.1 (08-31-2016)Fixed the Conclave Karak Skin not applying to all parts of the weapon.Hotfix: The Silver Grove 5 (08-26-

最優先指令 - Memory Alpha wiki

a planet or star system. By the 24th century the Federation had begun applying the Prime Directive to warp-capable species, refusing to inte

Ogris - Warframe日本語 Wiki

tc).Hotfix 11.5.3 (12-21-2013)Fixed elemental damage upgrade mods not applying to the splash & embed damage from projectiles.Update 11.5 (12

View Layer - Blender Cycles memo

s, to composite them back together afterwards.Some example usages are applying compositing effects to characters separately, blurring the ba

callcucon - kontferocのうぃき

MYERS Tom the book of james a new perspective a linguistic commentary applying discourse analysis alphabetical and analytical catalogue with

Light Falloff Node - Blender Cycles memo

bright if many bounces are used.Inputs● StrengthLight strength before applying falloff modification.値 (0.0 - 1.0) を設定します。{"target":"next","c

トップページ - kontferocのうぃき

black ma options trading for beginners an easy guide to make money by applying powerful strategies to earn a life is better with a english s

Miter - Warframe日本語 Wiki

rs holster position.Hotfix 9.5.2 (08-12-2013)Fixed custom colours not applying to Miter saw ブレードs or boomerang.Update 9.5 (08-09-2013)実装。Las

Prisma_Skana - Warframe日本語 Wiki

tfix (02-15-2017)Fixed the TennoGen Infested Skana skin not applying properly to the Prisma Skana.Update 19.10 (02-09-2017)Kintsug

The Forgotten age - arkham horror lcg

test while attempting to evadean enemy with the alert keyword, after applying all results forthat skill test, that enemy performs an attack

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