「applies」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Patch_3.2.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki

e other items, they have all had their effect durations doubled. This applies to [Glyph of Deflection], [Gnomeregan Autoblocker], [Coren's L

tf-Overview - 覚書

Module: tfDefined in tensorflow/__init__.py.Bring in all of the public TensorFlow interface into this module.Modulesapp module: Generic entr

アルケイン - Warframe日本語 Wiki

toxic blood for 12s, dealing 40 Toxin Damage/s. Standing in the area applies the Toxin Damage to Theorem Arcanes.レジジュアル・マロドー - On Kitgun Ki

Patch_3.1.0 - World of Warcraft Wiki

aces[]Command (Orc Racial): Applies to shaman pets, and now correctly applies to death knight pets.Gift of the Naaru (Draenei Racial): The h

Splinter_Storm - Warframe日本語 Wiki

crowded hallways and chokepoints blocked by enemies.Damage resistance applies to Overshields, Shields and Health, making rapid regeneration

ダメージ/概要表 - Warframe日本語 Wiki

グリニアコーパス感染体コラプトテンノ全てダメージタイプC. 肉体フェライトアレイ機械効果物理ダメージImpact b.svg 衝撃–25%+25%スタガー[1][2] 貫通+50%+15%–ダメージSlash b.svg切断+25%–15%–50%出血[1]属性ダメージ 冷気+2

Gara - Warframe日本語 Wiki

crowded hallways and chokepoints blocked by enemies.Damage resistance applies to Overshields, Shields and Health, making rapid regeneration

ダメージ/テンノ - Warframe日本語 Wiki

テンノ[]ダメージタイプテンノ 肉体テンノ 装甲テンノ シールド効果物理ダメージImpact b.svg 衝撃–25%1)スタガー 貫通–25%–ダメージSlash b.svg切断–25%出血属性ダメージ 冷気–25%鈍足Electricity_b.svg 電気–25%Tesla

ダメージ - Warframe日本語 Wiki

目次1 ダメージ表示2 概要表3 ダメージタイプ4 物理ダメージ4.1 プライマリ属性ダメージ4.2 セカンダリ属性ダメージ4.3 特殊ダメージ5 更新履歴ダメージ(version 2.0)は、特定のアタッカーが特定のターゲットに与えるダメージを決定するシステムである。ダメージの

Glossary - arkham horror lcg

, limits are player specific. = A “group limit,” however, applies to the entire group of investigators. (For example, if an inve

Banshee_Reverb_ヘルメット - Warframe日本語 Wiki

Banshee Reverb ヘルメットトレード不可基本情報タイプ購入/作成実装のUpdateUpdate 9.0 (07-13-2013)入手先クレド提供品Reverb is an alternative ヘルメット Item for Banshee. 製作Credits64.

地脈異常 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

Storm will start the first Energy draining in 3 seconds when the aura applies on characters.For Engulfing Storm with the duration of 20 seco

Fallout_4_weapons - Fallout Wiki

iplier applied to your character's critical hit chance. This modifier applies to each individual attack you make (e.g. each 5mm bullet fired

Hue/Saturation Node - Blender Cycles memo

~≡ ReferenceAdd > Color > Hue/SaturationThe Hue Saturation Value Node applies a color transformation in the HSV color space.Inputs● HueSpeci

Vauban_Esprit_ヘルメット - Warframe日本語 Wiki

Vauban Esprit ヘルメットトレード不可基本情報タイプ購入/作成入手先クレド提供品Esprit is an alternative Category:ヘルメット for Vauban.製作Credits64.png20,000500AlloyPlate64.png350

Warframe外装 - Warframe日本語 Wiki

the Primary chosen.Update 24.7 (04-10-2019)Secondary Energy color now applies to Warframe emissives! You might have to get creative with you

ElementsBattle - mine倶楽部Wiki

ルウィンドRelease a volley of piercing wind突き刺すような風の一斉射撃Repels enemies and applies slowness敵を撃退し、鈍化を付与するSlowness鈍化Speed:1.8Range:2/2.5Mana Cost:2

Bullet_Research - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

弾丸タブ「一定時間、中和したエンケファリンを職員に投与すると、厳密に精製された中毒の危険無しにターゲットの精神を回復させます。」"Applies weakened Enkephalin to any employee for a limited time. The careful

最優先指令 - Memory Alpha wiki

ns, including James T. Kirk, have noted that the Prime Directive only applies to living growing civilizations and have overlooked the direct

Plague_Doctor_(Legacy) - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

くことができなくなりました。Its special ability is "Violet Coloured Baptism", which applies the buff trait 'Bless' to the first twelve employees that eith

エンジンファイル - rfactor Physics memo

ブーストの値×各数値BoostTorque=-0.00410 // 0.4% less torque per setting (applies to all RPMs)ブーストによるトルク増加量エンジンブーストの値×BoostTorqueこの場合-0.41

狼の痕跡 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

_01.ogg Paimon: Hair looks different at every place on the body, same applies to wolves. You don't know where it's from...http://genshin-imp

ichc_11203.sql - tigerのうぃき

REM REM This healthcheck script is for OGG v11.2.1 Extract use on Oracle11gR2 databases. ( REM REM This script should be run by SY

106.11b - CR_examplesのうぃき

A replacement effect that applies if a permanent "is tapped for mana" or tapped for mana of a specific type and/or amount modifies

Adaptation - Warframe日本語 Wiki

owever, is a visual placeholder for True Damage adaptation, and still applies as normal.Some enemy attacks will instantly max your resistanc

Commands - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

Cleanup.pngこの記事は翻訳が未完成ですこの記事は、一部またはすべて翻訳が完了していません。あなたが必要な箇所を翻訳すれば、Starbound日本語wikiを助けることができます。admin mode(管理者モード)では、 / に続いてワードを入力することでコマンドを実行

Paint_Mode - Starbound 非公式日本語Wiki

rbound日本語wikiを助けることができます。Paint Mode2-HandedPaint Mode.pngPrimary fire applies paint, secondary changes colour. Quick select with [Y] key.Ess

Locations - Among Us攻略Wiki

ontamination is the only location to not contain any tasks. This also applies to Security, Admin, and Lower Decontamination on Polus.On The

Spider_Monkey - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

r cannot befriend them and will attack Webber if approached. The same applies to Wilbur, despite also being monkey-like mobs.In the game fil

Wall - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

y place the walls separately and don't combine any of them. This also applies to stone walls, but only in multiples of six (6 stone is requi

新着情報_2017 - Habitica 日本語wiki

rty, don't worry--you won't be forced to eject anyone! This rule only applies going forward.This change will help prevent a lot of the bugs

新着情報_2018 - Habitica 日本語wiki

e Habitica mobile apps very soon.Please note that this promotion only applies when you gift to another Habitican. If you or your gift recipi