


admin mode(管理者モード)では、 / に続いてワードを入力することでコマンドを実行できます。管理者モードは /admin コマンドでON/OFFを切り替えできます。管理モードは管理コマンドとデバッグコマンドを使うのに必要ですが、基本のコマンドは管理モードでなくても使用できます。

マルチプレイヤーサーバーでは、プレイヤーが管理者特権を得るのをブロックするいくつかの設定があります。 こちらを参照.



/help詳細なドキュメントを取得するには /help commandName を使用します。コマンドのリストを表示します。後で有効なコマンドを入力すると、そのコマンドの動作が表示されます。/help OR /help spawnitem
/admin/admin と入力し、管理モードを有効または無効にします。これにより、すべてのレシピ作成が可能になり、ダメージやエネルギー損失が防止され、管理者専用のコマンドにアクセスできます。詳細はAdmin Commandを参照/admin
/reload/reload と入力し、ローカルおよびクライアントサイドのassetsをリロードします。彼らは再解析されるので、遅れが発生します。これは、ゲームを終了することなくassetsをリロードするので、MODをテストする場合に便利です。|/reload
/pvpUsage /pvpと入力し、Player vs. Playerモードを有効または無効にします。可能であれば、Player VS Playerモードを切り替えます/pvp


Command/help TextDescriptionExample
/warp/warpと入力し、ワープを行います。プレイヤーは惑星または指定座標に行けます。 有効なコマンドのフォーマットは次の通りです: OwnShip, OrbitedWorld, CelestialWorld:celestialcoordinates, InstanceWorld:worldid::, ClientShipWorld:playeruuid, Player:playeruuid, Nowhere (current world)。ほとんどのワープには =xcoordinate.ycoordinate によって位置を指定することができます。ユーザーを惑星上の場所またはミッションやOutpostのようなインスタンス化された場所に移動させます。<>内に含まれる引数はオプションです。/warp Nowhere=0.1100

or/warp OrbitedWorldor/warp InstanceWorld:Outpost

/timewarp/timewarp 時間 と入力し、宇宙時間を指定された秒数だけ早送りします。サーバーの時刻を指定された秒数で変更します。これにより、惑星やOutpost商人の昼夜のサイクルがそれに応じて更新されます。正と負の両方の値が受け入れられます。/timewarp 30
/settileprotection/settileprotection dungeonId と入力し、指定されたdungeonIdを持つブロックの保護をtrue(破損しない)またはfalse(破損可能)に設定します。dungeonIdで指定されたインスタンス化された領域のisProtectedプロパティを指定された値に設定します。IsProtectedはブール値のプロパティであるため、trueまたはfalseのいずれかになります。あなたは/ debugモードでダンジョンIDを見ることができます。/settileprotection floranmission1 false
/setspawnpoint/setspawnpoint と入力し、現在の世界のデフォルトのスポーンポイントをキャラクターの位置に設定します。デフォルトのスポーンポイントは、特定の世界にビームを当てる人が現れる場所です。/setspawnpoint
/spawnitem/spawnitem itemName [count] [parameters] と入力し、指定した項目をマウスカーソルで生成します。アイテムが存在しない場合は、perfectly generic itemが生成されます。Countは整数で、デフォルトは1です。パラメータは、一重引用符で囲まれたJSONオブジェクトとして指定する必要があります。大括弧内の引数は通常オプションです。ただし、パラメータを入力する場合は、コマンドが正常に動作するように数を入力する必要があります。
  • アイテムのスポーンネームを見つけるには、ここまたはwikiページの一番下に表示するか、assetsを展開します。
  • itemName-codexのコーデックスタイプを生成するには、例えば、esthersjournal(itemName)は/ spawnitem esthersjournal-codexになります。
  • 以下のカラーインデックスまたはJSONパラメータを使用する場合は、カウントが必要です。それらを使用しないときは、カウントを残して1つのアイテムを取得することができます。

アイテムは、次のようなカラーインデックスを使用して異なる色で生成することができます: /spawnitem florantier6mhead 1 '{"colorIndex":4}'

1. Black2. Grey3. White4. Red5. Orange
6. Yellow7. Green8. Blue9. Purple10. Pink11. Brown


/spawnitem bonusarmorchest 1 '{"directives":"?replace;6f2919=151515;a85636=383838;e0975c=555555;ffca8a=838383"}'

/spawnitem money 5
/spawntreasure/spawntreasure poolName [level]と入力し、マウスカーソルで指定した宝の生成リストから1回ランダムにすべてのアイテムを生成します。レベルのデフォルトは1です。あなたが何もドロップする機会のない宝のプールを使用している場合は、アイテムを表示する前にコマンドを複数回使用する必要があります。level引数はTierに対応し、commonGunやuniqueWeaponなどの一般的な宝リストでは大部分が重要です。/spawntreasure uniqueWeapon 6
/spawnmonster/spawnmonster type [level] [parameters]と入力し、指定したタイプのモンスターをマウスカーソルで発動する。Levelのデフォルトは1です。パラメータは、一重引用符で囲まれたJSONオブジェクトとして指定する必要があります。指定したモンスタータイプをマウスカーソルで生成します。完全な詳細については以下を参照してください: Spawn Monster Command/spawnmonster largequadruped
/spawnnpcUsage /spawnnpc species type [level] [seed] [overrides]. Spawn an NPC of the specified species and type at the mouse cursor. Level defaults to 1. Overrides should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.Spawns an NPC of the specified species and type at the mouse cursor. For full details see: Spawn NPC Command/spawnnpc novakid merchant
/spawnvehicleUsage /spawnvehicle type [parameters]. Spawn a vehicle of the specified type at the mouse cursor. Parameters should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.Same as /help Text. Hoverbikes and boats spawned this way are not connected to controllers, so they cannot be desummoned or repaired normally./spawnvehicle hoverbikered
/spawnstagehandUsage /spawnstagehand type [parameters]. Spawn a Stagehand of the specified type. Parameters should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes.Spawns a stagehand, a helper object which is mainly used for Quests and within instanced areas such as Missions. Valid stagehand types include coordinator, mailbox, messenger, objecttracker, questlocation, questmanager, radiomessage, waypoint, bossmusic, cultistbeamposition, cultistflyingslashposition, cultistidelslashposition, cultistlowerdashposition, cultistsphereposition, cultistupperdashposition, bossdooropener, bossplanner, npccombat, apexmissionbattleeffect, apexmissioncallscriptsensor, glitchmissionmanager, glitchmissionspawnpoint, and protectoratemanager/spawnstagehand bossmusic
/clearstagehandUsage /clearstagehand. Despawns any stagehands with positions close to the current cursor position.Despawns any stagehands with broadcast areas containing or positions close to the current cursor position./clearstagehand
/spawnliquidUsage /spawnliquid liquidName [quantity]. Spawn a quantity of the specified liquid at the mouse cursor. Quantity defaults to 1.Same as /help Text. If you want to spawn liquid as an item that you loot, use /spawnitem instead. For full details see: Spawn Liquid Command/spawnliquid corelava 20
/kickUsage /kick playerSpecifier [reason]. Kick the specified player and send the reason to the player. If no reason is specified then the player's server nickname is used as the reason.",Same as /help Text. For all admin commands with a playerSpecifier field, client ID, server nickname or player UUID can be used to specify the targeted player./kick Player Swearing
/banUsage /ban playerSpecifier [reason] [kind] [timeInSeconds]. Kick and ban the specified player and send the reason to the player. If no reason is specified then the player's server nickname is used as the reason. Kind is specified as "uuid" or "ip" or "both" and defaults to "both". timeInSeconds defaults to forever. Bans that have a specified duration are not persistent. If you shut down the server or reload configuration, all of your temporarily banned users will be unbanned immediately.",Same as /help Text. For all admin commands with a playerSpecifier field, client ID, server nickname or player UUID can be used to specify the targeted player. A UUID ban only prevents a particular character from joining, regardless of IP address, while an IP ban prevents all users at a particular IP address from joining, regardless of their chosen character./ban Player Griefing both
/listUsage /list. List all clients logged into the server. Format is $clientId : serverNickname : $$playerUuid. If the serverNickname contains unprintable characters the unicode escape sequence for those characters will be displayed instead.Same as /help Text. This command is useful for helping you use commands requiring a playerSpecifier field./list
/whereisUsage /whereis playerSpecifier. Display the celestial coordinate of the specified player's current location.Same as /help Text. For all admin commands with a playerSpecifier field, client ID, server nickname or player UUID can be used to specify the targeted player./whereis Player
/serverreloadUsage /serverreload. Reloads the remote, server side assets. Will cause lag as they are reparsed.Same as /help Text./serverreload
/enablespawningUsage /enablespawning. Enable automatic monster spawning on the current world.Same as /help Text. If the current world is unloaded, spawning will reset to its default setting when it is reloaded./enablespawning
/disablespawningUsage /disablespawning. Disable automatic monster spawning on the current world.Same as /help Text. If the current world is unloaded, spawning will reset to its default setting when it is reloaded./disablespawning
/placedungeonUsage /placedungeon dungeonname [position]. Place the given dungeon into the world anchored at the specified position or the player's cursor position. Positions should be specified as x,y. Ignores anchoring rules.Same as /help Text. Though the command doesn't specify it, a JSON parameter enclosed in single quotes can be added to modify the properties of the dungeon to be placed./placedungeon evilfortress
/setuniverseflagUsage /setuniverseflag flagName. Sets the current universe flag, triggering any associated world changes.Universe Flags allow the game to know what progressive state the Universe is in (which missions have been completed). This command can be used administratively to mark missions as completed. Acceptable arguments: outpost_mission*, outpost_beakeasy (outpost_mission could be any of 1-6, they seem to need to be done in order though meaning you can't just run a single /setuniverseflag outpost_mission6 without having done the rest of them first), outpost_techscientist# (# is either 1 or 2), outpost_ursaminer, final_gate_key, vaultsopen/setuniverseflag outpost_mission1
/resetuniverseflagsUsage /resetuniverseflags. Clears all universe flags, but doesn't directly revert any effects triggered by those flags.Deletes all universe flags associated with a given universe. Useful for resetting the Outpost to its initial state, though the changes won't take effect until the first time that the Outpost is loaded after using this command./resetuniverseflags

Debugging Commands[]

Command/help TextDescription
/debugUsage /debug. Enable debugging mode.Toggle debugging mode. This enables or disables all of the commands below.
/gravityUsage /gravity. Display the gravity at the player's position.Same as /help Text.
/boxesUsage /boxes. Toggle the display of collision debugging polygons if debug mode is enabled.Same as /help Text.
/clearboxesUsage /clearboxes. Toggle whether or not to clear boxes displayed with /boxes every frame. Useful for determining routes that enemies take, can get messy looking though.Same as /help Text.
/togglelayerUsage /togglelayer. Toggle the visibility of the specified layer. A layer is a number between 1 and 21. They are in order: Sky, Parallax, Background, Platforms, Plant, PlantDrop, Object, CursorHintedObject, ParticlesBottom, Effect, Projectile, NPC, Player, ItemDrop, Water, ParticlesMiddle, Foreground, ParticlesTop, Nametag, InfoBars.Same as /help Text.
/fullbrightUsage /fullbright. Disable the lighting engine and show everything.When enabled, everything displays as if it were fully lit.
/fixedcameraUsage /fixedcamera. Toggle locking the camera's position; camera will not scroll. Sectors may not load or behave correctly when the camera is distant from the player's position.Same as /help Text.
/setgravityUsage /setgravity level. Sets your local gravity to the level specified. Negative values will make you fall up but you can't jump from your head. This change is local only, and looks pretty heinous on a server, because it screws very heavily with delta prediction.Same as /help Text.
/resetgravityUsage /resetgravity. Undoes /setgravity. Begin using server gravity again.Same as /help Text.
/evalUsage /eval . Evaluates given lua in script processor context. Only usable locally.Same as /help Text.
/entityevalUsage /entityeval . Evaluates given lua in the context of the closest scripted entity to the cursor. Only usable locally.Same as /help Text.
/radiomessageUsage /radiomessage messageId. Triggers the player to receive the radio message with the specified id.Same as /help Text. Radio messages are the messages you get from SAIL and other NPCs while out and about.
/clearradiomessagesUsage /clearradiomessages. Resets all history of received unique radio messages, allowing the player to see these messages again.",Same as /help Text.
/clearcinematicsUsage /clearcinematics. Resets all history of played unique cinematics, allowing the player to see these cinematics again.Same as /help Text.
/cinemaUsage /cinema cinematicPath. Plays the specified cinematic for testing.Same as /help Text.
/startquestUsage /startquest questArcDescriptor. Give the player a quest with the specified quest arc descriptor, which should be a JSON string or object enclosed by single quotes. To start a quest by quest template ID, enclose the template ID in single and double quotes, e.g. /startquest '"protectorate"'Same as /help Text.
/completequestUsage /completequest questId. Force completion of a currently active quest with the given quest ID (usually the quest template ID).Same as /help Text.
/failquestUsage /failquest questId. Force failure of a currently active quest with the given quest ID (usually the quest template ID).Same as /help Text.
/previewnewquestUsage /previewnewquest questTemplateId positionInSequence questGiverSpecies. Displays the New Quest interface for the given quest without altering the player's quest state. Valid positionInSequence options are: first, last, next, solo. May break if the quest doesn't have example data configured.Same as /help Text.
/previewquestcompleteUsage /previewquestcomplete questTemplateId positionInSequence questGiverSpecies. Displays the Quest Complete interface for the given quest without altering the player's quest state. Valid positionInSequence options are: first, last, next, solo. May break if the quest doesn't have example data configured.Same as /help Text.
/previewquestfailedUsage /previewquestfailed questTemplateId positionInSequence questGiverSpecies. Displays the Quest Failed interface for the given quest without altering the player's quest state. Valid positionInSequence options are: first, last, next, solo. May break if the quest doesn't have example data configured.Same as /help Text.
/clearscannedobjectsUsage /clearscannedobjects. Resets the player's record of previously scanned objects. Will not reset quest progress for object scanning quests.Same as /help Text.
/statisticUsage /statistic statName. Displays the value of the specified achievement statistic.Same as /help Text.
/resetachievementsUsage /resetachievements. Resets all of the player's achievement statistics.Same as /help Text.
/enabletechUsage /enabletech techName. Unlocks the specified tech for use.Same as /help Text.
/maketechavailableUsage /maketechavailable techName. Makes the specified tech visible and available for purchase.Same as /help Text.
/giveessentialitemUsage /giveessentialitem item slotName. Sets the specified essential slot to the specified item, overwriting the existing contents. Valid slot names are: beamaxe, wiretool, painttool, inspectiontool.Same as /help Text.
/upgradeshipUsage /upgradeship shipUpgrades. Applies the specified ship upgrades to the current player's ship. shipUpgrades should be specified as a JSON object enclosed by single quotes, e.g. '{"shipLevel" : 5}'Same as /help Text. All numbers from 1 to 8 are valid ship levels. Level is 1 is when SAIL has not yet been rebooted, level 2 is when the FTL drive is not yet repaired, and level 3 is the initial state after the FTL drive has been repaired. Levels 4 through 8 correspond to the various upgrade levels of the ship which normally require Upgrade Modules to attain.

Removed Commands[]

/coordinateDisplays the current coordinate of the world you are on or orbiting.
/itemidDisplays item information in chat and the log. For full details see: Item ID Command
/showhungerUsage /showhunger. Displays your hunger bar for several seconds.
/spawngunUsage /spawngun level [kind]. Spawn a randomized gun with the given level. For full details see: Spawn Gun Command. (Removed in Nightly Glad Giraffe, can sometimes use /spawnitem now)
/spawnshieldUsage /spawnshield level [kind]. Spawn a randomized shield with the given level. If kind is specified then the shield is limited to that kind (for instance, riotshield). If you want to spawn a non-randomly generated shield use /spawnitem instead.
/spawnswordUsage /spawnsword level [kind]. Spawn a randomized sword with the given level. For full details see: Spawn Sword Command. (Removed in Nightly Glad Giraffe, can sometimes use /spawnitem now)


When you use the /timewarp command the words "It's just a jump to the left..." appear in chat. This is a reference to the time warp sequence on Rocky Horror Picture Show. When you use the /timewarp command and insert a negative value to timewarp to the words "Great Scott! We can't go back in time!" appear in chat. This is a reference to the Back to the Future film series.

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