



プレイヤーが使う武器は、一定の範囲でランダムな性能と外観で生成される、生成武器と、 性能と外観が固定された、ユニークウェポンがあります。







武器の攻撃力はTierに基づいています。Tierは、その武器を見つけた惑星難易度(Tier)と同じになります。具体的には、 武器の基礎DPS×(Tier+1)÷2 であり、つまり1以上の全てのTierはTier1をベースとして50%ずつダメージが増加します。防具補正(プレイヤーの場合) またはTier補正 (NPCの場合)は他のダメージボーナスとともに、この計算値に適用されます。これはダメージ軽減のない相手に対して武器が与えることのできるダメージ量となります。



ユニークウェポンは能力が固定されているため、3段階のTierの括りで割り振られます。 低tierのユニークウェポンはLowまたはModerateの脅威度の惑星、中tierのユニークウェポンはRiskyまたはDangerousの脅威度の惑星、高tierのユニークウェポンはExtremeまたはInconceivableの脅威度の惑星で出現します。


武器のRarity(レアリティ)は、その武器の特徴がどれほど珍しいか、そしてどの程度の発見確率か、 のおおまかな指標になります。

  • Common のレアリティの武器は物理ダメージを与えます。Commonの両手武器は、高レアの武器には付かないさまざまなアビリティが付与されます。
  • Uncommon のレアリティの武器は属性ダメージを与えます。同じTierのCommonの武器よりわずかに高い攻撃力を持ちます。Uncommonの両手武器は、Commonとは異なるさまざまなアビリティを持ち、またアビリティが命中すると、その武器に付与された属性に対応するステータス効果を対象に与えます。
  • Rare の武器は性能とアビリティについてはUncommonとまったく同じです。スペシャルアビリティに加えて、通常の攻撃でも属性のステータス効果を付与できるという利点があります。
  • Legendary はユニークウェポン限定のレアリティです。Legendaryの武器の多くは、他の武器にはない特有の性能やアビリティを持ちます。また、エンドコンテンツではありますが、Weapon Upgrade Anvilを使用して性能をアップグレードすることもできます。





また、属性ダメージはステータス効果も与えます。これは、追加のダメージ(Burning, Poisoned, Electrified) または敵の動きを阻害 (Frost)します。各武器の属性タイプは、ゲーム内のツールチップに対応するアイコンで表示されます。ステータス効果の付与についてはUncommonとRareで条件が異なります。(レアリティを参照)

  • Fire (Attack).png Fire (Burning付与)
  • Poison (Poisoned付与)
  • Frost_%28Attack%29.png Frost (Frost付与)
  • Electric (Electrified付与)


その名の通り近接戦闘で使用するものです。 そのため、自ら目標に近づかなければなりません。片手武器、両手武器があり、使用可能範囲、方向は各々異なります。また、属性ダメージを与える効果を持つものもあります。

ゲームを進めていくと出てくる Separator's Table (Crafting Stations の一つ)では近接戦闘に特化したキャラクターのための armorを作成できます。 そのアーマーは他のアーマータイプよりも多く総healthに追加ボーナスが与えられるので戦闘ではより長く生き残れるでしょう。

One Handed(片手武器)[]

片手武器には daggers(ダガー)、 shortswords(ショートソード)、 fist weapons(拳武器) 、axes(斧)があります。片手武器は通常二つ同時に用いられるため他の派生的な攻撃は出来ない。しかし、異なるタイプや効果を持つ武器を組み合わせることでプレイヤーの戦闘の幅が広がります。特に両手に二つの片手近接武器を持って戦うことで多くの両手近接武器よりも高いダメージを与えることができるでしょう。



ダガーはどっと繰り出される攻撃が特徴で、ボタンを押すたびに同じ攻撃を繰り返します。 攻撃速度が非常に速い代償として、ダメージと攻撃可能範囲が低くなっています。 しかし、この攻撃には方向性があり、縦方向の戦闘では役に立つでしょう。加えて、この方向性を持つ攻撃は 敵にstatus effectsを付与させるのに極めて役立つでしょう。

-Novakid 以外のキャラクターは Tier3で生成されるダガーを最適化したUnique WeaponであるTitanium Daggerをクラフトすることが出来ます。


ショートソードはダガーと比べてリーチが長くダメージも高いが機能も異なります。 切れ目なく同じ攻撃を繰り返す代わりに二回攻撃が可能となっていて二回目の攻撃はリーチが少し長くなっています。二回攻撃後には少しの間クールタイムが存在し、この間武器が白く点滅します。 Broadswordと比べるとショートソードはリーチもダメージ量もかなり劣っているし、Specialもない。しかしながら攻撃速度はより速く、片手をツール、遠距離武器などのために空けておくことができ、また二刀流にして2倍の攻撃速度にすることで多くの両手近接武器よりも高い理論ダメージを出すことが可能です。

Novakid以外のキャラクターはTier1と4で生成された ショートソードをそれぞれ最適化したUnique WeaponであるIron Shortsword と Durasteel Shortswordをクラフトすることができます。

加えて、すべてのキャラクターは Separator's TableでViolium Shortswordをクラフトできます。 このエネルギーソードは使用中には手に持っていますが、一定時間攻撃を行わない場合しまわれます。


斧はダガーやショートソードとは全く異なる働きをし片手ハンマーのように扱います。攻撃ボタンを押すと斧を振り上げて「ため」をつくります。十分にためをつくらないと攻撃は繰り出されません。(ため完了は目立つジャンプ動作で表れます。)しかしながら、斧はあらゆる片手武器の中で最も高いダメージを与えられる可能性があります。 このため、斧を使うときは敵に一発当てたら下がってためる、を繰り返すことが一番効果的です。


Novakid 以外のキャラクターはTier2の斧を最適化したUnique Weaponである Tungsten Axeをクラフトすることができる。




拳武器は Unique Weaponである。いつも同じステータス、見た目、スペシャルアタックとなるように生成される。

Boxing Glove
Supernova Gauntlet
Vine Fist

Two Handed(両手武器)[]

両手近接武器にはbroadswords, hammers , spearsがある。両手持ち武器は二つ持ちができないため、それを補うために様々な派生攻撃を繰り出せる。派生攻撃は武器のタイプとレア度によって変化する。Commonの武器にはそれぞれ特有のスペシャルアビリティがあり、UncommonとRareのものにはそれぞれ特有のスペシャルアビリティがある。(Commonと重複する可能性あり)主な攻撃にはEnergyは消費しないが、スペシャルアタックの時には消費するため、戦闘中に何度も連続して繰り出すことはできない。


Broadswords are the two handed sword class. They are slower and more powerful than one-handed shortswords. They cannot be aimed directionally, outside swinging in whatever direction the player is facing.

Because broadswords cannot be equipped with a shield, some common broadswords have the ability to parry attacks. This is similar to blocking with a large shield, but the duration is limited, and one must go through a cooldown period before one can parry again.

Non-Novakid characters can craft the Iron Broadsword and the Durasteel Broadsword, Unique Weapons which are essentially optimized versions of Tier 1 and 4 generated broadswords, respectively.

In addition, all characters can craft the Violium Broadsword at a Separator's Table. This weapon's alt ability, the Flip Slash, send the character into a spinning leap, slashing foes as they fly by.


Hammers are a swiping two handed weapon class. They cannot be aimed directionally, and swing in whatever direction the player is facing.

Hammers (similarly to Axes) are unique because they require a 'wind up' before they'll attack. To swing a hammer the attack button must be held down until the hammer is fully raised - otherwise it will not swing. After winding up players can continue to hold the attack button to keep the hammer ready to attack, releasing only when they're ready to swing. The Hammer's long wind up time makes them slower to attack than other melee weapons, but they deal the most damage on each hit.

Unique among generated melee weapons, hammers increase in both damage output per time and knockback power when going from common to uncommon.

Non-Novakid characters can craft the Tungsten Hammer, a Unique Weapon which is essentially an optimized version of a Tier 2 generated hammer.


Spears are a jabbing two handed weapon class. They can be aimed directionally, allowing players to attack in the direction of the cursor.

Spears are unique because they can remain held outward to deal damage continually by holding down primary attack. While held outward players will injure any enemies the spear makes contact with, allowing players to charge in while dealing damage. Like all weapon classes, there are a variety of special spears found throughout the universe with unique effects, attacks, projectiles and appearances.

Non-Novakid characters can craft the Titanium Spear, a Unique Weapon which is essentially an optimized version of a Tier 3 generated spear.


Ranged weapons are those used to deal damage from a distance in combat. Most require that the player be within line of sight of their target to deal damage. Although there's no ammo for ranged weapons, they do consume energy when used, and running out of energy will prevent these weapons from functioning until energy is fully replenished.

In the later game the Accelerator's Table is designed to craft armor for ranged combat focused characters. The armor it provides gives extra bonuses to total energy over other armor types. The Manipulator's Table is designed for staff combat gear, but can be used for improved burst damage at the cost of total weapon uptime because the weapon will run out of energy much faster.


Firearms, also commonly called guns, are the most common ranged weapon type which is procedurally generated. When equipped, the player's cursor changes to a crosshair, determining where the firearm will fire. Firearms use energy as their ammo which replenishes itself when not being used. All firearms are directionally aimed and will fire in a straight line toward the cursor.

Pistols and machine pistols appear as Treasure on all planets. All other classes of firearms only appear as treasure on tier 2+ worlds.

One Handed(片手武器)[]


Grenade Launchers are one handed weapons which launch small explosive grenades. These grenades will explode dealing damage after a few seconds. Uncommon and rare launchers have elemental damage types which are applied to their grenade explosion - however, only rare grenade launchers also deal corresponding status effects.

The projectiles Grenade Launchers fire are randomly generated along with their other characteristics - you can find grenade launchers which fire bouncing grenades, impact grenades, sticky grenades or even proximity mines.

Though several other classes of guns can be crafted, Grenade Launchers cannot be crafted, only generated as Treasure.


Machine pistols are the automatic one handed gun class. They fire a fast stream of bullets, which deal elemental damage for uncommon and rare rarity guns (rare machine pistols also inflict status effects with their shots). They generally deal less burst damage compared to assault rifles, but because they can be dual wielded afford some versatility. Machine pistols have consistent and constant firing patterns allowing for reliable damage over time.

Dual-wielding machine pistols allows for a higher damage output than many two-handed ranged weapons; however, the energy required to operate two machine pistols at once makes this damage output short-lived.

Novakid characters can craft the Titanium Machine Pistol, a Unique Weapon which is essentially an optimized version of a Tier 3 generated machine pistol.


Pistols are the manual one handed gun class. They deal more damage per hit and consume less energy per time than their automatic counterparts at the cost of reduced fire rate and damage output per time; the damage and fire rate stats are effectively inverted from machine pistols except that high tier pistols can deal double-digit damage (10+) per round.

Novakid characters can craft the Iron Revolver, the Tungsten Magnum, and the Durasteel Revolver, Unique Weapons which are essentially optimized versions of Tier 1, 2 and 4 generated pistols, respectively. Both revolvers have balanced stats, but the magnum has high damage per shot at the expense of a relatively low fire rate.

In addition, all characters can craft the Aegisalt Pistol at an Accelerator's Table. This unconventional weapon, rather than shooting discrete bullets, instead fires a continuous beam.

Two Handed(両手武器)[]


Assault rifles are the two handed automatic gun class. They are designed for burst damage at distance and have a variety of special attacks designed to cover for their inability to fire at point blank range. They generally consume more energy and deal more damage than their one-handed counterpart machine pistols (though they are more energy efficient than two machine pistols used simultaneously), but come in automatic and burst fire varieties. Automatic assault rifles operate similarly to machine pistols while burst-fire assault rifles instead fire their bullets in bursts of 2 to 4 at a time.

Novakid characters can craft the Iron Assault Rifle and the Durasteel Assault Rifle, Unique Weapons which are essentially optimized versions of Tier 1 and 4 generated assault rifles, respectively. The Iron Assault Rifle also has the distinction of being the only tier 1 assault rifle in the game (pistols and machine pistols are the only generated firearms which appear as Treasure on tier 1 worlds).


Rocket launchers are a two handed weapon class that fires explosive rockets toward the target. Their primary attack is to fire a rocket directly at the target. Uncommon and rare rocket launchers always have Guided Rocket as their special attack - this ability fires a rocket which flies towards your cursor, allowing you to guide it behind terrain to hit targets. Common rocket launchers can also have Guided Rocket, though they may instead possess Rocket Burst (a burst of five miniature rockets) or Homing Rocket (instead of you guiding the rocket, the rocket locks on to nearby enemies and guides itself).

Despite what logic might suggest, your own rockets cannot damage you.

Though several other classes of guns can be crafted, Rocket Launchers cannot be crafted, only generated as Treasure.


Shotguns are a two handed gun class which fires scattered cones of small bullets, dealing damage in a wide area. The closer the target is to the player when the shotgun is fired, the more bullets will strike them and the more damage they'll take. Shotguns are useful for dealing a small amount of damage in a spread or high damage at close range. Their special attacks generally are meant to be used during the downtime between shots from the primary attack.

Novakid characters can craft the Tungsten Shotgun, a Unique Weapon which is essentially an optimized version of a Tier 2 generated shotgun.


Sniper rifles are the non-automatic two handed gun class, trading fire rate and damage output per time for greatly increased shot damage and lower energy costs per time. They're able to deal high damage from a great distance. They also possess special attacks which help them destroy crowds of enemies.

Novakid characters can craft the Titanium Sniper Rifle, a Unique Weapon which is essentially an optimized version of a Tier 3 generated sniper rifle.


Staves (Staffs) and Wands are weapon types that are specialized to be used with armor crafted at a Manipulator's Table. They are designed to attack occasionally but deal devastating damage with each shot, making full use of the damage bonus of Ferozium armor.

Most are not crafted, but can be found as procedurally generated weapons throughout the game which deal elemental damage and inflict elemental Status Effects. All characters can, however, craft the Ferozium Wand and Ferozium Staff at a Manipulator's Table. Unlike generated magic weapons, these Unique Weapons possess primary abilities which deal plasma damage rather than elemental damage, and the Ferozium Staff's alt ability creates an obstruction which can be used to trap enemies in place.

Staff are two handed, and have a variety of 'Area of Effect' secondary abilities available which provide a support bonus or debuff to friends and foes that stand in the created "zone". Wands are one handed and have no secondary abilities, but their one-handedness allows them to be combined with a second one-handed item, such as a Shield, a Grappling Hook, or another one-handed weapon.

Both staves and wands are ranged weapons which drain a large portion of your energy pool in order to execute their abilities. Each staff or wand has a unique effect when used, much like a "spell" being cast.

For all staff and wand weapons, the mouse cursor changes to a red crosshair when equipped. After holding down the mouse button to charge the weapon the cursor will turn green provided it is within line of sight of the Player. When the cursor is green the mouse button can be released to detonate the staff attack/ability.

Staves and wands only generate as Treasure on Tier 3+ worlds, though they appear more frequently on tier 5+ worlds.


Bows generally fire arcing projectiles and are the only hunting weapons with infinite ammunition. The bow type determines the damage output of arrows fired from it. Bows are Unique Weapons, so their appearance and stats are the same regardless of where or how they are obtained.

All bows have the Bow Shot ability, assigned to the left-hand button while a bow is equipped. Holding down the left-hand button causes the player to pull the bowstring back with an arrow nocked. For the first 0.9 seconds of draw time, arrow base power scales up to a maximum of 100% of base max damage, and 30 energy is drained from the player's energy pool. Starting at 0.9 seconds of draw time and ending at 1.1 seconds, the bow will usually turn white to indicate that the shot is fully charged. For maximum damage output, the arrow should be released within this interval - keeping the bow drawn for too long will reduce arrow base power to 80% of base max damage, indicated by the bow returning to its normal color.

All bows except for the Light Bow and the Aegisalt Bow also possess the Zen Shot ability, assigned to the right-hand button while equipped. Holding down the right-hand button causes the player to enter a zen state before drawing their bow and aiming high. Arrow base power scales to 100% of base max damage over the first 0.9 seconds of draw time while 60 energy is drained from the player's energy pool. When the arrow is released, it flies in a high arc and splits into three arrows after 1 second of flight. At the split point, the outer two arrows' flight directions deviate from the original arrow's flight direction by 10 degrees, and only the center arrow will actually pass through the position of the cursor at the time of release (the outer arrows, however, will usually be fairly close).

Killing a procedurally generated monster with a bow or thrown hunting weapon greatly increases the chance of obtaining food. Bipedal monsters will drop either Raw Steak or Leather, quadrupedal monsters will drop either Raw Steak, Raw Ribs or Leather, and flying monsters will drop Raw Poultry. Swimming monsters, both large and small, have the same item drop chances regardless of whether a hunting weapon dealt the killing blow.

Killing a Unique Monster with a bow or thrown hunting weapon usually improves the chance of obtaining meat and unique drops. However, unique monsters that do not drop meat will continue to not drop meat, resulting in a still-considerable chance of getting nothing from killing certain unique monsters with hunting weapons.

Compound Bow
Tungsten_Hunting_Bow_Icon.png Tungsten Hunting Bow
Poison Bow
Aegisalt Bow

Avian and GlitchNPCs, rather than using guns to attack from range, generally use one of three NPC-exclusive bows. The NPC Bow and the NPC Tungsten Bow, similar in appearance to the Hunting Bow and the Tungsten Hunting Bow, respectively, deal physical damage; the NPC Fire Bow, which also looks like the Hunting Bow, instead deals fire damage with its flaming arrows. All three NPC bows have the same base damage characteristics as the Hunting Bow; however, since NPCs cannot use alt abilities, these weapons have Bow Shot as their sole ability.


Whips are a set of Unique Weapons with a limited range. When a location on screen is clicked, the whip will hit that location a short time later if it is within range - otherwise, it will extend as far as it can toward the location. Like other melee weapons, aiming occurs relative to the player, so both player and target movements can affect whether a whip attack hits its target.

Vine Whip
Lucaine's Energy Whip


Thrown weapons are those which are thrown at enemies for a variety of attacks and effects. These weapons do not consume energy, making them ideal as backup weapons. They are aimed like other ranged weapons.


Boomerang type throwing weapons are not consumed on use and return to the player after being thrown. The behavior and damage of each of these weapons is unique.

Boomerangs and Chakrams deflect off walls, and in many cases their thrown behavior is different if they strike a surface. Chakram-type thrown weapons tend to return immediately to the player after hitting any surface, but boomerang-type thrown weapons do not exhibit this behavior - instead, they merely bounce off of the surface and continue along a new trajectory.

Frozen_Boomerang_Icon.png Frozen Boomerang
Giant Worm
Molten_Boomerang_Icon.png Molten Boomerang
Neo Chakram

Consumable thrown weapons are consumed when thrown, meaning the player has a finite supply and can run out. There are two main lines of consumable throwing weapons:

-The thrown hunting weapons, which include the Hunting Spear, the Iron Hunting Spear, the Javelin and the Energy Javelin, have high damage but slow throwing rates. Like bows, these items, when they deal the killing blow, cause monsters to drop meat and unique drops more often.

-The throwing weapons, which include Throwing Darts, Throwing Daggers, Throwing Axes, Throwing Knifes, Throwing Kunai and Throwing Stars, are more useful against multiple targets due to their (generally) fast throwing rates.

Other throwing items vary in terms of combat effectiveness, and some of them are not meant for killing at all.

Bowling Ball
Gigantic Snowball
Iron Hunting Spear
Large Snowball
Medium Snowball
Snowflake_Shuriken_Icon.png Snowflake Shuriken
Throwing Axe
Throwing Bones
Throwing_Boulder_Icon.png Throwing Boulder
Throwing Dagger
Throwing Knife
Throwing Star


Shields are 1-Handed "weapons" that do not deal damage but instead allow the player to block a limited amount of incoming damage. If the damage dealt to the player overwhelms the shield's limit, it temporarily breaks, forcing the player to lower the shield and wait for the shield's health to begin to regenerate (this takes 2 seconds) before they can raise the shield again to block attacks.

If a shield is raised just before an attack hits it, the shield will absorb the attack without taking damage - this move is called a perfect block. Mastering this move greatly improves effective shield durability.

There are two main varieties of shields. Small shields, distinguished by their round shape, have a 0.5-second cooldown but only have a base health of 25 before tier multipliers. Large shields, distinguished by their kite-like shape, have a base health of 35 before tier multipliers, but suffer from a 0.7-second cooldown.

All characters can craft the Basic Shield, which has 20 health and a 0.45-second cooldown.


  1. http://playstarbound.com/procedurally-generated-guns-pewpew/
Weapon Types
MeleeOne HandedAxes • Daggers • Fist Weapons • Shortswords
Two HandedBroadswords • Hammers • Spears
RangedGunsPistols • Rifles • Special Guns
OtherBows • Boomerangs • Staffs • Throwing Weapons • Wands

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