掲示板雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウンターサイト全体:今日:昨日:その他 トップページ ページの編集の仕方はこちら ここを編集する ...
Challenge the 純粋な無相の風.
The emerald butterfly quietly awaits the opportune moment to spread its wings and soar.
Challenge the 純粋な無相の雷.
The vibrations under your feet are not the portents of an earthquake, but rather that of a raging thunderstorm...
Challenge the 純粋な無相の岩.
Gold-weaver, Jade-spinner.
Challenge the 純粋な無相の風.
The emerald butterfly quietly awaits the opportune moment to spread its wings and soar.
Challenge the 純粋な無相の雷.
The vibrations under your feet are not the portents of an earthquake, but rather that of a raging thunderstorm...
Challenge the 純粋な無相の岩.
Gold-weaver, Jade-spinner.
Waltz of Earth, Wind, and Thunder
Challenge each of the three Pure Hypostases in turn.
Join in the chorus of the elements of wind, thunder, and earth.
In the Hypostatic Symphony event, head to a newly appeared Domain Icon Hypostatic Symphony.svg at Minlin, Liyue and challenge the never-before-seen Pure Hypostases, that have some special abilities compared to those typically encountered in the wild.
Like the Spiral Abyss, this Domain does not consume Resin, but food can be freely consumed and switching between active characters can be done freely on the field before the battle. Entering this Domain also has the additional quirk of refilling the active party to full HP and a fully charged Elemental Burst, except the status is carried over to the overworld. This makes it a convenient stopover during one's travels by entering and exiting the next second. With regards to the Battle Pass, defeating the bosses in this Domain will not count towards boss kill count task, but clearing the Domain will count towards the number of Domains cleared task.
Before you begin the challenge in earnest, you can choose the difficulty level and select certain Variations to accumulate more points. A new challenge will unlock each day, starting with the first day of the event, until the seventh day, by which all the challenges will have been unlocked. Once the event ends, your accumulated points will be cleared, and you will be unable to claim any further rewards. Challenges can be attempted in Single Player or Co-Op Mode.
Variations are factors that can influence the intensity of the challenge either way. They also affect the amount of points awarded on completing the challenge. A variety of buffs and debuffs are included. Variations that increase the difficulty increase the points awarded on completion, while those that buff your characters have the opposite effect. At the start of the challenge, you can choose the Variations that suit your desired intensity. The points total of the selected Variations must be greater than 0 to begin the challenge.
Different challenges provide bonuses to different characters. Characters in receipt of a bonus deal 20% extra DMG. In Co-Op Mode, these event bonuses can be shared.
原石s are awarded the first time you complete a given challenge at any difficulty level.
Points are awarded on completion of a challenge based on the Variations and difficulty selected. Reach point targets to claim the event-exclusive namecard style "祭典・無相" and other rewards.
During the event period, you can repeat challenge stages to improve your high score. Your total score is the sum of your current highest scores across all challenges. Reach score targets to claim rewards.
(Example: A Traveler scores 600 points in 協奏曲・紫電の光I and 1,200 points in 間奏曲・暴風の蝶I. The Traveler attempts 協奏曲・紫電の光I again, this time scoring 500 points. The Traveler's total score is still 600 + 1,200 = 1,800.)
After the event ends, all points will be cleared and no further rewards can be claimed. Don't forget to claim your rewards in good time!
Challenge and Boss | Characters with Event Bonus (+20% DMG) |
協奏曲・紫電の光 Electro_Hypostasis_Icon.png純粋な無相の雷 | Ganyu_Icon.png 甘雨 甘雨 Diluc_Icon.png ディルック ディルック |
間奏曲・暴風の蝶 Anemo_Hypostasis_Icon.png純粋な無相の風 | Fischl_Icon.png フィッシュル フィッシュル |
奏鳴曲・盤石の心 Geo_Hypostasis_Icon.png純粋な無相の岩 | Klee_Icon.png クレー クレー Noelle_Icon.png ノエル ノエル |
大地、風、雷の円舞曲 Anemo_Hypostasis_Icon.png純粋な無相の風Electro_Hypostasis_Icon.png純粋な無相の雷Geo_Hypostasis_Icon.png純粋な無相の岩 | Ganyu_Icon.png 甘雨 甘雨 Diluc_Icon.png ディルック ディルック |
Challenge | Name | Unlocked On | Item_Primogem.png原石 | Max Points |
I | 協奏曲・紫電の光I | January 16, 2021 | 60 | 4,275 |
II | 間奏曲・暴風の蝶I | January 17, 2021 | 60 | 4,365 |
III | 奏鳴曲・盤石の心I | January 18, 2021 | 60 | 4,590 |
IV | 協奏曲・紫電の光II | January 19, 2021 | 60 | 4,320 |
V | 間奏曲・暴風の蝶II | January 20, 2021 | 60 | 4,365 |
VI | 奏鳴曲・盤石の心II | January 21, 2021 | 60 | 4,680 |
VII | 大地、風、雷の円舞曲 | January 22, 2021 | 60 | 5,355 |
Total | 420 | 31,950 |
難易度 | ポイント倍率 | レベル |
ノーマル | ×1 | 20 |
ハード | ×1.5 | 40 |
エリート | ×2.5 | 60 |
マスター | ×4.5 | 80 |
As the variations differ based on Hypostasis, the variations for each are listed on their individual pages.
累計挑戦ポイント | 報酬 | 累計挑戦ポイント | 報酬 |
1,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ | 10,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ |
2,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ Item_Guide_to_Resistance.png 2 Guide to Resistance | 11,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ |
3,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ | 12,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ |
4,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ | 13,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ |
5,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ | 14,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ |
6,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ | 15,500 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ |
7,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ | 17,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ |
8,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ | 18,500 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ |
9,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ | 20,000 | Item_Mora.png 20,000 モラ |
このイベントでは、雪踏み紀行に「このBP期間」の紀行任務が追加されました。これらの任務で得られる紀行経験(BP EXP)は、1週間の経験値制限である10,000紀行経験値にはカウントされない。
ミッション | Item_Battle_Pass_EXP.png紀行経験 |
[イベント] 「無相の交響詩」にて累計10000ポイント獲得する | 1,500 |
祭典・無相 | |
Item_Celebration_Hypostasis.png | 入手: イベント「無相の交響詩」にて獲得。 |
説明: 今日の挑戦相手はどんな戦闘スタイルか? |
The Pure Hypostasis codenames Siras, Etar and Besanar are used in the spell for the 3rd Talisman in the book The Black Pullet (Grimoire).[1]
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 無相の交響詩 Musou no Koukyoushi | Hypostatic Symphonic Poem |
中国語 (簡体字) | 无相交响诗 Wūxiāng Jiāoxiǎng Shī | Hypostatic Symphonic Poem |
中国語 (繁体字) | 無相交響詩 Wūxiāng Jiāoxiǎng Shī | |
英語 | Hypostatic Symphony | — |
韓国語 | 무상의 교향시 Musang-ui Gyohyangsi | Signless Symphonic Poem |
スペイン語 | Sinfonía Hipostásica | Hypostatic Symphony |
フランス語 | Symphonie Hypostase | Hypostatic Symphony |
ロシア語 | Гипостатическая симфония Gipostaticheskaya simfoniya | |
タイ語 | บทแห่งซิมโฟนี Bot Haeng Simfoni | |
ベトナム語 | Bài Thơ Giao Hưởng | |
ドイツ語 | Sinfonie der Hypostasen | Symphony of the Hypostases |
インドネシア語 | Simfoni Hypostasis | Hypostatic Symphony |
ポルトガル語 | Sinfonia Hipostática |
シェアボタン: このページをSNSに投稿するのに便利です。
掲示板雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウンターサイト全体:今日:昨日:その他 トップページ ページの編集の仕方はこちら ここを編集する ...
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