a list of C.A.M.P. objects obtained outside of the Atomic Shop については、Fallout 76 workshop objects をご覧ください。 a list of static world objects については、Fallout 76 miscellaneous world objects をご覧ください。 |
FO76 Atomic shop logo.png | 情報はAtomic Shop contentに基いています. |
This page is a directory for Atomic Shop C.A.M.P. objects, which are constructs built within C.A.M.P.s, Shelters and workshops after acquiring or purchasing from the Atomic Shop.
Legend | |
This item is always available for free. | |
Icon_limitedtime.png | This item was temporarily available for free. |
FO76_Atom_Currency_2.png | This item is purchasable with Atoms.[1] |
This item was only available to Fallout 1st subscribers and may be considered legacy content. | |
FO76_scoresprite_seasons.png | This item was only obtainable during a seasonal Scoreboard and may be considered legacy content. |
This item was only obtainable by advancing Overseer Rank within the Nuclear Winter game mode.[2] | |
Icon_limitedtime.png | This item was not purchasable with Atoms, was only available for a limited time and is considered legacy content. These items are not guaranteed to reappear in the Atomic Shop. |
This item has yet to make its debut in the Atomic Shop and is considered upcoming content. These items may be introduced in a later patch or have recently been added to the live version of the game. | |
Icon_unused.png | This item has yet to make its debut in the Atomic Shop and is considered unused content. These items are not guaranteed to be released. |
This item will not be released to the Atomic Shop and is considered to be cut content. These items may be introduced in a later patch, but are non-functional in their current form. |
Content Directory | ||
Score_s6_camp_ally_supermutant_maul_l.webpAllies | Assignables | Atx_camp_kit_logcabin_l.webpBuilding kits |
Defenses | Score_s6_camp_floordecor_stein_mead_grognak_l.webpFloor decor | Floors and wallpaper |
Atx_camp_furniture_couch_50s_rounded_l.webpFurniture | Power | Shelters_shelterentrance_abandonedmine_l.webpShelters |
Structures | Score_s1_camp_utility_ammoconverter_l.webpUtility | Wall decor |
{{#fornumargs: argNum| argVal|}}FO76_Atom_Currency_2.png
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