Icon_disambig.svg | details on the point system については、S.C.O.R.E. をご覧ください。 |
Seasons, 76 seasons, or Scoreboard refers to a battle pass mechanic which provides themed rewards for completing Daily and Weekly challenges in Fallout 76.
Rank up and claim rewards
Seasons is a mechanic intended to provide players with repeatable daily and weekly activities that allows them to unlock a total of 100 rewards. Replacing Atom daily and weekly challenges, completion of in-game activities accumulates S.C.O.R.E. points, which helps one gain ranks on a scoreboard, unlocking rewards at each rank.
These activities are listed as Daily and Weekly challenges and range from gaining a level and killing specific types of creatures to purchasing and selling items to other players and completing events.
Every time a new Rank is reached, a new claimable reward is unlocked, like a unique outfit, an item for the player character's C.A.M.P., a weapon skin or power armor paint, consumables, perk card packs, Atoms, and in-game currencies, like legendary scrip, caps, or gold bullion. Each reward is redeemed by clicking on the board spaces. Most rewards are account-wide: Every character will receive outfits, weapon skins, C.A.M.P. items, etc.; currencies and consumables are the exception and are added to the currently selected character's inventory (last played character by default unless changed before logging in to a server).
Rewards vary in quality. Certain milestones, such as ranks 25, 50, and 76, have special rewards. At rank 100, there is always an "End of Season" bundle, featuring a large collection of season-related rewards. For a list of rewards acquired during each season, see seasons.
The Scoreboards, or S.C.O.R.E. Boards, are essentially a uniquely-themed seasonal progression screen. The player's piece is placed at the first space on the board, at rank one out of a total of 100 ranks. Completion of in-game activities accumulates S.C.O.R.E. points, which help advance through the positions and "rank up."
Players joining late in the season have the option to spend 150 Atoms to immediately unlock the next rank and claim its reward (with the exception of The Legendary Run, where the option was locked during the first two weeks, players can do this as soon as the season becomes active). Later, around season 8, "A Better Life Underground", the ability to rank up multiple times all at once became possible, where a player could select the rank they want to go straight up to, and if they had enough Atoms to get there, they would unlock every single rank up to that point in one swoop.
For helpful tips on how to do seasonal scoreboards, click here.
Season | Update Alongside | Availability | No. of Days | |
1 | The Legendary Run | The Legendary Run | June 30, 2020 - September 8, 2020 | 70 |
2 | Armor Ace and the Power Patrol | One Wasteland For All | September 15, 2020 - December 15, 2020 | 91 |
3 | The Scribe of Avalon | Steel Dawn | December 15, 2020 - April 27, 2021 | 133 |
4 | Armor Ace and the Power Patrol in Cold Steel | Locked & Loaded | April 27, 2021 - July 7, 2021 | 71 |
5 | Escape from the 42nd Century | Steel Reign | July 7, 2021 - September 8, 2021 | 63 |
6 | The Unstoppables! vs the Diabolicals | Fallout Worlds | September 8, 2021 - December 7, 2021 | 90 |
7 | Zorbo's Revenge | Night of the Moth | December 8, 2021 - February 28, 2022 | 83 |
8 | A Better Life Underground | Invaders from Beyond | March 1, 2022 - June 13, 2022 | 104 |
9 | Heart of Steel: A Dread Island Tale | Test Your Metal | June 14, 2022 - September 13, 2022 | 91 |
10 | Red Rocket 'Across America' Presents: The City of Steel | Expeditions: The Pitt | September 13, 2022 - December 6, 2022 | 84 |
11 | Nuka-World | Nuka-World on Tour | December 6, 2022 - February 28, 2023 | 84 |
12 | Rip Daring and the Cryptid Hunt | Mutation Invasion | February 28, 2023 - June 2023 | ? |
13 | Shoot for the Stars | Once in a Blue Moon | June 2023 - TBA | ? |
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