List_of_weapon_sets - ギルドウォーズ2 非公式wiki
照クイックリファレンステーブル[]セットLv低品質高品質カルマパーソナルストーリートークンBlackLion生産ドロップその他1Basic weapons0-80BベーシックBベーシック1Yes12Krytan weapons1-80スキンEレア1Yes11Tick_green.
照クイックリファレンステーブル[]セットLv低品質高品質カルマパーソナルストーリートークンBlackLion生産ドロップその他1Basic weapons0-80BベーシックBベーシック1Yes12Krytan weapons1-80スキンEレア1Yes11Tick_green.
- 2 Basics of Two-Handed Weapons One-Handed weapons Tier 2 格闘技はあなたの武器を知ることとあなたの体を知ることの組み合わせです。両者が調和を始めると、剣は自分
Loot CrateWhite_Crate.pngBlue_Crate.pngYellow_Crate.png“戦利品だ!„建造物種類Structure体力--アイテムスロット--Disambig.png 関連項目: Supply Crate, Red_Crate.pngDeep
a list of unique weapon locations in Fallout 4 については、Fallout 4 unique weapons をご覧ください。a list of legendary effects for weapons については、Legendar
Tripwire_Alarm_Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Loot Tables/The Island/Caves}}.Do not add section header
ring the transportation tubes in the Sentient Anomaly:Fixed automatic weapons continuously firing while traveling in the tube.Fixed issues w
.0032015fExpert_Gladiator.pngExpert Gladiator201Your one-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage.003440ab2Your one-handed melee weapons now
Tripwire Alarm Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Item IDs/Weapons}}.Do not add section headers or other e
law_of_the_Khan-Ur.png Claw of the Khan-Urダガー第2ギャラリー[]参照:Experimental weapons#ギャラリー, Perfected weapons#ギャラリーArs Goetia Call of the VoidCall
しょう。One Handed(片手武器)[]片手武器には daggers(ダガー)、 shortswords(ショートソード)、 fist weapons(拳武器) 、axes(斧)があります。片手武器は通常二つ同時に用いられるため他の派生的な攻撃は出来ない。しかし、異なるタイプ
状態異常確率。Thrown glaive has above average クリティカル倍率。Primary and secondary weapons can be fired and reloaded normally with a thrown glaive, and r
Tripwire Alarm Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Item IDs/Ammunition}}.Do not add section headers or othe
状態異常確率。Thrown glaive has above average クリティカル倍率。Primary and secondary weapons can be fired and reloaded normally with a thrown glaive, and r
ics: Carry Weight and satisfying the minimum Strength requirements on weapons. Each point of it grants 25 lbs. of Carry Weight (with the Sma
Adamant Guard weaponsファイル:Adamant Guard Axe (skin).png Adamant Guard Axe (skin)ファイル:Adamant Guard Dagger (skin).png Adamant Guard Dagger (sk
Here and Now head.png翻訳が必要このページは翻訳が必要な箇所があります。「編集」からFallout Wikiを手伝うことが出来ます。固有名詞の翻訳は固有名詞一覧を、見出しなどは用語一覧を参考にしてください。Primary statisticPerception
ld rose as a reminder of his dream. Firion fights using six different weapons and is skilled in unarmed combat, representing his mastery of
of the shops not spawning items Reduced the amount of ammo secondary weapons drain from ammo boxes by 50% Reduced ammo crate cost from 100
Armour and Helmets 名前 説明 レシピ 入手場所 Rags 多少の防寒はできる粗末な衣服。 Armor +10 Lether x3 Cloth x3 - Apprentice
Disambig_icon.png この記事は The Vaults で見つかるベンダーについてです。その他の都市のトレーディングポストで見つかるベンダーについては Black Lion Weapons Specialist を参照してください。 Black Lion Weapo
ています場所[]AscalonBlack CitadelMemorial QuadrantCulis Cannonbite — Steam weapons (ティア1)Mala Greenbow — Flame weapons (ティア2)Armis Slapsharp — Ad
ants destroyed his hometown. Of medium build, he is able to use heavy weapons and dual weapons, but not maneuver well with the former and ca
ワドルディのぶき屋とは、『星のカービィ ディスカバリー』のワドルディの町にある施設。目次1 概要2 能力3 進化・強化の値段4 余談5 画像6 関連記事概要[]ネイチェル草原をクリアするとオープン。ぶき屋ワドルディが経営する店で、カービィが見つけてきたコピー能力が保管されており、
l Fantasy Character"A cheerful youth who skillfully uses a variety of weapons in battle. Confident in his skills, he fearlessly enters any f
r Workbench.Vault-Tec Official Weapons WorkbenchBuild and modify your weapons the Vault-Tec way, with this Official Weapons Workbench.{{#for
ides on how to use this weapon effectively.For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.参考[]As with mos
す。そのレベルによりステータスと使用可能数が増加します。Equipment, or 'Subdue Skill', are diverse weapons and objects that the agents can use to subdue the breaching Ab
quickly made his way back to the battlements, where he retrieved his weapons. He then made his way beneath the castle, to the doors of Alta
Supply CrateWhite_Beacon.pngBlue_Beacon.pngYellow_Beacon.png“Loot it!„建造物種類Structure体力--アイテムスロット--Disambig.png 関連項目: Loot Crate and Red_Crat
ades had become more common, as suggested by the large amount of such weapons collected by Julien du Casse. Slight structural changes had al
ides on how to use this weapon effectively.For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.参考[]Detonations
Mbox incomplete.pngMissing data (missing: Several cut and unused weapons)本項目には、データが不足しています。記事を編集をすることで、Nukapediaを助けましょう!表·話·編Fallout 76 over
.7.6 (09-18-2019)Fixed exploit with Titania’s Razorwing and Syndicate weapons.Update 25.7 (08-29-2019)Standardized Titania’s Tribute buffs t
emDescriptionObtainingCreditsCredits_icon.pngCreatorShiCustomize your weapons with new Material paint! Supported weapons include Assault Rif
ベンダー場所コストBlack Lion Weapons SpecialistDwayna High Road; Interdisciplinary Accessium; Memorial Quadrant; Mistlock Sanctuary; Reckoner's Terra
概要このページはikahurula 氏によって作成された New Weapons Dissemination Mod の情報関連ページであるこれを前提とする関連MODもついでに載せて纏めておくこととする(纏められるものなら)公式の情報と違い、流石に一ページにまとめた方が良いので、
Tripwire Alarm Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Item IDs/Tools}}.Do not add section headers or other ele
.7.6 (09-18-2019)Fixed exploit with Titania’s Razorwing and Syndicate weapons.Update 25.7 (08-29-2019)Standardized Titania’s Tribute buffs t
]真上からの攻撃(ATTACK FROM ABOVE)異なる高さでの戦闘(COMBAT AT DIFFERENT LEVELS)攻撃範囲の影響(Effects of Reach)>異なる高さでの戦闘#Effects_of_Reach]]サイズ修正と攻撃範囲(Size Modifi
use of that weapon instead. Alternatively, the companion can pick up weapons found on the ground.I need to change formation.Stay close to m
撃 proc.Thrown glaive has above average クリティカル倍率。Primary and secondary weapons can be fired and reloaded normally with a thrown glaive, and r
ty to unsuspecting enemies.The Castanas are a throwing type secondary weapons with Electricity_b.svg 電気 detonation charge that can be detona
Tripwire_Alarm_Trap.pngThis page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Loot Tables/Scorched Earth/Caves}}.Do not add section he
]向きと旋回半径(Direction_and_Turning_Radius)用語:旋回半径(Turning_Radius) 高速で移動している場合、向きを素早く変更するのは困難です。通常は前方に移動を続けなければなりません。大きく向きを変えることができるのは(それも60度まで)、
ides on how to use this weapon effectively.For more general help with weapons, you may wish to browse Category:Weapon Guides.Manufacturing R
.Sorrow's Embrace Armor Box.pngSorrow's Embrace Dungeon Track利用可能PvP / WvW反復可能はい必要条件Sorrow's Embrace story mode最後の報酬Sorrow's Embrace Armor B
.Flame Legion Armor Box.pngCitadel of Flame Dungeon Track利用可能PvP / WvW反復可能はい必要条件Citadel of Flame story mode最後の報酬Baelfire's Armor Box炎の城塞の報酬ト
ity-10% + (1% * AG)Energy WeaponsThe care and feeding of energy-based weapons. How to arm and operate weapons that use laser or plasma techn
hit multiple enemies at once.Largest beam thickness of all continuous weapons.生得的 infinite 貫通距離 against bodies.Consumes 0.5 ammo per tick of
.Koda Armor Box.pngHonor of the Waves Dungeon Track利用可能PvP / WvW反復可能はい必要条件Honor of the Waves story mode最後の報酬Honor of the Waves Armor Box波の名誉