英語版スッタニパータ - あなごクンのうぃき
ding theminds of others, still some monks were (and are) shameless andthoroughly corrupt in their dealings. It is not so surprising thatsuch
ding theminds of others, still some monks were (and are) shameless andthoroughly corrupt in their dealings. It is not so surprising thatsuch
heir karma, good or ill, from former lives, The Buddha knows them all thoroughly. Using conditions, analogies, Expressions, and powerful exp
and the next—— Would you like to bear it all? Moreover, the matter of thoroughly knowing every wild fantasy and lie of this world and the un
ionally through the loss of dear people or possessions but deeply and thoroughly in one’s heart through the arising and passing of thoughts
y_Pile.pngSandy Pile- "A little mound of yellow sand."Sand- "Rocks so thoroughly crushed they are no longer recognizable."Sharkitten_den_act
you have cut yourself--be careful!)Blow-dry. Drying your bikini area thoroughly can avoid or reduce follicle irritation. Dry the area thoro
–Wickerbottom, when examining a Dead Wobster.Woodie_Portrait.png“He's thoroughly hooped.”–Woodie, when examining a Dead Wobster.“Excellent.”
...Giblets?蘇二おば: There's nothing to worry about, everything's washed thoroughly before I use it.蘇二おば: I have some customers who never used
現実世界(制作視点での記事)スタートレック3:ミスター・スポックを探せStar Trek III: The Search for Spock公開日: 1984年6月1日←スタートレック映画全13作中3作目→←全エピソード通算729中104番目→Star_trek_3_poster
in dines.ファイル:VO Oz Spice Like 01.ogg Oz: Mein Fräulein says that she thoroughly enjoys your delicious cooking.Neutralファイル:VO Fischl Spice N
hears indecipherable whispering of Woman Facing the Wall."" seems to thoroughly understand that ignoring is the best solution.""Employee h
くのがわかります。Crumbling Armor (O-05-61-T) is an artifact Abnormality, as a thoroughly aged suit of Japanese style armor with a V or U shaped cres
hat research on the Abnormality "Brood Mother" will be conducted more thoroughly. Agitating the base's personnel with unidentified myth is p
04_13_albedo_23.ogg Albedo: People like to believe that those who are thoroughly different from themselves could only ever exist in stories.
when examining a Cooked Rainbow Jellyfish.Wickerbottom_Portrait.png“A thoroughly cooked Medusozoa specimen.”–Wickerbottom, when examining a
ooks uterine ca aquarium log customized compact aquarium logging book thoroughly formatted great for tracking schedu write a novel in 10 min
ou're gonna replace me私を入れ替えるのならAt least have the audacity to kill me thoroughlyせめて私を徹底的に消滅させる度胸を見せてもらえないでしょうか?When does it end for me?Hmm私の
a large circle indicating the area of the earthquake. Search the area thoroughly.最近の地震で地上に出てきた岩石を5個入手する。地図で、地震があった場所を示す大きな丸を探します。その付近をくまなく探し
inking ensures he gets to the bottom of it, and is able to explain it thoroughly. His methodologies are amazing... to me, it's where alchemy
pt chat to people; listen to their stories, tell them mine... And I'm thoroughly enjoying it! Goodbye.周じぃ: Bye then, take it easy!周じぃ: In th
being served in the Garten Sanssouci.Oz: Mein Fräulein says that she thoroughly enjoys your delicious cooking.Receiving a Gift: IIMedia:VO
n the back cover of this book. Additionally, the Rules Reference book thoroughly covers the finer points of the game. Be sure to use these r
ep.”–Woodie“That's the shopkeep.”–MaxwellWagstaff_Portrait.png“What a thoroughly creepy smile!”–Wagstaff“Shöpkeep, prepare tö barter!”–Wigfr
where. Use your hands to shuffle the tiles about, making sure they're thoroughly mixed up.Each tile has 1 number on it, from 1 to 13, and wi
actless, and her attempts at helping others often end in failure, she thoroughly looks to the positive and is skilled at seeing the good in
ころに置き、頭皮に向かって髪の軸を引き上げます。根元まで届いたらコームを外し、同じことを繰り返す。After the section is thoroughly teased, comb through the top layer of your tresses to mask
emporarily removed Opticor beam thickness until it can be tested more thoroughly.Fixed not being able to hit Nullifier bubbles and other tar
d eating it, real survivor stuff!”–WalterWanda_Portrait.png“It's been thoroughly cooked.”–WandaFish Steak(調理済みの魚肉)は魚肉、ドッグフィッシュ、ソードフィッシュを焼いて調
atron of the sciences by any chance?Pig_Shopkeep.pngShopkeep- "What a thoroughly creepy smile!"Shopkeep (sleeping)- "Evidence suggests she h
to my books.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“Sandy.”–Woodie“Rocks so thoroughly beaten down they are no longer recognizable.”–MaxwellWigfri
ss (high)- "My clothes seem to be quite wet."Wetness (highest)- "I am thoroughly soaked!"ずぶぬれ~Dropping tool while wet- "You're not making th
ish Fish- "Purple, but not a people eater."Dead Wobster- "It is quite thoroughly dead."Delicious_Wobster.pngDelicious Wobster- "Oh dear, the
登場作品:Reign of Giants icon.pngReign of Giants・Don't Starve TogetherHarp Statue.pngこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願い