「looks」を含むwiki一覧 - 2ページ

Fossils - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

“It lööks as thöugh it might röam the earth any möment!”–Wigfrid“That looks real good!”–WebberOdd SkeletonはFossilを8個使うことによってできる装飾品です。地面に置いて、

Queen_of_Moon_Quay - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Kit.pngDock_Kit.pngMoon_Quay_Beach_Turf.png)デバッグ用コード"monkeyqueen"“She looks like the top banana around here.”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“Bein

シーン03 - Leon the professional

LEON: [comes up the stairs; sees Mathilda's bleeding nose; looks around, reaches her his handkerchief][画像]MATHILDA:「Is life always this

Crashed_Balloon - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Öf nö use tö me anymöre!”–Wigfrid, examining a Wicker Basket.“Gee. It looks broken.”–Webber, examining a Wicker Basket.Walani_Portrait.png“W

Glowfly - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

e tuft of blonde hair may also be a reference to this nickname.If one looks closely, they can see that the "tongue" of a Rabid Beetle is in

Aporkalypse_Calendar - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Hamlet icon.pngHamlet この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Aporkalypse Calendar Aporkalypse Calendar効果アポークカリプスをコントロールするデバッグ用コード"aporkalyps

Ancient_Key - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

とするとその場に落として移動します。Silver_Bowl.png The Gorge[]Wilson_Portrait.png“This looks science-y.”–Wilson, when examining the Ancient Key in the Gorge“

Kitschy_Idols - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

–Wigfrid, when examining a Kitschy Beaver Idol.Webber_Portrait.png“It looks just like you, Mr. Woodie!”–Webber, when examining a Kitschy Bea

Year_of_the_Pig_King - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

間中:50%)(イベント期間外:1%)スタック数40デバッグ用コード"pig_token"Wilson_Portrait.png“This looks important.”–Wilson“I'd burn it, but it might be worth something.

Iron_Hulk - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ull of iron, not wood.”–Woodie, 胴体を調べた時Waxwell_Portrait.png“Well that looks interesting.”–Maxwell, 胴体を調べた時“The carapace of a beautiful autom

Hot_Spring - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

's even heated!”–Walter, examining a hot spring.Wanda_Portrait.png“It looks so warm and inviting.”–Wanda, examining a hot spring.“Just a sim

Weathered_Objects - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Hamlet icon.pngHamletこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。Weathered Objects(風化したオブジェクト)はダウンロードコンテンツ「Don't Sta

Clockwork_Knight - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

rk.”–Webber, when examining a Clockwork Knight.Walani_Portrait.png“He looks like he could use a nap.”–Walani, when examining a Clockwork Kni

Fig-Stuffed_Trunk - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ell“The trunk hath been fattened up.”–WigfridWebber_Portrait.png“That looks extra filling!”–Webber“I might have overdone it with the figs.”–

Wobster_Bisque - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Shipwrecked_icon.pngShipwrecked・Don't Starve TogetherWobster BisqueDSDST DSHealth_Meter.png6025Sanity_Meter.png1010秒Priority.png30

A_Smashing_Pot - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ammer.png資源以下の表参照再生可能?No主なバイオームRainforest, Ancient Pig Ruins“That pot looks smashing!”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“Wish I could burn it.”–Will

Birchnut - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Reign_of_Giants_icon.pngReign of Giants・Hamlet・Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherBirchnut / Roasted Birchnut生 Fire P

2004秋冬コレクション - ラブandベリー Wiki

ūru Nitto)ストリートヘアにはクールメイクがかっこいいよね。ぼうしのロゴもスパイスきいてるね☆(公式英語: Cool makeup looks perfect for the street vibe hairdo. A spiced-up logo on the hat

Grass_Tuft - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Grass Tuft Grass Tuft必要な道具Regal Shovel.png資源Grass_Tuft_Item.png発生 (Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.png)再生可能?不可主なバイオームSavannaGrasslandMangrove

(WHAT_IS_THE)LOVE_&_POP? - なんでもある Wiki

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』ナビゲーションに移動検索に移動Base Ball Bear > (WHAT IS THE)LOVE & POP?『(WHAT IS THE)LOVE & POP?』Base Ball Bear の スタジオ・アルバムリ

きゅーぴー - 100%おれんじじゅ~すっ Wiki

re...うひぃ!こんなとこに罠なんて!!Vs. BossEncountering a boss 1Link▶️⏏️Th-that guy looks pretty tough...つ、強そうなのが出てきましたよ…Encountering a boss 2Link▶️⏏️*Gul

月を指す - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

ce to a Chinese proverb "When a wise man points at the moon, an idiot looks at his finger." (ロシア語: Когда кто-то показывает пальцем на небо,

2005春夏コレクション - ラブandベリー Wiki

ūru Nitto)ストリートヘアにはクールメイクがかっこいいよね。ぼうしのロゴもスパイスきいてるね☆(公式英語: Cool makeup looks perfect for the street vibe hairdo. A spiced-up logo on the hat

Puffed_Potato_Soufflé - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

life itself.”–WendyWX-78_Portrait.png“DELICIOUS, AND FOR ME”–WX-78“It looks lovely, dear.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“Lucy and I will c

Rainforest_Tree - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

when examining a sick Rainforest Tree.Webber_Portrait.png“Awww... It looks sick.”–Webber, when examining a sick Rainforest Tree.“Yeesh. How

汎称特徴用、試作ページ - ガープスWiki

20CP]特権と社会的な制限==反応関連成功判定の章、影響判定より。心理戦コラム:「PCへの影響判定」反応判定反応表反応修正反応修正を与える特徴>判定に修正を与える特徴一覧表#ID-hannousyuuseiさまざま] ……、%E8%82%89%E4%BD%93%E7%9A%84

Tentacle - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ots.png20%出現元 (Wickerbottom_Portrait.pngのみ使用可)デバッグ用コード"tentacle"“That looks dangerous.”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“Not at all cuddly.”–Willow

Living_Log - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

ig_Arcane_Shop.png ( ×5) Hamlet_icon.pngスタック数20デバッグ用コード"livinglog"“It looks worried.”–WilsonWillow_Portrait.png“It looks upset.”–Willow“Cree

Marble_Sculptures - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

d, mister?”–Webber, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculpture.“It looks incomplete.”–Warly, when examining an incomplete Bishop Sculptur

Mushtree - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Mushy bush.”–Wolfgang, examining a Red Mushtree.Wendy_Portrait.png“It looks like a rotting hat.”–Wendy, examining a Red Mushtree.“SHINY RED”

Naked_Nostrils - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

Warly“Chewy”–WormwoodWinona_Portrait.png“Got yer nose!”–Winona“Oh my, looks like somebody blew it.”–WortoxWurt_Portrait.png“Glurph... don't

Tuber - Don't Starve攻略Wiki

登場作品:Hamlet_icon.pngHamletこの記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:情報不足)編集による加筆、訂正またはコメントによる意見をお願いします。Tuber / Fried Tuber生 Tuber.png調理後 Fried Tuber.png83