Fishsticks - Don't Starve攻略Wiki
Fishsticks40満腹度回復37.55Crock_Pot.png40 秒10 日スタック数40デバッグ用コード"fishsticks"Wilson_Portrait.png“Sticks to my ribs.”–Wilson“What you see is what yo
Fishsticks40満腹度回復37.55Crock_Pot.png40 秒10 日スタック数40デバッグ用コード"fishsticks"Wilson_Portrait.png“Sticks to my ribs.”–Wilson“What you see is what yo
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherDon't Starve: Hamletに登場するイラクサについてはNettleをご覧くださいFire Nettle FrondsHP回復-30Sanity_Met
Flint入手 ×2Stalagmite.png (Pickaxe.png,)地震 (75%)(Burrow.png() 20% Reign_of_Giants_icon.png)(Steamer_Trunk.png)購入Pigg_and_Pigglet%27s_General_
–Wickerbottom“Double the protection!”–WoodieWaxwell_Portrait.png“This looks silly.”–Maxwell“Its duplicate canopies have increased its effect
登場作品:Hamlet_icon.pngHamletFlytrap StalkHP回復012.5Sanity_Meter.png-106日入手Snaptooth_Flytrap.pngスタック数20デバッグ用コード"venus_stalk"“I bet I could find
bobber.”–Walter, examining a Wooden Ball Bobber.Wanda_Portrait.png“It looks like a standard bobber to me.”–Wanda, examining a Wooden Ball Bo
son_Portrait.png“You could say I have an eye for style.”–Wilson“Well, looks aren't everything.”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Wolgang not fan
–Wigfrid“Maybe we could share some meat?”–WebberWarly_Portrait.png“It looks so bare... perhaps I could put some meat on it.”–Warly“Need food
ortrait.png“I DIDN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING. IT FELL RIGHT OFF”–WX-78“It looks like a key, but it's quite brittle.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait
中立状態にするスタック数スタック不可デバッグ用コード"spiderden_bedazzler"Wilson_Portrait.png“It looks like someone's been getting crafty.”–Wilson“Hey Webber, it's way
”–WortoxWurt_Portrait.png“What this werid box thingy?”–Wurt“Hey! This looks a lot like that radio!”–WalterDivining Rod(ダウジングロッド) は、アドベンチャーモー
Grass Berry Stone Fruit必要な道具資源Rot.png再生可能?不可デバッグ用コード無し“It looks pretty sick.”–Wilson, when examining a Diseased Berry Bush.Willo
sound no longer loops forever.Fixed layering of crafting tabs, it now looks better when the player has a lot of crafting tabs.Fixed fish art
登場作品:Shipwrecked_icon.pngShipwrecked この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Doydoy Nest Doydoy Nest"Just doy it."クラフト×8 Doydoy Feather.png×2 ×4タブ
登場作品:Shipwrecked_icon.pngShipwreckedDoydoy Egg / Fried Doydoy Egg生 Fire Pit.png調理後 Health_Meter.png302537.5Sanity_Meter.png0010 日6 日食材ポイントEg
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve Together この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。この記事ではDon't Starve Togetherに登場する建造物について説明しています。S
S ME”–WX-78“A sentient lagomorph.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“He looks friendly enough.”–Woodie“It reminds me of my old act.”–MaxwellWa
er_Portrait.png“Swamp on a bun.”–Wheeler“It's really not as bad as it looks.”–WinonaWortox_Portrait.png“Mortals are weird.”–Wortox“This a ba
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherAnchor Kit"Boat brakes."材料Boards.png×2 ×3 Cut Stone.png×3フィルターSeafaring_Filter.png
ulse.pngを生成する主なバイオームAncient Archiveデバッグ用コード"archive_security_desk"“It looks inviting.”–Wilson, examining an active Ancient Guard Post.Willow
ne broke it.”–Wurt, when examining an unactivated Ancient Gateway.“It looks like it's missing a piece.”–Walter, when examining an unactivate
ait.png“All that material wasted on some decoration.”–Winona“My, that looks heavy.”–WortoxWurt_Portrait.png“Look just like moon!”–Wurt“Well,
rid“It gives me a goal in life.”–WebberWalani_Portrait.png“Well, that looks like a lot of busywork.”–Walani“I always wished to make a name f
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherArchive Switch主なバイオームAncient ArchiveArchive Switch(書庫のスイッチ)はDon't Starve Togetherに
HEEBIE-GEEBIES”–Wilba“Alive? Hmmm...”–WormwoodWheeler_Portrait.png“It looks... old.”–Wheeler“I'd never wanna meet one in person.”–WinonaWort
the flöor!”–WigfridWebber_Portrait.png“It doesn't taste as good as it looks.”–Webber“I'm afraid even I can't make dust palatable.”–WarlyWorm
RSS機能が無くなってしまったので、公式ニュースのリンク集に…公式ニュース[]最新の公式発表はこれらから得ることができます。公式サイト内「News - No Man's Sky訳」 - 過去記事一覧のページTwitter「@NoMansSky」 - 本作公式アカウント・兼・開発元
Batilisk Wing / Cooked Batilisk Wing生 Batilisk Wing.png調理後 Cooked Batilisk Wing.png38Hunger_Meter.png12.518.75-100Rot.png6日10日食材ポイント×0.5 Don
の本棚を描いたイラストLevel 676 η は恐らくは書店である。初めてこの階層の存在を伝えたアメリカ人探索者はその内部を "That looks like an… old Japanese bookstore.(日本の古い書店の様だ)" と形容しているがこれは日本文化に対す
ango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Escort Nokta into the Great Tree as he looks for potential pets (80) Kill the champion bat so Nokta can retur
イベント部分Outpost: Ogre Campレベル80前提Escort Nokta into the Great Tree as he looks for potential petsKill the champion bat so Nokta can return his
ets to camp (80) [Group Event] Escort Nokta into the Great Tree as he looks for potential pets (80)NPC[]敵[]周囲の生き物Tropical BirdコウモリCave Bat魚類
ango_icon%29.png [Group Event] Escort Nokta into the Great Tree as he looks for potential pets (80) Kill the champion bat so Nokta can retur
登場作品:Shipwrecked_icon.pngShipwrecked この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Bamboo Patch Bamboo Patch必要な道具Shovel.png資源Bamboo.png再生可能?可主なバイオームJung
e a symbol of status aboard the apes' ship.”–Wickerbottom“That paddle looks like it could do some damage.”–WoodieWaxwell_Portrait.png“Carefu
–Wagstaff“A thunderöus weapön!”–WigfridWebber_Portrait.png“Whoa. This looks pretty dangerous.”–Webber“A bit of overkill.”–WalaniWarly_Portra
lowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Wolfgang will be so mighty!”–Wolfgang“Supper looks good.”–WendyWX-78_Portrait.png“I LIKE THAT I DON'T HAVE TO DO AN
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve TogetherBoat Fragmentタイプ3タイプ4タイプ5 タイプ4必要な道具Hammer.png資源再生可能?可デバッグ用コード"boatfragment03"
y!”–Webber, examining a bookcase.Warly_Portrait.png“Mme. Wickerbottom looks so happy organizing her books.”–Warly, examining a bookcase.“Boo
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve Together この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Black Flag入手 (Hammer.png)スタック数40デバッグ用コード"blackfl
.”–WX-78“It is a flat aerofoil.”–WickerbottomWoodie_Portrait.png“That looks hard to throw.”–Woodie“Beats getting your hands dirty.”–MaxwellW
fish that big.”–Willow“I will eat you!”–WolfgangWendy_Portrait.png“It looks sad. Maybe it too knows life has no meaning.”–Wendy“SUBOPTIMAL S
登場作品:Don%27t_Starve_Together_icon.pngDon't Starve Together この記事は書きかけです。是非とも、この記事に加筆してみてください。Bio Data入手(スキャン完了後)スタック数40デバッグ用コード"scandata"Wils
oked Bean Bugs[]Wilson_Portrait.png“I'm sure it tastes better than it looks.”–Wilson“Still gross!”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Wolfgang eat
Bed Roll(携帯布団)はStraw RollとFur Rollの2種類があります。キャラクターにドラッグアンドドロップするかインベントリから右クリックで使用します。使用した際キャラクターが横になり時間が翌日に進みます。眠った場合すぐに満腹度を失うことになりますが足りない場合
rld seems less a little crazy when I wear it.”–Wilson“That bee's head looks kinda tasty, doesn't it?”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Makes Wolf
Portrait.png“To bee or not to bee.”–Wilson“It's fat, but that stinger looks dangerous.”–WillowWolfgang_Portrait.png“Is fat and angry-looking
ose eyes.”–Wendy“IT STINKS OF MEAT”–WX-78Wickerbottom_Portrait.png“It looks almost like a Bos Taurus.”–Wickerbottom“He smells like a sod hou