GRAVITY DAZE(グラビティデイズ)総合 1~100 過去スレッド・過去ログ - GRAVITY DAZE(グラビティデイズ)総合 2ちゃんねる(2ch)過去スレッド・過去ログまとめwiki
🌊gravity wave = 🌀infoin object, have pull power. source:🐓Renormalization - Wikipedia theory 🌊 Wave moves Surfer.
💎 if magic possible = total energy preserves = process, wontcontradiction topast observation = theory, not contradic
Artemis & Truth 🐎午 in 十二支 Ⅶ split power, to know every property
🧭 graviton send info before gravity calculation before gravity happens =>Salesman problem source: sir issac
Hermes& move 🐓酉 in 十二支 Ⅹ Property Of World
👁 why we able to observe ?ⅫⅠⅡⅢⅳⅴ ⅵ ⅶ ⅷ ⅸⅹⅺ links to topics physic articles🐍 logic topic🐍True theory have True reason 🌎Newton 3 Law topic🌎he
Hephaestus & production🐧 白虎= West 🐒申 in 十二支 sour
time travel, may have to control point: there is some risk to change past. when we change past, entropy flow into past. virtual w
GRAVITY DAZE(グラビティデイズ)総合スレ part101GRAVITY DAZE(グラビティデイズ)総合スレ part102GRAVITY DAZE(グラビティデイズ)総合スレ part103GRAVITY DAZE(グラビティデイズ)
ガープス・ベーシック第4版第10章の「成功判定」の章「肉体的な行動」より。目次1 異なる重力(Different Gravity)B333P/2B13P1.1 異なる重力下での荷重と移動(Encumbrance and Move in Different Gravity)1.2
🌳 plant factory + generator + program = free food if allocate free food is possible in theory, meaning of work, become changes. point:
lets read next:🌀 Renormalization : gravity wave ~= info is heavy Photon🔦's mass = 0 but blackhole pull light ●⇦🔦 planet curve ligh
📖 solve theory links 📖if reduce info entropy, solve question is easy 📖effective order when we
35#.pngヘイロー ウォーズDeveloper(s)Ensemble StudiosPublisherMicrosoft Game StudiosUS date released2009年3月 3日GenreReal-time StrategyGame modesCampai
Historic content quaggan icon.pngこのページには、導入以来更新されているギルドウォーズ2のスキルに関する情報が含まれています。このページの情報の一部は、現在存在するゲームには適用されません。このスキルの現在のバージョンについては Gravity W
gravity of information, come from surfer and wave vibration of wave and surfer create " effective " gravitygravity of information
hera &hero 🐄丑 in 十二支 source: godlaw Ⅱ Unit
🧭 gyro effect 🚙 source: jojo, youtube, wikipedia Lets think number of graviton st
🌳 Everett multiverse theory links 🌳👁 2 slit experiment, not same phenomenon to wave 🌳 Everett multiverse theory certification
神じん通ずう・ 空くう中ちゅう自じ在ざい法ほうキャラクター魈天賦の種類固有天賦3(固有) 情報 詳細 チーム内の自身のキャラクター全員が登りに消費するスタミナ-20%。同じ効果を持つ固有天賦との重ね掛け不可。効用スタミナ登りチ
Poseidon& sea 🐩戌 in 十二支 source: god law ⅺ observe
0:54:00更新日:2024/01/29 Mon 10:57:33NEW!所要時間:約 19 分で読めます▽タグ一覧少女は、空に落ちる『GRAVITY DAZE/重力的眩暈:上層への帰還において彼女の内宇宙に生じた摂動』(GRAVITY RUSH)とは、2012年2月にソニー
LIGHTATTERRA 👁 reason have reason Unit logical ties Math statics storage of info
attain long run dream = persona fromlandscape scale image when we front to race, we have original image to go through. sprint race
🌀additional Gravity appear if air pass 2 pendulumexperiment video:(1) blown air between two ping pong balls YouTube parallelgravity wa
このwikiについて このwikiは、GRAVITY DAZE(グラビティデイズ)総合の過去スレッド・過去ログまとめwikiです。誰でも自由に編集可能です。スレッドが増えた場合など、気づいた方はよろしくおねがいします。現行スレッドGRAVITY DAZE(グラビティテ
🧭7 compass to survive how to survive? =save world (self defence right) +protect revive system (s
📖when time passes, sometimes ➀ difficult to explain theory increase ② dummy info increase 📖 Lets confirm graph, difficult logic / ea
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💪percentage, we take initiative if there is 100 players, if only 1 playerget initiative, 99 players cant have initiative. 💪what h
🐓🌀object structure, can hold information example: usb, brain circuit, etc🐓🌀 if structure inside object ( usb, brain circuit, etc ) can hol
entropy movement source: Claude Shannon - Wikipedia, Gravity wave - Wikipediainfo entropy~= prob
🐩 gravity wave is sum of particle motion from heatsource:Brownian motion,Gravity wave brown motion is wave of particle, from heat.gravity wa
🎴info gravity => prophecy gravity => prophecy pulls outcome ➀ is info have gravity ? ②is prophecy have gravity ?
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🤝 why it is good for AI to be Autoroid🚪 ① info blackhole measurementwith Autoroid body info blackhole prediction ・gravity of info ex
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... jack sparrows compass ☁ entropy theory links ☁ entropy = randomness ☁ 🕊 info entropy = randomness of info ☁ info entrop
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Electro gravity Insist that surface charge of planet and sun cause astronomical gravitation. Therefore surface charge density cause daily va
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📖IDEA =common part ( info, etc... ) of🎲 world strings IDEA = common part of world strings, consist with how many dimension ? common part
11 Mind is reason of some Actions source: god law if we admit ①when mind moves, word can represent mindin concept world ②when mind move
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●🐩 how we can investigategravity wave ? light have several poperty, to hold info. ①polarization ( E & B, rounds ) ②