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脅威: 無害 (Tier 1) | 天候 | |
星タイプ: All | Clear.pngSmallmeteorstorm.png | |
保護パック: Status_Airless.png Breathing EPP | ||
ミニバイオーム: None | ||
派生バイオーム: None | ||
An asteroid field biome.
Asteroid Field is a primary biome type characterized by floating rocks in airless space. They are similar in appearance to the asteroids which are found above the atmosphere of most other planets. Because asteroid fields have no atmosphere there is no color in the sky, simply a view of nearby planets and stars day and night. Asteroid fields are an 'low' threat level, geared toward tier 1 progression.
Asteroid Fields have very low gravity, which increases player jump height and slows fall speed. This makes movement between floating asteroids considerably easier, but it's still recommended to equip techs and tools for travel. Multi-jump tech is very useful, in conjunction with sonic sphere and grappling hooks or climbing ropes
Asteroids are a quick and easy way to find copper, silver and gold. Because the rocks are relatively small, it's easy to see ore inside for mining.
Asteroid Fields can be found orbiting all star types. Unless players have an EPP equipped they'll slowly run out of air while in asteroid fields, eventually taking damage when they've completely run out. Any EPP can provide players with the air they need to survive.
Skimbus is the only monster type found in asteroid fields.
Asteroid fields are made up of a variety of floating islands of rock. They can be traveled between by jumping or using techs or tools, but are not physically connected. There's no 'planet core' in asteroid fields, after falling long enough players will reach the bottom of the biome and be instantly killed.
There's an abundance of non-progression ore found in asteroid fields, with copper, silver ore, and gold being available to mine inside many asteroids.
There's no plant life or water of any kind found naturally in asteroid fields.
Primary material | Sub materials | Geological materials | |
Meteorite_Rock_Icon.png Meteorite Rock | Magmarock Cobblestone_Icon.png Cobblestone | Copper Ore Silver_Ore_Icon.png Silver Ore |
Asteroid fields do not have any sub biomes, and are not found as a sub biome on any other planet type.
All planets have a similar asteroid layer above their upper atmosphere, which has a similar appearance, ore and monster profile. These mini biomes or gravity characteristics of asteroid fields.
There are no mini biomes which can be found in asteroid fields.
Weather in asteroid fields is either clear with a chance of spacedust, or clear with a chance of spacedust, in addition to small or large meteorites. Each asteroid field has one of these two pools of weather, and it will not change. Asteroid fields without a meteorite shower chance will never have meteor shower weather. Unlike regular planets, weather for asteroid fields is not displayed in the ship navigation window.
The probability for weather types in asteroid fields is as follows:
No crops can be found growing in asteroid fields.
The only monster found in asteroid fields is Skimbus. No other types can be found in them, not even procedurally generated monsters. No critters or bugs are found in asteroid fields.
There are no drops unique in asteroid fields planets.
There are no villages or dungeons found in asteroid fields, they're too harsh to support any type of settlements.
There are no villages which appear in asteroid fields
There are no dungeons which appear in asteroid fields
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