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Objective | Rewards |
Versus Ookubo Sanzaemon | |
Achieve victory on Serious difficulty or higher | Item_Primogem.png 20 Primogem Item_Philosophies_of_Transience.png 2 Philosophies of Transience Item_Guide_to_Transience.png 4 Guide to Transience |
Achieve victory on Dire difficulty or higher | Item_Primogem.png 20 Primogem Item_Philosophies_of_Elegance.png 2 Philosophies of Elegance Item_Guide_to_Elegance.png 4 Guide to Elegance |
Achieve victory on Dire difficulty within 75s | Item_Mora.png 20,000 Mora Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 2 Hero's Wit Item_Mystic_Enhancement_Ore.png 4 仕上げ用魔鉱 |
Complete a duel on Perilous difficulty once | Item_Mora.png 20,000 Mora Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 2 Hero's Wit Item_Mystic_Enhancement_Ore.png 4 仕上げ用魔鉱 |
Versus Yasuhiko Tarou | |
Achieve victory on Serious difficulty or higher | Item_Primogem.png 20 Primogem Item_Philosophies_of_Light.png 2 Philosophies of Light Item_Guide_to_Light.png 4 Guide to Light |
Achieve victory on Dire difficulty or higher | Item_Primogem.png 20 Primogem Item_Philosophies_of_Transience.png 2 Philosophies of Transience Item_Guide_to_Transience.png 4 Guide to Transience |
Achieve victory on Dire difficulty within 75s | Item_Mora.png 20,000 Mora Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 2 Hero's Wit Item_Mystic_Enhancement_Ore.png 4 仕上げ用魔鉱 |
Complete a duel on Perilous difficulty once | Item_Mora.png 20,000 Mora Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 2 Hero's Wit Item_Mystic_Enhancement_Ore.png 4 仕上げ用魔鉱 |
Versus Mishima Michitoshi | |
Achieve victory on Serious difficulty or higher | Item_Primogem.png 20 Primogem Item_Philosophies_of_Elegance.png 2 Philosophies of Elegance Item_Guide_to_Elegance.png 4 Guide to Elegance |
Achieve victory on Dire difficulty or higher | Item_Primogem.png 20 Primogem Item_Philosophies_of_Light.png 2 Philosophies of Light Item_Guide_to_Light.png 4 Guide to Light |
Achieve victory on Dire difficulty within 75s | Item_Mora.png 20,000 Mora Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 2 Hero's Wit Item_Mystic_Enhancement_Ore.png 4 仕上げ用魔鉱 |
Complete a duel on Perilous difficulty once | Item_Mora.png 20,000 Mora Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 2 Hero's Wit Item_Mystic_Enhancement_Ore.png 4 仕上げ用魔鉱 |
Versus Taroumaru | |
Achieve victory on Serious difficulty or higher | Item_Primogem.png 20 Primogem Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 6 Hero's Wit Item_Adventurer%27s_Experience.png 12 Adventurer's Experience |
Achieve victory on Dire difficulty or higher | Item_Primogem.png 20 Primogem Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 6 Hero's Wit Item_Adventurer%27s_Experience.png 12 Adventurer's Experience |
Achieve victory on Dire difficulty within 75s | Item_Mora.png 20,000 Mora Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 2 Hero's Wit Item_Mystic_Enhancement_Ore.png 4 仕上げ用魔鉱 |
Complete a duel on Perilous difficulty once | Item_Mora.png 20,000 Mora Item_Hero%27s_Wit.png 2 Hero's Wit Item_Mystic_Enhancement_Ore.png 4 仕上げ用魔鉱 |
WL | キャラクター & 武器 | 天賦 & 聖遺物 | ステータス |
TBD | Traveler_Icon.png Lv. 80 C? Traveler Weapon_Silver_Sword.png Lv. ? Silver Sword |
| Max HP: 25,883 |
Item_Unknown.pngItem_Unknown.pngItem_Unknown.pngItem_Unknown.pngItem_Unknown.png |
Enemy: Nobushi_Hitsukeban_Icon.png Nobushi: Hitsukeban
Honed Techniques:
Difficulty | Opponent Level | Conditions |
Serious | 70 |
Dire | 80 |
Perilous | 90 |
Enemy: Yoriki_Samurai_Icon.png Yoriki Samurai
Honed Techniques:
Difficulty | Opponent Level | Conditions |
Serious | 70 |
Dire | 80 |
Perilous | 90 |
Enemy: Kairagi_Dancing_Thunder_Icon.png Kairagi: Dancing Thunder
Honed Techniques:
Difficulty | Opponent Level | Conditions |
Serious | 70 |
Dire | 80 |
Perilous | 90 |
Enemy: Taroumaru_Icon.png Taroumaru
Honed Techniques:
Difficulty | Opponent Level | Conditions |
Serious | 70 |
Dire | 80 |
Perilous | 90 |
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 孤刀争逐 Kotou Souchiku[!] | Lone Sword Dispute |
中国語 (簡体字) | 孤剑争逐 Gūjiàn Zhēngzhú | Lone Sword Competition |
中国語 (繁体字) | 孤劍爭逐 Gūjiàn Zhēngzhú | |
英語 | Clash of Lone Blades | — |
韓国語 | 검의 각축 Geom-ui Gakchuk | Competition of Sword |
スペイン語 | Duelo de espadas | Duel of Swords |
フランス語 | Choc des lames solitaires | Clash of the Solitary Blades |
ロシア語 | Дуэль на мечах Duel' na mechakh | Duel With Swords |
タイ語 | ดาบเดี่ยวบุกทลาย | |
ベトナム語 | Độc Kiếm Tranh Hùng | |
ドイツ語 | Kampf der einsamen Klingen | Struggle of the Lone Blades |
インドネシア語 | Pertarungan Pedang Tunggal | Battle of Lone Sword |
ポルトガル語 | Duelo das Lâminas Solitárias | Duel of Lone Blades |
シェアボタン: このページをSNSに投稿するのに便利です。
掲示板雑談・質問・相談掲示板更新履歴最近のコメントカウンターサイト全体:今日:昨日:その他 トップページ ページの編集の仕方はこちら ここを編集する ...
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