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The Scarlet Sand Slate's Clearance Level is raised by interacting with monuments as part of the Golden Slumber and Old Notes and New Friends World Quest Series.
権能レベルThe emergence of this text signifies the beginning of a great journey. Follow the guidance you receive, open paths with clearance, and document what you see along the way.
The temple of 捨身の道 is the entrance to the King's territory. Unfortunately, most of the pillars have collapsed, and the passage buried deep underground has already become a stage for scorpions and lizards.
Leave 捨身の道 and walk along the axis in the direction of the sunset. 秘儀聖殿 is located there.
People have left images on the shrine walls with plant juice and ore powder. These murals will not be easily covered by the wind like footprints in the desert, and they have long been there, depicting the reign of King Deshret.
The murals watch you leave, and they don't feel sorry about it, because they are well aware what you are going to witness next...
Whisper the name of King Deshret. He was the one who brought this marvelous scene to the earth and allowed every citizen to travel freely, praising his majesty.
You are free to roam here, but do not tarry too long on account of the golden vessel, the journey is not over yet.
The hall buried in sand cannot be seen in its entirety, and thus can only be measured with one's feet. But do not be too hasty, lest you step down the wrong path.
Skilled craftsmen strung the natural caves with thousands of corridors. Such that even someone adept at discerning the directions will inevitably lose their way.
Sing and give praise here, for this is where the location of Al-Ahmar's wisdom shall be revealed.
Located in front of 聖顕殿 is an oasis, a place for people to rest. Refresh yourselves here and drive your weariness away. Then you may venture forth to pay tribute with radiant faces.
The illusion shall manifest at the end of the threefold trial. Proceed onward, for this is the sacred realm that all the people of King Deshret aspire to enter. The throne resides under the dome of 聖顕殿, and in order to ascend to a high place, one must first humbly look down.
The path to reach the throne room is now open. Recite the prayers here to reach the golden slumber where wisdom gathers.
Whoever acquires the wisdom of Al-Ahmar shall lose their bodily form, and will not be able to tell of the wonders he created. Therefore, turn back and tell every stupefied person who has slandered King Deshret what you have witnessed here.
The village named Aaru is the shelter for the remnants, but those who once witnessed 聖顕殿 should know that the original Aaru is elsewhere, at the source of the sandfall, at the end of the trials.
The mortal plane is like a river between the underworld and Aaru. Mortals must not cross, must not probe, must not covet, or they shall descend into the underworld forever. In order to ascend to Aaru, one must have a body like that of a vulture and soar above the underworld. One should peck at three different organs in order to obtain the consent of Al-Ahmar, and fly across the river in the form of a falcon.
The resilient who pass the trial of the 再生の間 shall obtain an unalterable form.
The sophophilic who pass the trial of the 気息の間 shall obtain ever-lasting bliss.
The abstinent who pass the trial of the 呑喰の間 shall never fear hunger or thirst.
Final Text[]The village named Aaru is the shelter for the remnants, but those who once witnessed 聖顕殿 should know that the original Aaru is elsewhere, at the source of the sandfall, at the end of the trials.
The mortal plane is like a river between the underworld and Aaru. Mortals must not cross, must not probe, must not covet, or they shall descend into the underworld forever. In order to ascend to Aaru, one must have a body like that of a vulture and soar above the underworld. One should peck at three different organs in order to obtain the consent of Al-Ahmar, and fly across the river in the form of a falcon.
Go forth, resilient ones, for you shall gain an unalterable form.
Go ahead, sophophilic ones, for you shall gain everlasting bliss.
Go ahead, abstinent ones, for you shall fear neither hunger nor thirst.
You have obtained full clearance. Except for that abandoned yet nostalgic ancient city, the desert no longer hides any secrets.
After flying across the river in falcon form, one must burn the embers of the sun at three places using feathers. Only through this may one obtain the mercy of Al-Ahmar and ascend to Aaru.
Do not disturb the ancient dream-guards who slumber here, just keep silent and bear Aaru's original appearance in mind.
Point of Interest | Description |
Scarlet_Sand_Slate_Abdju_Road.png 捨身の道 | At the desert's very edge stands a palace whose main form is entombed beneath the sands -- King Deshret's real awaits ahead. |
秘儀聖殿 | 秘儀聖殿 is not the largest of the countless temples to be found within the desert, but it is intimately linked to the people. All people will enter this place, lower their heads, and praise King Deshret's boundless wisdom. |
Scarlet_Sand_Slate_The_Mausoleum_of_King_Deshret.png キングデシェレトの霊廟 | King Deshret left a golden husk here, and his intelligence lies elsewhere. The giant pyramid is in fact only one corner of the palace, and many, many more temples may be found beneath it. |
祝祭殿 | The many blessings gathered here would reach King Deshret's throne directly, and the devout would gain the honor of being given access to the throne room. |
Scarlet_Sand_Slate_Khaj-Nisut.png 聖顕殿 | This is no place for ordinary mortals. Only those who have been acknowledged may set foot here and gaze upon the temple of King Deshret |
冥途殿 | The bottomless hall yawns open like the nether realm itself. The guilty or those who disrespected King Deshret shall meet their destiny here, while those who pass their trials shall fly over the invisible river and continue onward. |
Scarlet_Sand_Slate_Sekhem_Hall.png 権杖殿 | Al-Ahmar had no enemies, for all who paid him no homage would be destroyed by servants that issue from this place and thus be rendered down to naught but a handful of sand. |
再生の間 | Those who ascend to Aaru will burst into living flame once again like the sun after countless long nights, and they will no longer know the tragedy of age and decay. |
Scarlet_Sand_Slate_Place_of_Breath.png 気息の間 | Those who ascend to Aaru will no longer know what it is to sigh, and their words shall come out all joy, while their ears shall be filled with the great deeds of King Deshret and glad, bird-like singing. |
呑喰の間 | Those who ascend to Aaru shall forget hunger and thirst, and even should they sup of the juice of pomegranates, they shall do so for pleasure rather than survival. |
Scarlet_Sand_Slate_Great_Hall_of_Truths.png 秤罪主殿 | Those who bring the praises before King Deshret, who show themselves to be full of wisdom, and who do not fear the darkness shall come to this place and obtain unique gifts here. |
アアルの影 | This should have been paradise on earth, the crown jewel of the desert. But today, its appearance is all too different... |
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 赤砂の石板 Akazuna no Sekiban | Scarlet Sand Stone Slate |
中国語 (簡体字) | 赤沙石板 Chìshā Shíbǎn | Scarlet Sand Stone Slate |
中国語 (繁体字) | 赤沙石板 Chìshā Shíbǎn | |
英語 | Scarlet Sand Slate | — |
韓国語 | 적색 사막의 석판 Jeoksaek Samak-ui Seokpan | Red Desert's Slate |
スペイン語 | Placa escarlata | |
フランス語 | Stèle des sables écarlates | Stele of the Scarlet Sands |
ロシア語 | Плита красных песков Plita krasnykh peskov | Slate of Red Sands |
タイ語 | แผ่นศิลาทรายสีชาด | |
ベトナム語 | Phiến Đá Cát Đỏ | |
ドイツ語 | Steinplatte roter Sande | Stone Slate of Scarlet Sands |
インドネシア語 | Scarlet Sand Slate | — |
ポルトガル語 | Tabuleta da Areia Escarlate |
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