

Icon disambig.svg
an overview of Nuka-Cola soda in the Fallout series of games については、Nuka-Cola をご覧ください。

Nuka Cola Quantum


+400 Hit Points
+100 AP
+5 Rad









ヌカ・コーラ クアンタムはFallout 4に登場する飲食料アイテムです。



この項はNuka-Colaから引用されたものです。 変更するには引用されたページを編集してください。

2077年、ヌカ・コーラ クアンタムと呼ばれる新製品が発売されました。キャッチコピーは、二倍のカロリー、二倍の炭水化物、二倍のカフェイン、そして二倍おいしい味!と宣伝されました。棚の上でより目立つようにするためと、消費者にインパクトを与えるために、クアンタムは軽度の放射性ストロンチウム同位体(加えて、18つ目のフルーツとしてザクロ味)が含まれました。[1]

ヌカ・コーラ クアンタムを飲むと、体が活性化され、青い光で明るく輝く効果がありました。これによる人体への影響は全く存在しないと食品医薬品局に記録されましたが、アイソトープの影響により尿が発光しました。ヌカ・コーラプラントで得ることのできるレポートには、商品開発段階での失敗や死傷者が今まで一切存在しなかったことが示されています。ヌカ・コーラ社はストロンチウム-90がクアンタムに最適な同位元素だということを見つけました。この製品は、ワシントンD.C.周辺の小さい実験施設で開発され、これにより得られたフィードバックを元に製品が生産、そして販売が告知されました。しかしこれは残念なことに大戦争の直前の出来事でした。


このコーラは放射性同位元素『ストロンチウム - 90』を使用しているため、液体が青く発光している他のヌカ・コーラ系同様、New Vegas以前のデザインから変更され、核爆弾やロケットのような形状に変更されています。また、ラベルデザインも旧作から変更されました。



  • Breakheart Banks one can be found in the scout tower to the east of the main building in a television stand.
  • Cambridge Polymer Labs one is a Nuka Cola fridge in the break room.
  • Chestnut Hillock Reservoir one is being held by a skeleton in a bathtub on the east shore by a building with a fireplace.
  • Corvega assembly plant one is behind the Nuka Cola vendor in the entrance area.
  • Concord one can be found in the Northwest house in the refrigerator on the first floor.
  • Diamond City two can be found on the counter of Power Noodles, one is in Polly’s house on an end table, two are on a table inside the Cooke residence, one is on a shelf next to Sheng Kawolski at his shop, and two more can be found in the hidden room of Kellogg's house.
  • Drumlin Diner one can be found as soon as you walk into the diner to your left, and a second is inside the bus on the elevated highway almost directly to the south.
  • Egret Tours Marina one can be found in the diner at the end of the pier.
  • Federal ration stockpile three are inside: two are on the shelves with the prewar foods, and the third is on a dresser in Red Tourette’s room further back into the area.
  • Fort Hagen hangar one is in the generator room next to a terminal.
  • Four Leaf fishpacking plant one is in a room at the top floor in the northwest corner, near the door to the chem lab.
  • Fraternal Post 115 one is in the room across from Dead Eye on a shelf.
  • Goodneighbor one is behind the bar inside The Third Rail.
  • Gunners plaza one is on the first floor in a blue crate on a bench, next to the elevator.
  • Gwinnett brewery one is behind the plywood in the reception area.
  • HalluciGen, Inc. one is in the southeast basement, in the same room as the Gunner commander.
  • Irish Pride Industries shipyard one is on the table when coming in from the eastern entrance.
  • Layton Towers one is on the bottom floor next to the entrance/exit.
  • Lexington one is on a small area of highway just outside the city at the front of a bus near the driver’s skeleton. This highway is traversed during the quest Tradecraft, when the Sole Survivor meets Deacon to lead them to the “Tourist”.
  • Malden Center one can be found past the south end of the eastern track, next to a Fat Man.
  • Mahkra Fishpacking one is in the back of the blue trailer in the middle of the factory, in a crate next to a dead body beside a live frag mine.
  • Mass Pike Tunnel West two are at the south side’s wooden structure, under a metallic end table.
  • Med-Tek Research one is on a table in an office on the top floor.
  • Medical Center metro one is just down the stairs in a basket next to a vending machine, and a second can be found in a stroller in the gentleman’s bathroom.
  • Milton General hospital one is in the basement next to a broken terminal, in a narrow computer-filled room just above the morgue.
  • Old Corner bookstore one can be found in an enamel bucket by the front counter.
  • Park Street station one is at the end of the tracks in a pile of rubble, being held by a skeleton.
  • Peabody house one is inside the fridge located in the living room. It must be stolen even if the related quest, Kid in a Fridge, has been completed.
  • Pickman Gallery two can be found in a box on a pipe bridge in the underground tunnels.
  • Quincy ruins one can be found next to Clint’s terminal on the highway above the ruins.
  • Quincy Quarries one is on top of a wooden target practice plank on the east end of the irradiated pool of water.
  • Gametitle-FO4_FH.png Ruined radio tower one is in the shack’s fridge.
  • Settlements up to three can be sold by food and drink vendors, most notable in level 3 restaurants.
  • Spectacle Island two are in a broken fridge in a wrecked underwater house just off the southwest coast.
  • Starlight Drive In one can be found inside the locked storage room behind the screen.
  • Super Duper Mart two can be found in the big round grocery stands through the right doorway off the front entrance.
  • The Institute one is in Allie Filmore’s quarters.
  • The Mechanist's lair three are within the building: one is in a crate after the fourth gate, a second is on the raised left side when the ramp goes down by Jangles the Moon Monkey and a cymbal monkey playing video games, and the third is in the room with the assembly lines.
  • The Prydwen one is on the main deck, lower catwalk.
  • The Shamrock Taphouse two are on the shelf in the large double-door storage room behind the bar.
  • Ticonderoga two can be found under the stairs, three floors down from the entrance.
  • Vault-Tec lunchboxes will rarely give them.
  • Weatherby Savings & Loan one can be found in a refrigerator on the second floor of an abandoned building directly across the street.
  • West Everett Estates one is inside a fridge near the recording computer, and a second is in a box on the bunker’s table.
  • Wilson Atomatoys Corporate HQ one is under a chair in the cinema room on the third floor, near the collapsed lobby.
  • Yangtze one is next to the bunk of a dead crew member in the crew quarters.


  • Fallout 3Fallout: New Vegasと違い、使用時にHPも回復します。
  • Buddyの中にヌカ・コーラ クアンタムを入れると、冷えたヌカ・コーラ クアンタムに変化します。
  • 海外版Fallout4発売日と同日、Jones Soda 社よりヌカ・コーラ クアンタムが、一部店舗限定で販売された。Jones Berry Lemonade Sodaのラベルをヌカ・コーラ クアンタム風にしたもので、E3 2008のプロモーションアイテムとして配布されたヌカ・コーラに続いて、2回目の実物化です。
  • Fallout 3とは違い、他の食品同様ゲーム内で一定期間経つと再設置され、再取得できるようになっています。[verified]

Behind the scenes[]

  • A real life version of Nuka Cola Quantum was made by the Jones Soda Company and was sold in limited quantities at Target stores in the US on the day Fallout 4 was released. However, it was merely repackaged bottles of Jones' existing Berry Lemonade. This marks the second time a real life form of Nuka Cola was produced.



  1. "この製品は、味覚の頂点と呼べる飲み物です。17種のフルーツ味とコーラ独特の味のブレンドにより、さわやかな飲み心地を実現しました。また、新たに添加したストロンチウムにより、パワフルな刺激をお楽しみいただけます" – 輸送作業長ミロ
ChemsAddictol · Buffout (Buffjet, Bufftats) · Calmex · Daddy-O · Day Tripper · Fury · Herbal anodyne · Herbal antimicrobial · Jet (Jet Fuel, Ultra jet) · Med-X · Mentats (Grape Mentats, Berry Mentats, Orange Mentats) · Mysterious serum · Overdrive · Psycho (Psycho jet, Psychobuff, Psychotats) · Rad-X · Stimpak · Vault 81 cure · X-cell · X-111 compound
DrinksBeer · Bobrov's best moonshine · Bourbon · Deezer's Lemonade · Dirty Wastelander · Dirty water · Gwinnett ale, brew, lager, pale, pilsner, stout · Ice cold Vim · Ice cold Vim Captain's Blend · Ice cold Vim Quartz · Ice cold Vim Refresh · Nuka-Cola (Nuka-Cola Quantum, Nuka Cherry) · Purified water · Vim · Vim Captain's Blend · Vim Quartz · Vim Refresh · Refreshing beverage · Rum · Vodka · Whiskey · Wine
EdiblesBaked bloatfly · Blamco Brand Mac and Cheese · Brahmin meat · Bubblegum · Canned dog food · Canned meat · Carrot · Carrot flower · Cat meat · Corn · Cram · Crispy squirrel bits · Dandy Boy Apples · Deathclaw meat · Deathclaw egg omelette · Deathclaw steak · Deathclaw Wellingham · Fancy Lads Snack Cakes · Glowing fungus · Gourd · Gourd blossom · Grilled radroach · Grilled radstag · Gum drops · Hubflower · Iguana bits · Iguana on a stick · InstaMash · Melon · Melon blossom · Mirelurk cake · Mirelurk egg omelette · Mirelurk meat · Mirelurk queen steak · Moldy food · Mole rat chunks  · Mole rat meat · Mongrel dog meat · Mutant hound chops · Mutt chops · Noodle cup · Potato Crisps · Potted meat · Queen mirelurk meat · Radroach meat · Radscorpion egg omelette · Radscorpion meat · Radscorpion steak · Radstag meat · Radstag stew · Ribeye steak · Roasted mirelurk meat · Salisbury Steak · Silt bean · Squirrel on a stick · Squirrel stew · Stingwing filet · Stingwing meat · Sugar Bombs · Sweet roll · Tarberry · Tato · Tato flower · Thistle · Wild corn · Wild mutfruit · Wild tarberry · Yao guai ribs · Yao guai roast · Yum Yum Deviled Eggs
MiscellaneousBlood pack (Glowing blood pack, Irradiated blood) · RadAway · Stealth Boy (Railroad Stealth Boy)
Italics denote consumables available through add-ons.

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