🌐 Specialization of products to win win trade
⓪ products from professional
1⃣ great Quality
2⃣ product, from tech, you dont have
① smooth trade, if Specialization
1⃣ product spreads, as if suger in tea
⓶ variety of product
1⃣ more choice, to preserve " value "
③ work place increase
⑴ increase in employment
⑵ Gross Domestic Product, increase
① economy mechanism, become difficult to predict
1⃣ repair product, looks difficult
2⃣ consumer 's interest, sometimes
" how to accustom to product " instead of " how surprising product moves "
② when we split necessary work,
" your necessary service stop risk " increase
1⃣ when we split
necessary work
within team A & team B,
from team A, risk, work stops = ( possibility, team B stop cooperation )
2⃣ when we split
necessary work
within team A & team B & team C
from team A, risk, work stops = ( possibility, team B stop cooperation )
× ( possibility, team C stop cooperation )
🌐 win win trade theory links
study from writer