🎴profit into neural network & actions to get profit
what is neural network ?
① its system in human's brain, and system of Artifact intelligence
② neural network, is system of our brain.
brain & neural network, compose with neurons.
how neuron moves ?
① neuron, exist in brain.
② neuron's input = electric flow.
③ neuron's output = electric flow.
④ neuron get several input from some newrons
⑤ if input is powerful enough, neuron output electric flow to other neuron.
how neuron study ?
① neuron, get input
② neuron, output electric flow.
③ if neuron input & output many times, neuron power up .
④ when neuron power up, output increase
usually, input & output of neuron, treat as 0 ~ 1 number, in program.
flash of neuron
① neuron, output electric flow., call as flash.
② when neuron flashes, = when neuron power up
③ how neuron power up? ... neuron's string's Cross-sectional area, become broaden.
... writer heard length between neuron, become more closer.
how neural network moves ?
① neurons, get electric flow
② neurons, stand in row.
③ neurons, create network.
④ when neurons get image of something, particular neurons in brain, get electric flow input
⑤ when neurons in brain get reword , they return OK feedback.
⑥ when OK feedback happens, connection within that neurons, power up
neural network example recognize number program
① prepair neurons, connect & row in 3 layers
② convert number image into input into 1st layer
③ 2nd layer, get inpur from 1st layer
④ 3rd layer, output answer, what was imput image, with 10 neurons,
⑤ if answer correct, neuron where flash, power up
=> its called reward, if answer right.
⑥ if answer not correct, neuron where flash, become weak.
=> ⑤ & ⑥ called feedback, from answer.
each neuron, create output, with particular function
① if input from 4 neuron, a, b, c, d exist
② if output of neuron = f ( a,b,c,d )
③ f ( a,b,c,d ) = a × ? + b × ? + c × ? + D × ?
each neuron, study from feedback, with particular function
① if answer right
② if particular neuron flash
③ f ( a,b,c,d ) = a × ? + b × ? + c × ? + D × ?
④ coefficient, of a, b, c, d increase.
( in program, programmer adjust how much increase )
① if answer wrong
② if particular neuron flash
③ f ( a,b,c,d ) = a × ? + b × ? + c × ? + D × ?
④ coefficient, of a, b, c, d reduce.
( in program, programmer adjust how much increase )
neural network, sometime overstudy.
① even neural network study, answer ration not increase
② reason 1⃣ study with same text
③ reason 2⃣ too much reward, into neuron
④ reason 3⃣ study text, is biased
to think example within number recognaize program,
picture of 1, 2, 3 is too many,
and picture of 7 ~ 0 is small, etc.
to think example with exam,
math text & review test is too many,
and social study text & review test is small ,
but at exam, we have to take 100 point in each exam, etc.
info blackhole, in neural network
if we think society = neural network,
mechanism of info blackhole
research from writer