凶暴なマンモスはARK: Survival Evolvedの拡張パックGenesis: Part 1の凶暴な生物です。
The brute mammoth does not attack unless if provoked. it spawns when a player tracks enough tracks in the mission "Mammoths On Parade". at the end it appears on a ledge with three other mammoths level 625. also do not underestimate the brute mammoth's speed as it can outrun a Spinosaur on its quadrupedal stance.
Brute Mammoths have white tusks and near-black fur.
この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor
Region 1はこの生物には
Region 3はこの生物には
能力値 | 基準値 | レベルアップ |
野性生物 | ||
体力 | 3800 | +1140 |
Stamina.pngスタミナ | 495 | +49.5 |
酸素量 | 300 | +30 |
Food.png食料 | 7500 | +750 |
重量 | 1000 | +20 |
Melee_Damage.png近接攻撃力 | 104 | +5.2 |
移動速度 | 100% | N/A |
Torpidity.png気絶値 | 1100 | +66 |
Tusk Attacks | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | |||||||||||
20 | 900 | 0 | |||||||||||
攻撃タイプ | ダメージ | 発射物の値 | 気絶値の数値 | 状態効果: スタミナ | 状態効果: 気絶値 | ||||||||
寿命 | Impulse | 半径 | 基本 | Mult | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | |||
Melee | 124 |
Stomp | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | |||||||||||
40 | 1440 | 0 | |||||||||||
攻撃タイプ | ダメージ | 発射物の値 | 気絶値の数値 | 状態効果: スタミナ | 状態効果: 気絶値 | ||||||||
寿命 | Impulse | 半径 | 基本 | Mult | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | |||
Melee | 172 |
Swimming Attack | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | |||||||||||
20 | 900 | 0 | |||||||||||
攻撃タイプ | ダメージ | 発射物の値 | 気絶値の数値 | 状態効果: スタミナ | 状態効果: 気絶値 | ||||||||
寿命 | Impulse | 半径 | 基本 | Mult | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | |||
Melee | 124 |
stat-calculatorはモバイルビューでは機能しません。代替方法についてはこちらをご覧ください: Apps
This section describes how to fight against the Brute Mammoth.
the brute mammoth stats and melee damage are pretty similar to the brute yutyrannus but it has a large AoE on its attacks. This means a pack of well-bred Rexes are in more danger of getting killed or injured than most brutes. in beta or alpha difficulty it can land near to a thousand melee has 230k to 270k health combined with a large AoE it can result in the loss of many tames if you're not careful or prepared enough. A spino sounds like a good idea since it has great knock back but, like all brute creatures it is resistant to knock back.
the battle is similar to a boss battle. On beta a very well-bred giga with a good saddle can take it out. if you don't have a giga a pack Rexes or spinos with high melee damage is a good idea. if you are on a mount ex. spino etc you should move slowly back whilst attacking as the ground-pound ability does more damage if you are closer. On Alpha a pack of gigas is highly suggested as you do about 80% less damage.
another strategy is to take a high level ferox cling to a wall and throw boulders. The mammoth will not leave allowing a easy kill.
a third strategy is to have a any ranged weapon (weapons like a sword's,pike's or tek claw's reach is too small) and a Bloodstalker. Hook on to a wall with the bloodstalker and mow it down. It is similar to the Ferox strategy but the player will hit it instead.
ranged weapons are recommended as a melee can get you killed very quickly. the shotgun can hit it as it is obscenely large. you can be a hit and run by putting enough points into speed but that will make you have less points for others.
it has very high attack and can kill you and your tames with ease. Its has very high health, 33% more than a gamma megapithecus, so it can take a lot of punishment. it has a huge AoE and does more damage when you're closer to it so it can easily fight a pack at once. it is also pretty fast.
since the brute mammoth is a gargantuan size it can be hit easily.
like a rock elemental, just stares at a target which is out of reach,
資源 | 効率 |
Raw Meat | ? |
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