BASIC-256 Syntax Reference
Statements and Functions - Alphabetic
Call, Ceil, Changedir, Chord, Chr, Circle, Clickb, Clickclear, Clickx, Clicky, Clg, Close, Cls, Color, Confirm, Continue Do, Continue For, Continue While, Cos, Count, Countx, Currentdir
EditVisible, Else, End, EndFunction, EndIf, EndSubroutine, EndWhile, Eof, Exists, Exit Do, Exit For, Exit While, Exp, Explode, Explodex
Implode, Include, Instr, Instrx, Int, If Then, ImageAutoCrop, ImageCentered, ImageCopy, ImageCrop, ImageDraw, ImageFlip, ImageHeight, ImageLoad, ImageNew, ImagePixel, ImageResize, ImageRotate, imageSetPixel, ImageSmooth, ImageTransformed, ImageWidth, Imgload, Imgsave, Input, Input Float, Input Integer, Input String, IsNumeric
Pause, PenWidth, Pie, Pixel, Plot, Poly, PortIn, PortOut, Print, Printercancel, Printeroff, Printeron, Printerpage, Prompt, PutSlice
Say, Second, Seed, Seek, Serialize, SetSetting, Sin, Size, Sound, SoundLength, SoundLoad, SoundPause, SoundPlay, SoundPosition, SoundResume, SoundSeek, SoundState, SoundStop, SoundVolume, SoundWait, Spritecollide, Spritedim, Spriteh, Spritehide, Spriteload, Spritemove, Spriteo, Spriteplace, Spritepoly, Spriteshow, Spriteslice, Spriter, Sprites, Spritev, Spritew, Spritex, Spritey, Sqr, Stamp, String, Subroutine, System
Statements and Functions - Grouped
Arrays and Variables
Base Conversion
Database (SQLite)
DBClose, DBCloseSet, DBExecute, DBFloat, DBInt, DBNull, DBOpen, DBOpenSet, DBRow, DBString. Freedb, Freedbset
Error Handling
Lasterror, Lasterrorextra, Lasterrorline, Lasterrormessage, Offerror, Onerror, ThrowError, Try / Catch / EndTry
File and Serial Port Input/Output
Changedir, Close, Currentdir, Dir, Eof, Exists, Freefile, Kill, Open, Openb, OpenSerial, Read, Readbyte, Readline, Reset, Seek, Size, Write, Writebyte, Writeline
Graphics - Colors
Graphics - Drawing
Graphics - Text
Graphics - Window Control
Graphics - Image Files
Graphics - Images in Memory
ImageAutoCrop, ImageCentered, ImageCopy, ImageCrop, ImageDraw, ImageFlip, ImageHeight, ImageLoad, ImageNew, ImagePixel, ImageResize, ImageRotate, imageSetPixel, ImageSmooth, ImageTransformed, ImageWidth
Graphics - Slices
Graphics - Sprites
Spritecollide, Spritedim, Spriteh, Spritehide, Spriteload, Spritemove, Spriteo, Spritepoly, Spriteplace, Spriteshow, Spriteslice, Spriter, Sprites, Spritev, Spritew, Spritex, Spritey
Graphics - Other
Keyboard and User Input
Abs, Acos, Asin, Atan, Ceil, Cos, Degrees, Exp, Float, Floor, Int, IsNumeric, Log, Log10, Radians, Rand, Seed, Sin, Sqr, Tan
Network Communications
Port Input/Output
Program Control
Begin Case / Case / End Case, Call, Continue Do, Continue For, Continue While, Do / Until, End, Exit Do, Exit For, Exit While, For / Next, Function, Global, Goto, Gosub, If Then, Pause, Ref, Rem, Return, Subroutine, While / End While
String Handling
Asc, Chr, Count, Countx, Explode, Explodex, Implode, Instr, Instrx, Left, Length, Lower, LTrim, MD5, Mid, Midx, Replace, Replacex, Right, RTrim, Serialize, String, Trim, Unserialize, Upper
Settings (Persistent)
Say, Sound, SoundLength, SoundLoad, SoundPause, SoundPlay, SoundPosition, SoundResume, SoundSeek, SoundState, SoundStop, SoundVolume, SoundWait, Volume, WAVlength, WAVpause, WAVplay, WAVpos, WAVseek, WAVstate, WAVstop, WAVwait
Text Output
Time and Date
Other Statements and Functions