「virtually」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Sohki.Saiki - Sohki.Saiki

dition, the number of gold medal winners was 5 at the time, so it was virtually the first place.When 2017, he scored 66 out of 100 points an

scriptversion1_2 - Leon the professional

ides it beneath the door, breaks the lock by the crowbar. The door is virtually intact. Léon gets in, weapon at hand. Léon mov

祈る手」の絵文字の意味は? - パソコン初心者向けwiki

"や "さようなら "を表す。この絵文字は、会ったり別れたりするときにお辞儀をすることを象徴しています。"It's so great to virtually meet you 🙏😃""いってらっしゃい😊🙏"絵文字🙏(祈る手)の使い方祈っているとき:励ましのメッセージや希望に満ち

Creation_Club - Fallout Wiki

alth Armor relies on light modulation technology to render its wearer virtually invisible.Obtained through the quest "Can You See Me Now?,"

Federation_Crash_Site - Fallout Wiki

reference to the science fiction franchise Star Trek. The shuttle is virtually identical in design to those of the U.S.S. Enterprise from t

Assaultron - Fallout Wiki

ge and firing their laser directly into the victim's head, which is a virtually assured death sentence.Assaultrons' perception seems to be s

Synth - Fallout Wiki

ans genetically engineered entirely out of organic substances and are virtually indistinguishable from real human beings. This is one of man

Mister_Handy_(Fallout_4) - Fallout Wiki

ke damage. This can reveal concealed parts in addition to making them virtually useless. Mister Handy and his other fellow Robot Brethren ha

Vault_City - Fallout Wiki

Gregory), which is intentionally designed to be so difficult as to be virtually impossible by someone not of extraordinary intelligence, per

八省連合 - The Kaiserreich Wiki

e Anhui however, Jiangxi has not quite escaped German attention. With virtually nonexistent infrastructure and few direct paths to the coast

IPCC第4次評価報告書 - Gravity Wiki

結果の可能性の評価と示すため、専門家の判断に基づいて、発生確率ごとに下記のような用語が用いられている。発生確率>99%:「ほぼ確実である」(virtually certain)>95%:「可能性が極めて高い」(extremely likely)>90%:「可能性がかなり高い」(v

気候変動に関する政府間パネル - Gravity Wiki

家向けの要約(TS)"では、予測内容ごとの発生確率を「可能性(likelihood)」として下記のように表記している。[4][8]ほぼ確実(virtually certain、実現性が99%以上)可能性はかなり高い(very likely、90-99%)可能性は高い(likely

Franklin_Mendez - Halopedia日本語版

g with SPARTAN-III Team Saber, Tom-B292, Lucy-B091, and Kurt-051 were virtually alone on the planet, and were forced to hide from Sentinels

Mongoose - Halopedia日本語版

ise, had no purpose as it couldn't be driven with the flag and became virtually useless. The addition of the passenger seat gave rise to who

アサシン - ASSASSIN'S CREED wiki

ons directly led to the fall of the Assassin order, as he compromised virtually all of the Assassin camps around the world that he had visit

scriptversion1_1 - Leon the professional

;s roomMathilda adds a cardboard to her collection. Five impacts, all virtually on target.MUSIC ENDSEND of short sequences* * * * * * * * *

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