Cryptark 武器データ




















G-NUK Nuke Grenades 爆風


$5 1 1s 1 - 50m\s 10m - - 100% - -
G-HE High Explosive Grenades 爆風 発射装置を装着したこの強力なリボルバー銃には、宇宙軍標準の高性能爆薬が装填される。爆薬は発射後1.5秒で爆発するし、より精密なタイミングで「料理」する事もできる。 $5 5 1s 1 - 50m\s 18m 2 - 100% - -
G-STK Sticky Grenades 爆風


$7 5 1s 1 - 50m\s 15m 3 - 100% - -
G-RCL Remote Cluster Grenades 爆風 破壊的な神の定めが、広域を覆うように小型爆弾を中小に爆発させる。グレネード弾はリモート起爆装置を積載していて、正確なタイミングを見計らう事ができる。 $8 3 1s 1 - 50m\s 18m 2 - 100% - -
G-CLS Cluster Grenades 爆風 破壊的な神の定めが、広域を覆うように小型爆弾を中小に爆発させる。グレネード弾は発射後1.5秒で爆発するし、より精密なタイミングで「料理」する事もできる。 $9 5 1s 1 - 50m\s 8m 0.5 - 100% - -
G-FRG Frag Grenades 爆風 これらの攻性爆弾には、破壊的な破片が高密度に詰まっている。グレネード弾は発射後1.5秒で爆発するし、より精密なタイミングで「料理」する事もできる。 $10 5 1s 1 - 50m\s 10m 1 - 100% - -
G-PRX Proximity Grenades 爆風


$10 5 1s 1 - 30m\s 18m 3 - 100% - -
G-REM Remote Grenades 爆風 これらの高性能グレネード弾はリモート起爆装置を積載していて、正確なタイミングを見計らう事ができる。 $10 5 1s 1 - 30m\s 18m 3 - 100% - -
G-EMP EMP Grenades 爆風


$10 5 1s 1 - 50m\s 10m 0.5 - 100% - -
MORT Mortar キャノン This snub nosed cannon fires low-velocity explosive shells that detonate on impact. $8 5 1s 1 - 50m\s 18m 2 - 100% - -
CNSTR Canister Cannon キャノン This cannon fires specialized fragmentation shells that detonate at the optimal distance from their target, showing it with shrapnel. $10 6 0.8s 1 0.5 150m\s 7m 0.5 - 90% - -
RAIL Rail Cannon キャノン By charging up electro-magnetic rails, this advanced cannon fires a dense solid slug at hypersonic speeds, dealing massive amounts of pinpoint damage. $10 4 1.5s 1 8 - - - - 100% - -
SMORT Slime Mortar キャノン By lobbing canisters of corrosive gel, this modified mortar can turn an entire room to slag. $12 5 1.5s 1 - 50m\s - - - 100% - -
ACANN Autocannon キャノン Though stripped from obsolete anti-aircraft batteries, these light cannons can prove devastating when mounted on a pioneer suit. $25 50 0.3s 1 1 350m\s 7m 0.75 - 100% - -
BLAST Blaster エネルギ A common feature of capsized survival kits, this reliable energy carbine has virtually no moving parts and requires minimal maintenance. $5 20 0.25s 1 0.6 75m\s - - - 95% - -
PULSE Pulsar エネルギ Designed as a next-generation military service weapon, this powerful pulse rifle fires a rapid stream of burning plasma in short bursts. As a safety measure, its rate of fire decreases as its power cell drains to prevent blowout. $8 20 0.009s 1 0.3 100m\s - - - 100% - -
EMP-B EMP Blaster エネルギ This modified survival blaster fires EMP bolts that temporarily disable electronics. $15 500 0.2s 1 - 100m\s - - - 50% - -
LIGHT Lightning Spindle エネルギ Generating massive amounts of static electricity, this short ranged weapon emits arcing forks of lightning. Additional bolts may discharge from the target into other objects in close proximity. $15 100 0.05s 1 0.09 - - - - 100% - -
TRACT Tractor Beam エネルギ By creating a concentrated gravity tunnel, this device pulls in targets that can then be catapulted away with tremendous force. $20 1 1s 1 - - - - - 100% - -
HELIX Helix Caster エネルギ The twin-linked wave projectors of this flashy energy weapon create an unusual firing pattern that can curve around corners or intersect targets at optimal distances. $20 100 0.035s 2 0.12 100m\s - - - 100% - -
LASER Laser エネルギ This weaponized industrial laser is able to slice through most materials with ease, provided the user sustain target focus. $30 300 0.01s 1 0.05 - - - - 100% - -
STORM Storm Hammer エネルギ Channeling an apocalyptic level of charged electricity, this experimental energy weapon is capable of laying waste to scores of enemies with a single devastating thunderclap. Its only notable downside is the long recharge time on its overtaxed power cell. $30 1 1.5s 1 8 - - - - 100% - -
MMG Medium Machinegun マシンガン Easily obtained from surplus stockpiles, these aging workhorses are effective, if slightly unimaginative. $3 250 0.075s 1 0.18 150m\s - - - 80% - -
MMG-B Medium Machinegun - Burst マシンガン For improved accuracy, this machinegun variant has been outfitted with a burst-capacitor. $3 250 0.04s 1 0.18 150m\s - - - 95% - 0.25s
MMG-S Medium Machinegun - Smart マシンガン This advanced machinegun has been modified with a targeting CPU and smart-munitions that home in on potential threats. $3 250 0.065s 1 0.13 125m\s - - - 65% - -
ZIP Zipgun マシンガン Though extremely ramshackle and cheap in its construction, few weapons can compare to the raw amount of hot lead this popular street-piece can spit out. $5 750 0.03s 1 0.12 - - - 60m 90% - -
ZIP-S Zipgun - Smart マシンガン While extremely out of character for its humble stature, this customized subgun has been equipped with a targeting CPU and smart-munitions that home in on potential threats. $6 750 0.0275s 1 0.09 - - - 60m 80% - -
HMG-B Heavy Machinegun - Burst マシンガン This heavy-caliber machinegun has been outfitted with a burst-capacitor for increased accuracy and controllability. Autostabilizers are required to compensate for its prodigious recoil, hampering suit maneuverability. $10 250 0.075s 1 0.65 150m\s - - - 85% - 0.3s
HMG Heavy Machinegun マシンガン These repurposed heavy-caliber machineguns are commonly mounted on armoured military vehicles. Autostabilizers are required to compensate for their prodigious recoil, hampering suit maneuverability. $10 250 0.12s 1 0.65 150m\s - - - 70% - -
HUSH Hushpuppy マシンガン Designed with an efficient sound suppression system and disabling shock-rounds, this stealthy infiltration rifle excels at picking off isolated targets before they can react. $10 20 1.5s 1 4 250m\s - - - 100% - -
HMG-R Heavy Machinegun - Ricochet マシンガン This heavy-caliber machinegun has been modified to fire ricochet-rounds. Autostabilizers are required to compensate for its prodigious recoil, hampering suit maneuverability. $12 250 0.12s 1 0.65 150m\s - - - 60% - -
SMART Advanced Smart Gun マシンガン High-tech targeting sensors and directional micro-thrusters enable this weapon to literally shoot around corners with pinpoint accuracy. $15 200 0.2s 1 0.5 200m\s - - - 80% - -
HMG-P Heavy Machinegun - Piercing マシンガン This heavy-caliber machinegun has been modified to fire high-density piercing ammunition. Autostabilizers are required to compensate for its prodigious recoil, hampering suit maneuverability. $15 250 0.16s 1 0.65 150m\s - - - 70% - -
CHAIN Chaingun マシンガン The multiple barrels of this powerful rotary gun may be slow to react, but once spinning they deliver a hurricane of withering fire. $25 1000 0.25s 1 0.5 150m\s - - - 30% - -
SPIKE Ram Spike 格闘 Originally a mining tool, this magnetically powered spike can easily shatter enemies as efficiently as any ore. $5 0 - - - 100% - -
SAW Saw Arm 格闘 This diamond-tipped rotary saw blade has been reinforced to withstand the rigours of combat, and provides a brutal answer to close encounters. $10 0 0.6s 1 0.25 - - - - 100% - -
SLIME Slime Projector 放射 Originally used to dissolve unwanted scrap metal in junk yards, this corrosive chemical ooze slows and eats through hostile drones with equal effectiveness. $5 250 0.0005s - - 90% - -
NAPLM Napalm Projector 放射 Highly flammable and unstable, this sticky gel can be applied to targets before being set alight with another weapon. $12 250 0.0005s - - 90% - 0.25s
FLAME Flame Thrower 放射 Simple but undeniably potent in tight spaces, this brutish weapon sprays pressurized gouts of highly flammable liquid. $15 750 0.03s 1 0.15 - - - 50m 80% - -
R-NUK Nuke Rocket ロケット Though small, this miniaturized nuclear warhead is more than capable of reducing anything within its blast zone to radioactive dust. $10 1 1s 1 - 10m\s 25m - - 100% - -
R-HE High Explosive Rocket ロケット These dumb-fire two stage rockets deliver a powerful explosive payload, and are ideal for knocking out enemy systems from a distance. $12 4 1s 1 - 10m\s 25m 8 - 100% - -
R-GD Guided Rocket ロケット After launching, this rocket can be wirelessly guided into targets. Due to the advanced complexity and cost of its systems, careful application is recommended. $12 3 1s 1 - 10m\s 25m 8 - 100% - -
R-REM Remote Rockets ロケット These high-explosive rockets are armed with remote triggers, allowing the firer to precisely time the moment of detonation. $14 3 1s 1 - 10m\s 25m 8 - 100% - -
R-RGD Remote Guided Rocket ロケット After launching, this rocket can be wirelessly guided into targets and detonated with a remote trigger. Due to the advanced complexity and cost of its systems, careful application is recommended. $17 3 1s 1 - 10m\s 25m 8 - 100% - -
STING Stinger Pod ロケット These micro-missiles are densely packed into smart-tracking target pods. Once launched in a salvo, they will relentlessly seek out targets and destroy them. $18 50 0.09s 1 - 25m\s 10m 0.75 - 50% 50% 1s
R-DNK Drunk Rocket ロケット Officially recalled due to faulty guidance systems, these unpredictable missiles can still be purchased cheaply from backchannels and are effective when fired in large volleys. $20 50 0.15s 1 - 15m\s 25m 2 - 100% - -
SG Shotgun ショットガン This time tested heavy-gauge boarding shotgun delivers a powerful spread of tungsten pellets at close range. $6 50 1s 6 0.325 - - - 50m 100% 2% -
SG-EM EMP Shotgun ショットガン This humble boarding shotgun has been loaded with advanced EMP shells that temporarily disable electronics. $7 50 1s 6 0.1 - - - 50m 100% 2% -
SG-AS Assault Shotgun ショットガン Military-grade combat shotguns are prized weapons amongst freelancers for their unrelenting firepower. $10 50 0.3s 5 0.325 - - - 50m 100% 5% -
FRAGG Frag Gun ショットガン A monstrously upscaled scattergun, this beast of a weapon fires molten-hot shrapnel that cuts through its targets and bounces off walls. $15 25 1s 6 1 - - - 50m 100% 4% -
SG-TR Trench Gun ショットガン Sawn off double-barreled shotgun; a bandit classic. Though slow to reload, nothing compares for a brutal one-two punch. $18 50 0.25s 15 0.325 - - - 50m 100% 7.5% 1.5s


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