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この夜の星空の外 は、モナ伝説任務映天の章の第一幕である。この任務を開放するためには、夜梟の章・第一幕『闇夜の英雄のアリバイ』と四つ葉の章・第一幕『本当の宝物』をクリアし、冒険ランク38に到達している必要がある。




  1. 占星術と50年の約束
  2. モンドへ出発
  3. よく見えない運命



As the Traveler and Paimon leave Liyue Harbor, they are greeted by Mona (who they recognize if they had investigated meteorites together). Mona knows that the Traveler is not of Teyvat, and offers to look into their destiny for them if they accompany her. She wishes to tackle the guardian of her box to prove the power of astrology, and believes that taking the Traveler in as a "disciple" would help immensely.

On the way, Mona asks them to accompany her to Mr. Zhu's inn to say farewell to the owner as he provided her good food at a low cost. Mr. Zhu asks Mona if she could assist him in finding a ring, as he had lost it to a slime. Mona initially refuses, but when he offers 20,000 Mora in return, she becomes excited, much to Paimon's surprise as she had just contradicted herself. Mona then tasks the Traveler with finding the ring for her, much to their annoyance.

Paimon then remembers the bait that they had used to help Diluc out before, revealing that she had kept a small amount on her on hand. The Traveler sets the bait nearby, attracting the slimes and dispatches of them all, eventually finding the ring. They return the ring to Mr. Zhu, who prepares to give them the Mora, but Mona quickly snatches it, claiming that they need to "act" like a disciple. Her stomach then growls, prompting Mr. Zhu to ask her if she's eaten, but she quickly silences him out of embarrassment. Mona then states that she will treat the Traveler and Paimon to a feast in gratitude for obtaining the Mora, and suggests to stop by Wangshu Inn to eat.


Arriving at the inn, Mona and the Traveler sit down by a table and are greeted by Yuhua, who begins to take their order. The Traveler and Paimon go first, ordering Golden Shrimp Balls, Vegetarian Abalone, Crab Roe Tofu, Salted Pork Soup, Squirrel Fish, Jueyun Chili Chicken and Jewelry Soup, much to Mona's surprise. When Yuhua asks Mona what she wants, she awkwardly asks her how much the cost is, who informs her that it is around 20,000 Mora - the same amount Mr. Zhu gave them. Mona then asks for some vegetarian noodles. The food eventually comes and the Traveler and Paimon feast, before Paimon notices that Mona is acting awkwardly and suspects she has no Mora. Mona claims that she eats simple dishes to avoid getting distracted, but her stomach growling once again indicates otherwise.

The Traveler then offers to cook something for her and heads up, speaking with Huai'an. He allows them to use the kitchen, but after realizing they are travelers, suggests they try their hand at making Golden Crab, giving them the recipe for it. After creating the dish, they return to Mona and give her the dish, who is delighted with the taste. Now having had their full, Mona tells them to head north to the Stone Gate, as it is the route connecting both Mondstadt and Liyue.

The two are tired from the walk, much to Paimon's surprise, but Mona states that Paimon is flying. Paimon states that based on her experience so far, astrologists don't have anything special about them, just as they are met by Tyler and several merchants. Tyler states that they too are returning to Mondstadt and offers them a ride with a cart that is expected to come soon. Before the Traveler can answer, Mona calls Tyler out on this claim and accuses him and his merchants of being bandits. Tyler and his group then try to kill the trio, but Mona defeats the entire bandit group with ease.

The Traveler is left impressed by how Mona was able to tell they were a threat, but she tells them that it is elementary and that lies are worthless before astrology. She claims that she can discover the truth after learning more about them, but can tell people instantly from a single glance. Paimon then reminds her of the "bumps" she had, but Mona explains that she can easily tell the people of Teyvat - the Traveler, hailing elsewhere, is like an impenetrable fog to her. She hopes that by combining the knowledge from the guardian of the box, she may be able to gain new insight into their fate.


Finally arriving in the Mondstadt, they make their way to the city where Mona states that they are about to meet the guardian - a young woman affiliated with the Knights of Favonius. The Traveler wonders if the woman is Lisa, but Mona does not pry further and simply tells them that the guardian is coming now. Just then, Klee barges in and greets the Traveler and Paimon. Mona proclaims that Klee is the guardian of the box, much to the Traveler's surprise.

Klee does not understand what Mona is saying, so Mona asks her if her mother is Alice. Klee then realizes Mona is her mother's friend, before Mona asks her if Alice had taught her anything before she left. Klee tells her that she was only taught how to make Jumpy Dumptys, causing Mona to realize they cannot have a contest if she knows virtually nothing. Mona asks Klee about the fifty-year agreement and a box, which Klee appears to remember and runs off to find the box.

The Traveler accompanies Klee to Windrise while Mona remains behind to collect the belongings she dropped in her haste, among which there is a book. They are attacked by Dendro Slimes, but are able to recover the box regardless. They come back to see Mona reading the book hoping to gain some knowledge since it dropped from Klee's backpack, but found that it was just a boring diary. Mona then retrieves the box from Klee but finds nothing, just as Klee states that she put all of her "treasures" inside and replaced what was originally inside. Mona frantically asks her for the original contents, but Klee points out it's the book that Mona is reading. Mona then realizes that the diary is her master's; completely embarrassed and in a full panic, she states that she will be finished as her master told her to never read her diary. Klee flees at the suspicion that she is going to get in trouble.

Unsure of what to do as she has obtained nothing on her trip to Mondstadt, has no Mora or a lab to work in, the Traveler helps Mona out by going to Katheryne and asking for a commission. Katheryne tells them that there is a lab someone had sealed; though others could dispel it, they have their own labs. Bringing Mona to the house, she dispels the Hydro seal with her astrology. Goth then arrives and thanks her, revealing himself to be the owner of the house and that he heard of the situation from Katheryne. He offers to rent it to her at the lowest possible price, which she is surprised by as she believed she would get the house for free. Mona nonetheless accepts as the other option is to be homeless. Regardless, Mona thanks the Traveler for their assistance, but informs them that it'll be some time before she can look into their destiny. Due to their journey, Paimon is worried Mona will faint from hunger and suggests they check in on her from time to time.




    言語正式名称直訳の意味 (英語)
    Kono Yo no Hoshizora Soto
    Beyond This World's Starry Sky
    Zài Cǐ Shì de Xīngkōng zhī Wài
    Beyond This World's Starry Sky
    Zài Cǐ Shì de Xīngkōng zhī Wài
    英語Beyond This World's Stars
    韓国語이 세상 별하늘의 바깥
    I Sesang Byeolhaneul-ui Bakkat
    Beyond This World's Starry Sky
    スペイン語Más allá de las estrellasBeyond the Stars
    フランス語Au-delà du ciel étoiléBeyond the Starry Sky
    ロシア語Что говорят звёзды этого мира
    Chto govoryat zvyozdy etogo mira
    What Stars of This World Say
    Noknuea Ok Pai Chak Thongfa Khong Lok Haeng Ni
    ベトナム語Phía ngoài bầu trời của kiếp này
    ドイツ語Hinter den SternenBehind The Stars
    インドネシア語Melampaui Bintang-Bintang di Dunia IniBeyond This World's Stars
    ポルトガル語Além das EstrelasBeyond the Stars
    トルコ語Yıldızların Ötesinde
    イタリア語Al di là delle stelle



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