Fragor_Prime - Warframe日本語 Wiki
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Has an initial Combo Count of 30 (2.0x heavy atta
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Has an initial Combo Count of 30 (2.0x heavy atta
登録日:2009/07/30 Thu 22:14:19更新日:2023/08/18 Fri 16:59:54NEW!所要時間:約 5 分で読めます▽タグ一覧重甲!!ビーファイター!!重甲ビーファイター。それは昆虫の様々な能力と、人類の最先端科学とが合体、誕生した新戦士である!『重
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Stance slot has a polarity, matches Rending Cran
物, 37% 生体物, 30% 胆汁威力:1 x (ダメージ倍率)効果時間:N/A範囲:12 mMisc:45° (円錐角度)100 % (stagger on hit)InfoInfo50 エネルギーを消費し、発動者の正面 12メートル以内45°角度の円錐形の範囲内の敵を影響下
物, 37% 生体物, 30% 胆汁威力:1 x (ダメージ倍率)効果時間:N/A範囲:12 mMisc:45° (円錐角度)100 % (stagger on hit)InfoInfo50 エネルギーを消費し、発動者の正面 12メートル以内45°角度の円錐形の範囲内の敵を影響下
tion, as they all will allow you to charge your bow rapidly.Dread can stagger Ancients on every hit, even with uncharged shots, this is quit
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Stance slot has polarity, matches Reaping Spiral
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Can use the Dual Cleavers-exclusive Justice Blade
not cause a time-stopping effect as it normally should.Dispel causes stagger in actuality rather than knockdown as shown in the trailer.It
Surface:C. FleshFerriteAlloyMachineryStatus Effect物理ダメージImpact b.svg 衝撃–25%+25%Stagger[1][2] 貫通+50%+15%–DamageSlash b.svg切断+25%–15%–50%Bleed
ウンではなく即座に死亡する。 Iron Hide Zombies are harder to stagger with bullet hits. ゾンビが銃弾を受けても怯みにくくなる。 Iron Ma
概要ポイズStaggerデータIcon_Emoji_019_Sucrose_Doubt.pngこのページは、 コミュニティから派生した情報、概念、または用語について書かれている。このページには、コミュニティの議論、発明、知識に由来する、またはそれに基づいた非公式の情報、概念、また
メージが 75 %低下する。 Iron Hide Zombies are harder to stagger with bullet hits. ゾンビが銃弾を受けても怯みにくくなる。 Undying
Icon_Emoji_019_Sucrose_Doubt.pngこのページは、 コミュニティから派生した情報、概念、または用語について書かれている。このページには、コミュニティの議論、発明、知識に由来する、またはそれに基づいた非公式の情報、概念、または用語が含まれてい。このページ
効果範囲種類戦闘Area of Effect (AoE)は、広い空間範囲に影響を与えるアビリティを表す用語である。これらのアビリティは、通常一定の半径内にいる複数のターゲットに影響を与えることができる。AoEには3つの形状がある。球体、円柱、箱。目次1 事例1.1 Cylinde
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.生得的に2つのMadurai_Pol.svg極性を持つ。デメリットLowest base dama
Damage 2.0とはU11から実装されたダメージシステム。Surface:C. FleshFerriteAlloyMachineryStatus Effect物理ダメージImpact b.svg 衝撃–25%+25%Stagger[1][2] 貫通+50%+15%–Damag
not appearing).Hotfix 29.5.2 (11-20-2020)Firing Line now has a forced stagger to de-mobilize enemies hit by its rays.Shield Maiden now has a
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.スタンス極性 Vazarin_Pol.svg matches Burning Wasp Burni
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.スタンススロットは極性を持ち、Stalking FanMod_TT_20px.png Stalki
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Stance slot has Madurai_Pol.svg polarity, matches
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Stance slot has polarity, matches Shattering Sto
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.スタンススロットには Madurai_Pol.svg極性を持ち、Crushing Ruin Cru
lee attacks while the glaive is in mid-flight.Explosion inflicts self-stagger。Explosion has linear damage falloff from 100% to 30% from cent
y much less than other weapons in Halo 2. It also causes the Brute to stagger back. When a Brute charges with their Brute Shot, you must mus
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.スタンススロットは極性を持ち、Cleaving WhirlwindMod_TT_20px.png
e9Debuff50-Instant20sDiscord大地を震撼させ、前方40ft内にいる対象全てに20-136damage。対象は9秒間staggerとなる。Tainted Wound11BuffPassiveInstantDiscord全ての回復効果が15%増えるTzeen
irly 高いリロード速度。ピンポイントの精度。とても低いrecoil。Poison clouds do not inflict self stagger, unlike the Ogris or DEPenta.pngPenta.Can use the exclusive Fi
limator design. Placed atop one another, these collimators fire in a "stagger" taking the slow automatic fire of each individual collimator
incoming、5s)。Aethyric Shock-Alchemy13Debuff35100ftInstant20s284ダメージ + stagger(9s)。Tzeentch's Shielding-Alchemy15BuffR4 Morale-Instant60s100f
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Can use the Skana-exclusive Bright PurityMod_TT_2
Class Skill / クラススキルBurglar Skills (バーグラースキル) • Captain Skills (キャプテンスキル) • Champion Skills (チャンピオンスキル)Guardian Skills (ガーディアンスキル) • Hunter
Class Deeds (クラス功績) / 功績ページに戻るBurglar Deeds (バーグラー功績) • Captain Deeds (キャプテン功績) • Champion Deeds (チャンピオン功績)Guardian Deeds (ガーディアン功績) • Hunte
Hit Where It Hurts (功績)-icon Hit Where It Hurts (功績)ガーディアンレベル:50Objectives / 目的 Stagger (よろめき) で攻撃する (100)Rewards / 報酬特性: Hit Where It Hurt
設計図.特徴[]この武器は主にImpact_b.svg 衝撃ダメージを与える。メリット:Shots have a forced enemy stagger.高い 衝撃ダメージ – 対して有効 シールド.良いクリティカル率。平均値以上のクリティカル倍率。Highest overal
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Stance slot has a Madurai_Pol.svg polarity, match
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Stance slot has a Vazarin_Pol.svg polarity, match
ipationIncreases knockdown immunity after being knocked downIncreases stagger immunity after being staggeredExclusive to PvPVazarin_Pol.svgア
ipationIncreases knockdown immunity after being knocked downIncreases stagger immunity after being staggeredExclusive to PvPアンコモンエクシラスAntito
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Machete ヘビーアタック will hit its target four times in
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.使用できる the Dual Cleavers-exclusive Justice Blades
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown。Machete ヘビーアタック will hit its target four times in
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.生得的な極性を持つ。デメリット:低いImpact_b.svg 衝撃と 貫通ダメージ –対して有効で
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.使用できる the Skana-exclusive Bright PurityMod_TT_20p
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Stance slot has Madurai_Pol.svg polarity, matchin
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Stance slot has Naramon_Pol.svg polarity, matches
ve 生得的な 爆発ダメージ – 対して有効マシーナリーとFossilized。Shots have a chance to either stagger or knockdown enemies.Firing within 4 meters of an enemy will r
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.スラムアタックhave a guaranteed 電気 proc.Can use the Pro
es momentum during regular swings, which resists interruption such as stagger or knockdown.Can use the Prova-exclusive Static DischargeMod_T