「own」を含むwiki一覧 - 5ページ

西行寺幽々子 - 東方Project Wiki

rect the corpse buried beneath it, apparently unaware that it was her own body. Forced to abandon her plan as it would only result in her ow

Pilot - Robot Warfare wiki.en

ght with them), it isoften the case that you are supposed tomake your own robot team and the number of robots you can make in a team is deci

森近霖之助 - 東方Project Wiki

力:Able to recognize the name and purpose of an item at a glance年齢:Unknown, at least few decades.職業:Owner of Kourindou, an antique shop住んでいると

洩矢諏訪子 - 東方Project Wiki

MoriyaAlternate spellings:Suwako Moriya種族:妖怪の山の女神能力:坤を創造する程度の能力年齢:Unknown, but one of the oldest; she at least far predates the invasion by

三妖精 - 東方Project Wiki

he refraction of light, supposedly the smartest among the three年齢:Unknown職業:Leader of mischievous girls住んでいるところ:Near the Hakurei shrine (for

Eyebot_(Fallout_4) - Fallout Wiki

ith the Automatron DLC installed, the player can have access to their own eyebots which can find materials (such as adhesive) for their sett

All_I_want_fot_Antagata_is_You - OCR & Aviutl wiki

コーヒー(Coffee)Disappearing of Gamte-pu!カーラ(Caula)I just want you for my own...DiaAce2.pngエース(Ace Book)Oh, you do?エチル(Ethyl)...More than you co

Fallout_2 - Fallout Wiki

s a whole, Reputation affects how the player is received in a single town. While Karma is achieved by doing good things and killing villaino

Deathclaw - Fallout Wiki

o not sharpen their claws on nearby objects, instead preferring their own nails to do the sharpening. The Lone Wanderer or Courier can witne

凱じぃ - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

Please have a seat and stay for a while. You can try some of our very own Qingce Village tea.(Opens Shop menu)Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg Tell me

ドルドーニ・アレッサンドロ・デル・ソカッチオ - BLEACH wiki


チルッチ・サンダーウィッチ - BLEACH wiki


ネル・トゥ/ネリエル・トゥ・オーデルシュヴァンク - BLEACH wiki

Nell.png 破面の少女。黄緑色の髪で眉間から鼻筋にかけて傷痕があり前歯がない。ひびの入った人の髑髏のような仮面の名残を頭に乗せ、顔の中央を横切るように仮面紋がある。幼女の姿での一人称は「ネル」。新庄弁と思われる東北弁で喋る。バッタリ出会ったペッ

ワンダーラボ - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

ただ、私だけの鳥籠を美しく飾り立てるの どう?You'll just make a beautiful decoration for my own birdcage. How does that sound?- White Lakeクラス:HE根源分類:F(白鳥の湖)攻撃タイプ:

シャルロッテ・クールホーン - BLEACH wiki


Plague_Doctor_(Legacy) - Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

第二の形態への変貌を目的としている考えられています。The details of its origin are currently unknown, though it's been said it came to the facility of its own free wil

謎境一騎 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

nges. Aged Tokens can be exchanged in the event shop for Primogems, Crown of Insight, Character Level-Up Materials, Talent Level-Up Material

酒の味 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

酒の味任務の種類依頼開始の場所璃月、璃月港概要徳貴は、商売繁盛のために蒲公英酒を造ってみようと思い、旅人にモンドから蒲公英を取ってくるように頼む。 報酬 キャラクター AR依存の報酬追加報酬:霓裳花 2 霓裳花徳貴、旅人

地脈異常 - 原神 非公式攻略wiki

cter has Prayers for Wisdom and Shattering Ice, the duration will be down to 20 × (1 - 0.4) × (1 - 0.4) = 20 × 0.6 × 0.6 = 7.2 seconds.[1]Fo

スタートレック映画 - Memory Alpha wiki

I in スタートレック:ファーストコンタクト, while Phillips appears – uncredited, at his own request (having never before appeared in a Trek production without