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氷川 いおな | |
ファイル:Hcpc.fortune.toeiprof.png | |
Description | |
シリーズ | ハピネスチャージプリキュア! |
年齢 | 14 |
性別 | 女性 |
瞳の色 | Midnight Violet(氷川いおな) Violet(キュアフォーチュン) |
髪の色 | Midnight Violet(氷川いおな) Bright Lavender(キュアフォーチュン) |
出身地 | ぴかりが丘 |
家族 | キュアテンダー(姉) |
初登場 | HCPC01 (キュアフォーチュン) HCPC08(氷川いおな) |
プリキュア | キュアフォーチュン |
テーマカラー | 紫(メイン) 青紫(サブ) |
声優 | 戸松遥 |
英語版の声優 | N/A |
氷川 いおなは、『ハピネスチャージプリキュア!』のメインキャラクターの一人である。変身後の姿はキュアフォーチュン。オープニングに示されているように、彼女はめぐみとひめとゆうこと同じ学校に通っているが、3人とはクラスは違う。
She helps the weak and has a strong sense of justice and a gentleness when she consoles people. With her sense of duty as a Cure and her excellent fighting skills, she goes on her own to bring down the Saiark one by one. Cool, serious, excellent grades, a capable girl.she is a popular girl. Strict both with herself and with others. She hates to lose. Doesn't laugh much. A bit careless in her perfection in that she thinks she can do anything by herself and won’t rely on others. Has an aura which makes it difficult to approach her, thus she has few friends. She doesn't laugh because she is tense, and wants to change her cool and stiff character. In fact, she loves to laugh, to the point of spouting out her drink after hearing a random gag. At the time of her first appearance she'll be expert at being alone, however as times goes by with Megumi and company, she'll learn to show her smile and fight as a team. Cute when she shows her dark side.
She appears to be very cold towards Hime and scolds her that the Phantom Empire invading the Earth. In episode 8, she predicts a terrible future for Hime and Megumi and even tells Cure Lovely not to trust Princess or there will be a great disaster.
As Cure Fortune, her uniform is similar to the other three Cures, with a dark grey vest with a light purple collar and a darker purple ribbon in the front. Her skirt is also light purple and is longer toward the back. Her arm warmers and boots are also very long, going past her elbows and knees respectively. Her hair is purple and appears to be in a loose ponytail, with a heart-shaped hairpiece with a ribbon flowing out of it on the left side. Her bow also functions as a glowing pair of purple wings.As civilian, her hair is shorter and a darker shade of purple, although the fringe stays the same.
Somewhere in the city, Cure Princess was fighting the enemy known as Saiark. Cure Princess tried her best to defeat it but ends up being hit by its attack and de-transforming. Cure Fortune arrives on the scene in the nick of time and uses her Stardust Shoot attack to purify the Saiark and saved the person who was trapped inside the mirror. Before leaving, she scolds Hime for being a coward and not fulfilling her duty as a Pretty Cure, even going as far as blaming her for the Phantom Empire's invasion.
When Oresky was about to finish Lovely and Princess off, she arrived and saved them and easily took down the Saiarks. Before she left, she advises Megumi not to team up with Princess or else she will face a disaster.
She wants to defeat Phantom to avenge the defeat of her sister, Cure Tender, who gave her her Cure powers. When she was able to fight him, she did it alone and was overwhelmed by Phantom's power. However, Cure Lovely convinced her that they may have a chance if they combined their powers.
"The star of hope that glitters in the night sky, Cure Fortune!"
夜空にきらめく希望の星!, キュアフォーチュン!
Yozora ni kirameku kibō no hoshi, Kyua Fōchun!
テンプレート:Nihongo is Iona's alter ago. Cure Fortune represents stars.
テンプレート:Nihongo: Hi (氷) means "Ice" and kawa (川) means "River". Together, Hikawa (氷川) is "Glacier".
テンプレート:Nihongo: Iona doesn't have any reference of meaning based on known language so far. The kanji writing used in current Chinese Wikipedia is 伊於奈, according to 江崎玲於奈 (Leona Esaki), a Japanese physicist.
Cure Fortune refers to fate, a destiny, grasp own future.
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