「exclaimed」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

Under the Mikados flag - 読まねの目次録

cted one“We’ll be run down!” cried Gilbert“Hullo, Ben! Hullo, Larry!” exclaimed GilbertThe runaways were bounding forward at a furious paceI

センサー - Memory Alpha wiki

em to the ship. In the script, after the attempt failed, Malcolm Reed exclaimed, "To hell with the sensors," before hatching a new plan. How

ヴォルタ - Memory Alpha wiki

n one basket, you're sadly mistaken. They're out there somewhere!" he exclaimed. (テンプレート:STTM) Combs made much the same statement to Ira Beh

Human - Halopedia日本語版

cant Bias, in the Dreadnought). Upon activation of the Oracle, the AI exclaimed, "FOR EONS I HAVE WATCHED. LISTENED TO YOU MISINTERPRET. THI

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