「denoted」を含むwiki一覧 - 1ページ

記章 - Memory Alpha wiki

rank stripes, and only on standard uniforms. The 2260s dress uniforms denoted rank by braid around the collar, again only for officers. In t

Cold_Steel_(season) - Fallout Wiki

threaten to halt the march of Manifest Destiny.Rewards[] Note: Items denoted with this icon are Fallout 1st-exclusive rewards. The subscrip


教団が設立された当初は厳密であったが、他の時代では年功序列的なものになった。Though ranks were only strictly denoted in times when the Order was formally established, they were ne

The_Scribe_of_Avalon - Fallout Wiki

lso warned of the local barbarian population.[3]Rewards[] Note: items denoted with this icon are Fallout 1st-exclusive rewards. The subscrip

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