



中森明菜デビュー40周年 女神の熱唱! 喝采は今も
番組URL https://bs.tbs.co.jp/music/nakamoriakina/







自分の意見を主張し、すべての責任を負う。明菜は既に普通のアイドルではなかった。そしてその姿勢を貫き通していく。1982年(昭和57年)5月1日「スローモーション」が発売され、明菜は歌手としてのスタートを切った。これはデビュー直後に TBS の番組に出演した時の映像。以来明菜は数多くの歌をお茶の間に届けた。
時代はアイドル全盛期。同期は、松本伊代、早見優、堀ちえみ、小泉今日子など強力なライバルが揃っていた。明菜はライバルたちから数ヶ月遅れてのデビューとなり話題性は高くはなかったがその存在感と歌唱力は際立っていた。中森明菜は第二弾「少女 A」 でイメージチェンジ。大ブレイクを果たす。そこには私たちが知らないドラマがあった。ライバルたちに遅れを取った明菜だが、どうしたら巻き返せるか。スタッフは戦略を練りデビュー作の「スローモーション」の清純路線から大胆にも趣が全く違うツッパリ路線に舵を切った。タイトルは「少女 A」 。作詞はコピーライターでもあった新人作詞家の売野雅勇。後にチェッカーズの「涙のリクエスト」などの多くのヒット曲を手がける売野だが、それまで明菜とは面識がなかった




いわゆる普通の17歳だわ 女の子のこと知らなすぎるのあなた









こうした地道な活動が実り、「少女A」はヒットチャートを駆け上がった。40万枚のヒット。先行する同期のアイドル達と肩を並べた。そして昭和57年9月16日、中森明菜は悲願だった TBS のザ・ベストテンに初登場を果たす。これはその時の貴重映像。憧れだった生放送の歌番組。デビューから4カ月、テレビカメラの向こうに全国の人がいる。










(十戒 1984年8月11日)
(ザ・ヒットステージ 1984年1月29日)







そうです。禁止区域、keep out ということですよね。そういう「許されない恋」という話ですから、このタイトルがいいんじゃないかと。

明菜は「少女A」で TBS のザ・ベストテンに初めてランクイン。以来223回10位以内に入り「ベストテンの女王」と呼ばれた。視聴者は期待感をもって明菜の出演を待ち望んだが、その出演はスリリングでもあった。時には移動の途中でマイクを握った。
· 放送局の玄関に滑り込み!:愛知県でのコンサートを終えた明菜はすぐに東京に戻る必要がありさらに生放送のザ・ベストテンの出演もあった。そこで二つを同時にするためタクシーを利用し途中にある静岡放送に立ち寄った。そして玄関から生出演し歌った。(少女A) 歌い終わるとすぐに待機していた事務所の車に乗り、一路東京へ。滞在時間わずか5分余り。明菜のスケジュールは文字通り分刻みであった。
· 新幹線の車中で歌う!:明菜が新幹線で移動中ザ・ベストテンの放送が始まった。そこで姫路駅に停車したタイミングで中継が結ばれ、何と車中で歌ったのだ 。(十戒)
次なる曲は多くの話題作を手掛け自ら歌っていた井上陽水が明菜のために書いた「飾りじゃないのよ涙は」。衣装の多くは明菜のアイディア。パンツスタイルなど当時最先端のファッションを積極的に取り入れた。明菜のセンスは多くの女性ファンを魅了。ファッションリーダーとしても高い支持を得て いた。
このあと中森明菜、歌謡界の頂点へ 涙の熱唱!
頂点に立った明菜は、さらに表現者としてのこだわりを強くする。「DESIRE」 の作詞は明菜の憧れの山口百恵のヒット曲を数多く手がけた阿木燿子。強く美しい日本女性を描いている。この「DESIRE」はザ・ベストテンで33位から1位という番組始まって以来のジャンプアップを記録、視聴者を驚かせた。しかしそれ以上に注目を浴びたのは和と洋の融合ともいえる独創的な衣装。明菜が自ら作り出す歌の世界は関係者の度肝を抜いた。






中森明菜の歌は成熟の度合いを増していく。「TANGO NOIR」 では赤いドレスを身にまとい鮮やかに舞った。明菜は幼い頃バレエを習っていたのだ 。



で、その数日後の地方のコンサートで別に何も言ってなかったし今みたいにネットもないんですけどお花が届きましたね。明菜さんから。一度だけです。それが多分「難破船」やりますって言う OK の返事なのかなっていうそんなやりとりがありました。






for English

中森明菜デビュー40周年 女神の熱唱!喝采は今も / Nakamori Akina Debut 40thAnniversary, DIVA singing enthusiastically! Applause still now.
Duration: 120 minutes
Broadcast date: Nov 4, 2022
TV station: BS-TBS
Program URL: https://bs.tbs.co.jp/music/nakamoriakina/
Translated from; https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tg411B782/

Nakamori Akina has longed to be a singer since her childhood. The springboard for her debut was the audition program "Star Tanjou!". However, she failed twice. One of her judges, vocalist Matsuda Toshi, said:

"You're good at singing, but your face is so childish, so it's impossible. Isn't it better to sing nursery rhymes instead of singing adult songs?"

Then Akina retorted.

"You say I should sing nursery rhymes, but I don't think nursery rhymes will be accepted in ‘Sta Tan’.”

Akina's words, which could be taken as a protest, caused a stir in the venue. Nakamori Akina, who was always honest with herself. Akina, who had this attitude even before her debut, did not give up. Her third attempt. Akina sang Yamaguchi Momoe's "Yumesaki-an’nai-nin" and she passed with 392 points, the highest score since the program started. At the final tournament, 11 record companies and production companies put up placards indicating their intention to acquire. She finally got the chance to make her debut. At this time, Nakamori Akina was 16 years old. Akina, whose debut was decided, was given the stage name Mori Asuna by her agency. But she insisted to make the debut under her real name. In her own essay, she described her thoughts at that time as follows.

"I want to act as Nakamori Akina. I like this name. I don't want to do things that I can't convince myself. Moreover, when it doesn't go well, I don't want to complain and think later on, "In reality, I thought another way at that time."”

She was not an ordinary idol. And stick to her attitude. Her "Slow Motion" was released on May 1, 1982, and Akina made her start as a singer. This is a video of when she appeared on a TBS program right after her debut. Since then she has delivered many of her songs to the living rooms.
(Slow Motion)
The days were the heyday of idols. She had strong rivals such as Matsumoto Iyo, Hayami Yu, Hori Chiemi, Koizumi Kyoko who made debut in the same year. Akina debuted several months later than her rivals, and her topicality was not high, but her presence and her singing ability stood out. Nakamori Akina got a makeover with her second release, "Shoujo A" with which she had a big breakthrough. There was a drama there that we didn't know.Akina fell behind her rivals, but how can she catch up? The staff worked out a strategy and changed direction from the innocent girl direction of the debut song "Slow Motion" to a bold direction change with a completely different flavor. The title is "Shoujo A". The lyrics were written by Urino Masao, a rookie lyricist who was also a copywriter. Urino, who later worked on many hit songs such as "Namida no Request" by Checkers, had never met Akina until then.

Zero, zero, information zero. I was told to write for an idol named Nakamori Akina who made her debut with "Slow Motion". I just received a sheet of a leaflet. Later I was often told various things,  such as I interviewed Akina-san and wrote on it, but of course I didn't know her.”
So, based on the story on stock, in which a man and a woman who met at a poolside, the main character was replaced from a man to a woman.


In the stock work, I wrote a story about (a man) seducing a 16-year-old girl at the poolside, but I wondered what would happen if I shot it from the girl's perspective with changing the camera from her side. I wrote it in that way.”

いわゆる普通の17歳だわ 女の子のこと知らなすぎるのあなた

Urino superimposed the psychology of a sensitive girl on Akina.

"いわゆる普通の17歳だわ / I'm a so-called normal 17-year-old", and "早熟なのはしかたないけど / it is inevitable I'm precocious". I thought I wrote these phrases quite well, at that point.”

And "Shoujo A" started walking alone.

So the world of "Shoujo A" written by Urino-san was life-sized with Nakamori Akina, wasn’t it?


It may be rude to say life-size, but I think there was something that coincidentally resonated with her. It's not about doing something like that, it's about the atmosphere, the parts that come out of your constitution, the parts that you can understand, and the parts that you're interested in. I heard later that she at first rejected to sing very hard. It's written with a rock beat, so the feeling of the song and the feeling of the arrangement just feels delinquent. She should feel that way, didn't she?

Akina thought that Urino wrote it thinking she was a delinquent girl and said she never wanted to sing. But she understood that she was it was in the world of a song, and she became the main character and sang wonderfully.
Furthermore, Akina came up with her new strategy. In order to raise her profile, she energetically toured local broadcasting stations, record stores, and supermarkets. Tomioka Nobuo, who was in advertising for the record company at the time,

It was tough. Matsumoto Iyo was already leading the way, followed by Koizumi Kyoko, Hori Chiemi, Hayami Yu, and finally Johnny's Shibugaki-tai. In terms of position, she was 5th and 6th. But it's the singing ability that wins. Her singing ability is not enka, but she had a world where she could be heard even if she sang standing on a miserable looking paper box. We wanted it to be the main point of the promotion. Well, it's the pattern for enka.”

This time, we got a rare video of Akina standing on the stage in the "Shoujo A" campaign. The day before the release of "Shoujo A", Akina was on the roof of a supermarket in Fukuoka City.
(Jul 27, 1982)(Akina said she invited sunny weather, hence she felt sorry to let audience come here on such a hot day.
These steady efforts bore fruit, and "Shoujo A" ran up the hit charts. A hit with 400k copies sold. She stood in the same level with the idols of her contemporaries who preceded her. And on September 16, 1982, Nakamori Akina made her first appearance on TBS's The Best Ten, which was her long-cherished wish. This is a precious video of that time. A live singing program that she longed for. Four months after her debut, there were people all over the country behind her TV camera.

“I became so nervous that I wanted to go to the bathroom.”

Akina, who showed her unadorned 17-year-old face, was nervous. But when she grabbed the mic, she gave a magnificent performance.
(Shoujo A)
Then, Akina would soon be number one on The Best Ten. "Second Love" was Nakamori Akina's third single. Akina won first place in The Best Ten for the first time with this song. The Best Ten was an epoch-making program that ranked songs based on the numbers that were drawn out from four types of request letters, record sales, radio station and cable broadcasting, without caring non-fact. Akina finally won first place in that The Best Ten. With this as a trigger, she almost always appeared at The Best Ten. "Second Love" was a ballad whose lyrics were written by Kisugi Etsuko and songby Kisugi Takao, the same as her debut song "Slow Motion".
(Second Love)
Akina started running as a top idol. There was a person who sensed her talent even before her debut. It is Nomura Seiichi, who took the jacket photo for "Slow Motion". Nomura was a popular photographer who has photographed many actresses and female singers.

I think we first met at the recording studio. Just hearing the beginning of the song gave me goosebumps. This girl was amazing. I couldn't believe her voice and singing were so good at her age. The gap between this first impression by meeting and the song was huge. It's completely different. It was a difference of feeling like "Eh! Who is this girl!?"

Furthermore, Nomura was shocked by

Until then, most talents were smiling, but Akina-chan was a girl who didn't smile or, although it's a strange way of saying it, sell flattery.”

Nomura, fascinated by Akina, immediately recommended her for the cover of a popular comic magazine he was in charge of. An unknown newcomer was put on the cover of popular magazines. It was unusual.

At that time, I was in charge of selecting the model for “Young Magazine”, so when I met Akina-chan, I thought, "There's an amazing girl. She's really cute, sexy, young. It is rarely to meet such girl. Moreover, the singing is very very good. This girl is good.”, and I put it on the cover.”

In addition to the cover, special section was also organized with the photos taken by Nomura.

Then I actually got a call from the editorial office who said, "That's amazing." 6k letters have arrived. It is said that 6000 passes have never happened so far. Such amount don't usually come.”

The editorial staff was surprised by the unexpected response. Akina already had solid basis that was enough to break through. Akina, who has steadily evolved as an idol, had two directions in her songs. One is a ballad track that sang the feelings of a young girl like her debut song ``Slow Motion, and the other is a tsuppari track like “Shoujo A that sings the main character who claims her point. Her 4th single “1/2 no Shinhwa”. This song was also one of the tsuppari direction inherited from “Shoujo A". The contrasting alternating strategies highlighted Akina's presence.
(1/2 no Shin-wa)
This is a ‘8ji dayo Zen’in Shugo’ live broadcast stage. During the commercial, she answered the voices from the audience with a smile. When the performance approached, she entersed the world of singing. The Jukkai was a song of a tsuppari direction depicting a strong woman admonishing a weak man.
(Jukkai, Aug 11, 1984)
Smile again when she finished singing. This was also a charm of Akina. Next is, Akina enjoyed a trip to Europe with rare footage. And the hit song "Kinku" and Akina's expressiveness. Nakamori Akina also appeared on a variety show on TBS. There was Akina who showed a different expression from her singing program.
(The Hit Stage, Jan 29, 1984,)
In the second year of her debut, she went to Europe to shoot a music video. She made her heart beat on location in a foreign country. The Sacre-Coeur Basilica is a tourist attraction representing Paris on the Montmartre hill. You can see the city of Paris from here. Such an encounter in the city. At the Trevi Fountain in Rome. Legend is that if you throw a coin in backwards, your wish will come true. The Mouth of Truth is an ancient Roman manhole cover. Legend has it that if a person with a deceitful heart touches it, it will be cut off or will not come off. In addition, the recording of the 6th single "Kinku" was also done during this location. This "Kinku" was also written by Urino Masao, who wrote the lyrics for "Shoujo A". Urino highly appreciated Akina's power of expression.

She expressed the lyrics written by the lyricist about 20 times deeper. It's not that She’s delving into it trying to delve into it, but when she sang it, it all came out naturally. That's because she had the most amazing things.”

When writing Akina's lyrics, he had a strong commitment.

I was always thinking about songs that people didn't say and people didn't sing. It doesn't matter if it's insane or anti-common sense against common sense. I would rather aim for it.”

He also paid close attention to the title.

Partly I think the title is all. ‘1/2 no Shin-wa’ was originally intended to be ‘Deliquent 1/2’, so when I put out the title ‘Deliquent 1/2’, the people at the record company got angry, or rather, freaked out. They said they can't get this far. As for ‘Kinku’, when I went to China, I slipped out during a concert and looked around the gymnasium. I saw on a white wall, one letter on one board, two letters on two boards that were 禁区. I had a lot of fear. I input it in my heart and I thought that someday I would like to use it somewhere.”

"禁区" in Chinese means "Do not enter here".

That's right. Forbidden area, keep out. Since the song was a story of such "unforgivable love", I thought this title was good.”

Akina's outstanding power of expression. "Kinku" captured the hearts of listeners even more.
Akina Nakamori The Best Ten Treasured Video!
Akina was ranked by "Shoujo A" in TBS's The Best Ten for the first time. She since made the Top 10 for 223 times and was called the "Queen of The Best Ten". Her audience eagerly awaited Akina's appearance, but her appearance was also thrilling. She sometimes held the mic while she was on the move.

  1. Slip into the entrance of the station! : After the concert in Aichi Prefecture, Akina had to return to Tokyo immediately, and there was also a live broadcast of The Best Ten. She then took a taxi and stopped at Shizuoka Broadcasting Station on the way to do both at the same time. And she sang live from the front door. (Shoujo A) As soon as she finished singing, she got into the office car that was waiting for her and headed straight to Tokyo. Stay time was just over 5 minutes. Akina's schedule was literally minute by minute.
  2. Sing on the Shinkansen! : While Akina was moving on the Shinkansen, the broadcast of The Best Ten started. So when she stopped at Himeji station, the relay was connected, and she sang in the car. (Jukkai)

Akina, who was about to be 20, tried to break away from being an idol. She aspired to be a full-fledged artist.
The next song was "Kazarija Nainoyo Namidawa" written for Akina by Inoue Yousui, who has worked on many topical works and sang by himself. Many of her outfits were Akina's ideas. She actively adopted the cutting edge fashion of her time, such as pants style. Akina’s taste attracted many female fans. She was also highly admired as a fashion leader.
(Kazarija Nainoyo Namidawa)
Akina continued to release hit songs. This "Southern Wind" also won first place in The Best Ten.
(Southern Wind)
In 1984, the third year of her debut, Akina shined at the Japan Record Award, that was the highest peak in the music world.
(Announcement of the Most Excellent Star Award)
Akina has joined the ranks of top singers in terms of both ability and popularity. Kita Wing was the 7th single. The title was Akina's own suggestion.
(Kita Wing)
Next is, Nakamori Akina would sing with tears to the top of the music world!
On New Year's Eve in 1985, Nakamori Akina was at the venue of Japan Record Award, the most prestigious song festival. It's time to announce the grand prize. The presenters were actress Miho Jun and Ochiai Hiromitsu, who won the triple crown in professional baseball that year.
Finally won the GP. The tears that she seldom showed in public filled her eyes.
(Meu Amor e…)
Akina, who stood at the top, further strengthened her commitment as an artist. The lyrics of "DESIRE" were written by Agi Yoko, who wrote many hit songs for Yamaguchi Momoe, who Akina admired. It depicted a strong and beautiful Japanese woman. This "DESIRE" surprised the viewers by jumping up from 33rd to 1st place in The Best Ten, for the first time since the program started. However, what attracted even more attention was the original costume, which can be said to be a fusion of Japanese and Western styles. The world of her songs, which Akina created herself, astounded those involved with her.
Akina: At first, I thought about wearing a kimono in the cover picture of the single record as I like kimono. Then I thought, I would like to make costumes and kimono-related things, if possible.”
"DESIRE". Everything about Akina was condensed into this song.
Fujikura Katsumi, the director of DESIRE, said he was shocked by Akina's production ability.

I thought it was amazing because it surpassed my image of TV appearances and expressions including singing. She had a great visual sensibility, so when she said that she wanted to express, it was as one package, including, of course, the sound that was the most important, the record cover and so on. In that sense, I think she's a great producer.”

And the 1986 Japan Record Awards. Akina was at the top again.
In 1986, at the Japan Record Award, with tradition and authority, Akina was on top again. It was also her feat of winning the GP for the second time in a row, which no woman had ever achieved.
Nomura Seiichi, the photographer who took many of Akina's cover photos, said that he was impressed by Akina's unchanging consistency.

When I said "smile," she would not show a smile at all. On the contrary, the moment I said that, her angry face and dignified side came out, and it was the real thing. I don't think she liked appearing in gravure. She knew it's a promotion to sell the record, so she can't stop it, but I don't think she thought that doing this would sell the record. That's right, She had absolute confidence in her singing. She had a face like "Why do I have to do this?", but when she stood on stage, she was a different person.”

There is a picture in which Nomura, who kept taking pictures of Akina, thinks the best shot.

This was taken in a pineapple field in Hawaii. I don't think I had seen a smile like this in my photos. In all other pics, she looked angry. But she was in a good mood at this time, so she was doing with pineapple like this. She held a pose that I didn't ask for, so when something fits comfortably in her, it should be like this. At the time of the singing stage, she is like this image, isn't she?”

Akina's sensibility, which fascinated many people, further refined.
(Gypsy Queen)
Nakamori Akina's songs were growing in maturity. In "TANGO NOIR", she wore a red dress and danced brilliantly. She learned ballet in her childhood.
Nakamori Akina continued to evolve. She continued to run as a fashion leader, always challenging new worlds. In "TATTOO", she showed sexy choreography in a tight body-conscious style.
Next is, the true value of the expressive Nakamori Akina! "Nanpasen" Untold Story.
Nakamori Akina released many hit songs to the world. Some of her songs were presented by writers who were fascinated by Akina's talent and way of life. "Nanpasen" was a song written and sung by Kato Tokiko, who had many hit songs as a singer-songwriter.
Kato: This song was about my heartbreak when I was 20. A heartbreak at the age of 20 was my first setback, so it was a tremendous shock. I was singing over 40 at that time. Ah, I thought that the main character of this song should be in her 20s, so I thought about giving it to Akina-san.
I decided it when I saw Akina appeared on TV on her 22nd birthday and everyone would congratulated her, but she said, "I hate being 22." When I heard it, I chose her to be the main character. I felt a strong sense of closeness to Akina-san and I thought she was great, who properly said things like, "I hate it” while everyone congratulated her.
Therefore, Kato Tokiko directly handed over a cassette tape that she sang ‘Nanpasen’ herself.

So I handed over the cassette. “I think this will suit you well. If you're going to sing it, though I'm singing it on stage now, I will stop doing for a while. Please release this song to the world as Akina's song.” Then, a few days later, at a local concert, I didn't say anything, and there was no internet like now, but flowers arrived from Akina, only once. There was such an exchange that maybe was her OK reply that she would sing "Nanpasen"”.

In this way, Akina's "Nanpasen" was released as a single. Kato said that she got goosebumps when she saw her singing on a singing program.

More than me, hers had the sound of this song that conveyed the helplessness and despair of sinking to the bottom of the deep sea. I could feel Akina-san's feelings of trying to sing about that world rather than singing each note one by one. I thought she was an amazing person as she continued to be the main character.”

Akina won the Japan Record Awards Special Popularity Award by "Nanpasen". She sang it expressively.
Nakamori Akina debut 40th anniversary. Urino Masao, the lyricist who worked on many hit songs such as Shoujo A and Kinku. He thinks about Akina now;

The life she carried on her shoulders, or even her destiny that is a little mysterious, all of those things come out on the surface, come out in her voice, come out in her face. A rare artist. I think singers like this are truly unique even in the 20th and 21st centuries. She may be aware of it herself, but I think that Akina-san is a great singer, a genius, and a truly precious and venerable singer, more than she thinks”.

Nakamori Akina has always believed in her own thoughts and sensibilities. On the 40th anniversary of her debut, she has announced a message that seems to be her determination.
“This year, 2022, marks 40 years since I made my debut. As the 40th anniversary of my debut, toward some kind of activity, I've been facing my physical condition every day, but I can't say that I'm in perfect physical condition yet.
I think it's going to be slow, but I want to start walking, so I'd be happy if you could watch over me.
Nakamori Akina”
Nakamori Akina is an artist who captivates many people with her unique sensibility and worldview. We are waiting for new singing voices.
(Shoujo A)

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