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-14 [▼] | 15 ~ 69 [▲] | 70+ [▲▲] |
- Angela
"Do you know about the secrets of the fairy tale? Actually, there were more birds than the threebirds. If the chance ever comes, we shall talk about those other birds that fled from that crumbling forest."
- Angela
審判鳥(O-02-62-H 別名:長鳥)は鳥型のアブノーマリティである。
Judgement Bird (O-02-62-H), also know as "Long Bird", is a tall bird [1] with long skinny limbs and neck, with a spherical body covered with black feathers along his arms/wings. His head is covered by bandages and he has 2 small white wings of red tips on the sides of his head. His neck holds a golden balance, which tips to one side.
His ability is "Judgement", which is triggered when his mood is depleted or when more than half of the Abnormalities in the same department as Judgement Bird are in a bad mood. He will breach once one of the conditions are met. Judgement Bird will roam through the facility aimlessly, stopping to hold his golden balance for a moment, and after a gleam, random employees in the same room will be marked with a golden balance above them.
The employees under Judgement Bird's balance will stop all actions and stand still in their current spot. Judgement Bird will walk towards them, and when reaching a marked employee, he will raise them up with a pole, hanging them, killing them instantly. Judgement Bird cannot attack, and his movements can't be stopped by stunning attacks.
長鳥はもともとは黒い森の監視者として、 大鳥や罰鳥 と暮らしていました。預言を聞いてからというもの、公正な裁判官として生き物から森を守るため、罪を測る黄金の天秤を使用していました。しかし、誰かが言ったのです。「もしも天秤が傾かなかったら?」と。不安になった長鳥は、常に天秤を傾けておき、いかなる場合でも結果が得られるようにしました。長鳥はすべてを見通すかがやく目も持っていましたが、大鳥が森を守るのを助けるために、自身の眼球をさし出しました。ぼろ布で目を覆ってからも、まだ森を守りたいと思っていました。しばらく経つと、その艶やかな羽は日に焼け、色褪せてしまいました。しかし時が経つにつれ、森はくらやみや悪い噂、日々の諍いに満ち始めました。解決のために、三羽の鳥は森を守ろうと力をあわせ、新たな鳥 となりました。それは新たな混沌を引き起こし、すべての生き物はそれを恐れて逃げ出しました。彼らがいつ、また三羽に別れることにしたかは分かりません。
He used to be a sentinel of the Black Forest, where he was living with Big Bird and Punishing Bird; after hearing a prophecy, and also being a fair judge, using his golden balance to measure the sins to protect the forest from the creatures to keep peace. But someone said, "What if the scales don't tip to any direction?". He became worried, so he made that the balance only tip to one direction, to get the result in any circumstance. He used to have sparkling eyes which he could use to see through everything, but at one point, he gave his eyes to Big Bird to help him protect the forest. Long Bird covered his own eyes with ragged bandages, but still wanted to protect the forest, and after some time, he began to lose his glossy feathers due to the sunlight. But as time progressed, the forest where he was living started to become saturated by darkness, bad rumors, and daily fights. As a solution, the three birds merged their strengths to become a new bird to protect the forest, but it caused chaos instead, making all the creatures to leave in fear of the forest. Is unknown when they decided to separate from themselves.
At the end, he was just left with an unfair balance, which always tips to one side; probably because of the darkness and regret. He became Judgement Bird afterwards and never stopped judging.
Where Judgement Bird was found and how he arrived to the facility is unknown.
Judgement Bird responds best to consensus, likes nutrition and cleanliness, hates violence and is neutral against amusement.
Like all Abnormalities, its energy output changes depending on its mood. It produces a large amount of energy when happy, a moderate amount when neutral and drains a moderate amount of energy when distressed.
Judgement Bird's mood gauge is divided into 3 sections, distressed, neutral and happy. Under the 15%, he will feel distressed, between 15% and 70%, he will be neutral; and above 70%, he will feel happy.
観測データ | |||||||
観測レベル | 作業速度 | 気分値減少 | 基礎気分値 | アブノーマリティの項目アンロック(合計) | エンサイクロペディアの項目アンロック(合計) | 好みの理解 | エネルギー生産の把握 |
0 | +0% | -0% | 55% | 0 | 0 | None | None |
1 | +10% | -15% | 55% | 1 | 1 + アブノーマリティの名称 + 画像 + リスクレベル | 好き: 栄養 普通: 娯楽 | 上機嫌/ 普通: 標準+ 不機嫌: 標準- |
2 | +10% | -30% | 55% | 2 + 名称 | 2 + 正式名称 | 好き: 清潔 | 上機嫌: 大+ |
3 | +20% | -30% | 55% | 2 | 3 | 大好き: 交信 嫌い: 暴力 | None |
4 | +30% | -40% | 55% | 2 | 7 | None | None |
::Dialogue:: | |
森に住んでいた長鳥は、森の生き物たちが怪物に食べられてしまうのを放っておけなかった。 最初の目的は純粋だったと思う。 最初の目的は純粋だったと思う。 森は徐々に闇に呑まれていった。 時は思い出と共に後悔に染まっていく。 Long Bird who lived in the forest didn't want to let creatures to be eaten by monsters. His initial goal was pure, at least. The forest began to be saturated by darkness. The time is being saturated by memories and regrets | |
Leave him be | Console the bird |
長鳥は目が無くともあなたを凝視する。 おそらく罪の重さを測っているだろう。 Long Bird sees through you, even though he is blind. He is weighing your sins. | 長鳥は、幾多の時を共にした天秤を下ろした。 長い長い審判が終わる時だ。 『永遠に片方に傾く天秤』を手にしていた。 長鳥は少しずつ怪物の秘密を悟っている。 そして、待つだろう。二度とは戻らぬ彼らの森を。 Long Bird put down his scales, that had been with him for a long time. The long-lasting judgement finally ends. Obtained "The scales that used to tip to only one direction" Long Bird slowly realizes the secrets behind the monster. And he waits. For the forest that he will never take back. |
Judgement Bird's encyclopedia portrait
ZAYIN 最も安全 | 触れてはならない - 夜明けのハンマー - たった一つの罪と何百もの善 - 蓋の空いたウェルチアース - ペスト医師 - お前、ハゲだよ… |
TETH | 捨てられた殺人者 - 美女と野獣 - 血の風呂 - 壊れゆく甲冑 - 宇宙の欠片 - オールドレディ - 罰鳥 - マッチガール - 母なるクモ - 壁に向かう女 |
HE | オールアラウンドヘルパー - 大鳥 - 幸せなテディ - 赤ずきんの傭兵 - 無名の胎児 - 赤い靴 - そりのルドル・タ - 歌う機械 - 銀河の子 - 審判鳥 - 沈黙の対価 - 雪の女王 |
WAW | アルリウネ - 大きくて悪いオオカミ - 憎しみの女王 - 貧しい脚本家の手帳 - 女王蜂 - 白雪姫のりんご - 強欲の王 - 小さな王子 |
ALEPH 最も危険 | 「何もない」 - 静かなオーケストラ - 白夜~(使徒)- 終末鳥 |
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