

記事 "The Queen of Hatred (Legacy)"についてのお知らせ:
最新版のこのページを探していますか?: The Queen of Hatred
"The Queen of Hatred (Legacy)" は、ゲームのLegacy版(v0.0.2.2b)の情報を使用しています。ここの情報は、最新のゲームプレイが変更される前の古いバージョンのゲームからのものです。

The Queen of Hatred

Subject Classification



In the Name of Love and Hate


RED (物理 / Physical)
This Abnormality is Capable of Breach
This Abnormality can Benefit the Facility


-34 [▼]35~ 69 [▲]70+ [▲▲]











暴力/ Violence

The Queen of Hatred

Subject Classification



In the Name of Love and Hate


RED (Physical)
This Abnormality is Capable of Breach


-34 [▼]35~ 69 [▲]70+ [▲▲]





暴力/ Violence







- The Queen of Hatred

"The world is divided into good and evil. I stand with justice. If I am good, there must be evil too. Without evils, I cannot exist. Who would save the world then?"
- The Queen of Hatred

The Queen of Hatred (O-01-04-W、憎しみの女王)は水色の髪とアニメ風の黄色い目を持ち、青白い少女の外見をしたアブノーマリティです。彼女は、ピンクと黒を合わせたハート形の髪飾り、水色のタイツとピンクの靴を履き、学生服に似たピンク色の服装―ピンクの層状プリーツスカートとジャケット、小さなピンクのリボンを身に着けています。彼女は黄色いリングのついたピンク色の杖を所持しており、その先端には真ん中にハート形の穴の開いたピンク色の星がついています。この星は1組の小さい白い羽で装飾されています。また、杖のもう一端には真ん中に星形の穴の開いた水色のハートがついています。

The The Queen of Hatred is an Abnormality which has the appearance of a young pale girl with long, light-blue hair and yellow, anime-esque eyes. She has a pink and black heart-shaped hairclip in her hair, wears light blue tights, pink shoes, a pink outfit similar to a school girl uniform, a pink layered/pleated skirt and jacket, and a small pink ribbon on her neck. She is holding a pink staff with yellow rings, and at the top of it is a pink star with a heart-shaped hole on its center. The star is adorned by a pair of small white wings. A light-blue heart-shaped object with a small star-shaped hole on its center is at the bottom.


特殊能力 / Ability[]

彼女の特殊能力は"In the Name of Love and Hate(愛と嫌悪の名において)"です。彼女は、不機嫌状態でしばらく放置されると、水色の蛇型をした敵対生物に変身します。黒く落ち窪んだ眼窩、ピンク色の下あごを持ち、胸にはピンク色のリボンをつけ、胴体にあるハート型の物体からは白い羽が生え、そして頭部からはピンク色の鋭利な爪がある腕が生えています。憎しみの女王が施設を徘徊し始めると、彼女は視界に入った作業員をチャージビームで攻撃し、継続的に身体的ダメージを与え続けます。この形態の彼女の近くに他のアブノーマリティがいる場合、そのアブノーマリティを攻撃することもあります。


Her special ability is "In the Name of Love and Hate". If she stays in a bad mood for too long, she will transform into a hostile light-blue snake-like creature, with black, empty eye sockets, a pink lower jaw, a pink ribbon on her chest, a pair of big white wings attached to her body by a pink heart-shaped object, and an arm coming out of her head that has pink claws at the end. The Queen of Hatred will start to wander through the facility, attacking any employees in sight with a charged beam, dealing constant physical damage to anyone caught in the attack. In this form, she can also follow and attack other Abnormalities, if they are nearby. She can also teleport around the facility in this form.

While working,The Queen of Hatred can also restore some of the agent's Mental gauge when she is in a good mood.

由来 / Origin[]


The details of her origin are currently unknown.

管理方法 / Caretaking[]





  • 「私たちは、憎しみの女王が不機嫌な状態にあるとき変身する可能性が高いことを認識した」
  • 「『合理主義者』『原理主義者』である職員だけが彼女に麻酔を投与できた」
  • 「しばらくの間だけとはいえ、麻酔を投与されたときは彼女の状態は悪化しなかった。しかし、不機嫌か平常の状態でなければ効果がないようだ」
  • 「しかし、職員が憎しみの女王に麻酔を投与し続けた際、彼女の状態が悪化し、最終的には変身してしまった」
  • 「憎しみの女王は、上機嫌な時は友好的な態度で周りと接するようだ。この事実は、職員が憎しみの女王の部屋を訪れた際に精神的回復が見られたことで確認された。」

The Queen of Hatred responds best to consensus and amusement work. She likes cleanliness and nutrition and hates violence. However, this changes when she's in a bad mood. While in a bad mood, she likes cleanliness, nutrition and violence and hates consensus and amusement work.

The player should be aware of her mood before sending in an employee. When her mood is close to neutral, it's wise to pause right before the employee enters the room, and look at her appearance. If she is visibly upset, change the employees action accordingly.

Like all Abnormalities, her energy output changes depending on her mood. She produces the most energy when she's at her happiest. She produces a moderate amount of energy when neutral, and drains a moderate amount of energy when distressed.

The Queen of Hatred mood gauge is divided into 3 sections, distressed, neutral and happy. Under the 35%, she will feel distressed, between 35% and 70%, she will be neutral; and above 70%, she will feel happy.

  • "We've realized that The Queen of Hatred is more likely to transform when she's in a bad condition."
  • "Only employees who are 'Rationalists' and 'Principlists' were able to put her under anesthesia."
  • "Although it was only for a while, when The Queen of Hatred was put under anesthesia, her condition did not worsen. But it only seemed to work when The Queen of Hatred's condition were either bad or usual."
  • "However, when employees continuously put The Queen of Hatred under anesthesia, The Queen of Hatred's condition got worse than before and eventually, she transformed."
  • "When The Queen of Hatred is in a good mood, she seemed to show amicable attitude towards the others. This fact was confirmed when employee 's visit to The Queen of Hatred's room also recovering his mental health."

エンサイクロペディア / Encyclopedia Description[]


The Magical Girl's encyclopedia portrait

  • "監視対象は、平和と正義のために悪との戦いに赴かんとする女性の姿をしている"
  • "基本的には優しく礼儀正しいので、職員も気安く接することができるようだ。この対象は、自分が世界を救うために使わされたヒーローであると信じており、その事実に誇りを持っているようだ"
  • "対象は「不安」や「疑念」に囚われると、2~4日の間に表面的な人格が変化し、解離性障害の症状も見られるようになる"
  • "善と悪に対する固定観念が強い。一度この対象が悪の存在を疑い始めると、その疑念を晴らすため対象自身が「悪」の存在へと変貌してしまうのでは、という推測もでている"
  • "「激昂」状態が落ち着いた対象は、その状態のことを一切覚えていない。対象に過去の出来事を伝える必要はない"
  • "職員M4032:「やぁ、今日の調子はどうだい?」憎しみの女王:「とってもいいわ。ここは静かでとても平和なところね。平和であるって素敵よね。悪者もいないし。ね?」"
  • "職員M4032:「今日は気分が優れないようだね」憎しみの女王:「でも平気よ。ここは平和だし、それに……(黙り込む)(省略)」職員M4032:「本当に大丈夫か?」憎しみの女王:「どうしてこんなにも平和なの?私は悪を討つために生きているのに、世界は私を必要としていないみたい。そういえば言ってなかったわね。私は魔女なの。私は世界に平和をもたらす者。でも、既にそれはもたらされている。(対象はブツブツと独り言を続ける)」"
  • "(対象は不安げで強迫行動に移る兆候を見せ始め、職員が入室したことにも気付かなかった)憎しみの女王:「世界は善と悪に分けられているの。そして私は正義と共にある。もし私が善であるなら、悪も必ず存在するはず。悪無しに私は存在できない。そうなったら、誰が世界を守るの?」これらの症状が見られた後、対象には3日間は効果が続く強力な麻酔薬が投与された。"
  • "インタビューログS3_4921 <警告>レベル3またはそれ以上の職員にのみ閲覧が許可されています。これは日付<削除>に発生した事件番号<削除>、アブノーマリティ収容施設ないに設置されている電話より、対象から緊急対策部門所属の職員への緊急内線が行われた時の音声記録である。憎しみの女王:「(すすり泣くような声が続いている)」職員:「緊急対策部門です。身分証明をどうぞ」憎しみの女王:「わ、私……殺してしまった。ど、どうしても抑えられなくて。死んでしまって、手が血まみれで。壊してしまった……あんなに優しくしてくれた人たちを裏切ってしまった。思い出せないの……」職員:「何があったのですか?」憎しみの女王:「分からないの。誰も動いてないの。血がたくさん出てるの。ごめんなさい。ごめんなさいとしか言えない。(省略)」三人の遺体が対象の収容室で発見された。遺体の職員は、事故を防ぐよう指示を受けた者たちだったことも判明。しばらく後、小さな魔女は事件に関する記憶を全て忘れてしまった"
  • "Creature has the appearance of a woman ready fight any villain for peace and justice."
  • "Generally the creature is kind and polite to the employee and is able to converse casually. Creature continues to believe that it is a hero sent to save the world and is considerably proud of that fact."
  • "When the creature is faced with 'Anxiety' or 'Skepticism', within 2-4 days its outer persona changes and creature displays symptoms of dissociative disorder."
  • "Its definition of good and evil is fixed in its mind. Some assume that, when the creature's beliefs led to the horrible doubt about the existence of evil, it chose to become 'evil' to negate that doubt."
  • "After 'enraged' behavior passes, it does not remember its own behavior. There is no need to remind the creature of past events."
  • "Employee M4032: so, how are you doing today? The Queen of Hatred : Great. It's quiet in here and the world is peaceful. Peace is a great thing. No more villains. Right?"
  • "Employee M4032 : You look a bit blue today. The Queen of Hatred : Still great. World is peaceful, in here it's... (Creature fell silent) (Omitted) Employee M4032 : Hey, are you alright?The Queen of Hatred: Why is it still so peaceful? I lieve to defeat evil villains. The world doesn't need me at all, does it? Oh, did I tell you I'm a witch? I was chosen to bring peace in to the world. But today, it's already quiet. (Creature continued to murmur incomprehensible words by itself)"
  • "(The creature showed signs of anxiety and compulsive behavior; it didn't even notice when the Employee came into the room) The Queen of Hatred : The world in divided into good and evil. I stand with justice. If I am good, there must be evil too. Without evils, I cannot exist. Who would save the world then? After these symptoms where displayed she was sedated with enough anesthetic to last 3 days."
  • "Interview LogS3_4921 Personnel clearance must be Level 3 or higher to read this document. This recording is from the date of , incident number The Abnomality used the confinement facility's emergency phone to call a employee member in the Emergency Response Department. The Queen of Hatred : (Continued sobbing noises) Employee : Emergency Response Department. Identification, please. The Queen of Hatred : I.. I did it. Oh, I, I couldn't stop myself. If someone died, the blood's on my hands. I ruined everything. I betrayed those people who were so kind to me. I don't remember . . . Employee: What happened? The Queen of Hatred : I don't know. They aren't moving. There is so much blood. I'm sorry. I just want to say, sorry. (Omitted) Three corpses were found in the Abnormality's containment room. The discovered bodies were of the employees assigned to prevent incidents. Afterwards, the Little Witch lost recollection of the entire incident."

フレーバーテキスト / Flavour Text[]

  • "憎しみの女王の潜在的脅威は、ほぼ全職員に通達されている。警戒を怠るな"
  • "憎しみの女王は、今のところは友好的であるが、警戒を緩めてはいけない"
  • "憎しみの女王は、入室しようとしている職員を笑顔で迎えた"
  • "憎しみの女王は、自分のおかげで世界の平和になったという話をもっとしたがっている"
  • "彼女の首に飾られている「魔晶石」が太陽の光を受けてまばゆく輝いている"
  • "彼女は自分の「使命」についてに話した。彼女は声を潜め、その使命が重要かつ機密性の高いものだと話した"
  • "職員作業を終えたが、憎しみの女王は気分を害し不満を漏らしている"
  • "実のところ、憎しみの女王が望んでいるのは「平和」ではない"
  • "憎しみの女王は、アブノーマリティの中でも特に活発で喜びあふれた少女だ。だが、それだけでは決してない"
  • "憎しみの女王は、鼻歌を歌いながら窓の外を眺めている、機嫌はよさそうだ"
  • "彼女の「魔法の靴」は時折、楽しげで軽快な音を奏でている"
  • "彼女は「正義」についてに話した。彼女は声を潜め、自分の行なうことそれ自体が正義であると話した"
  • "憎しみの女王はに挨拶をした。'「今日もいい天気ね!」'"
  • "憎しみの女王は、彼女によって改心した悪者の話をしている。が褒めると、嬉しそうに笑った"
  • "彼女は大笑いしながら変身呪文を唱えている"
  • "職員が魔法少女への作業を終えた。憎しみの女王は職員に関心を示すことなく、無表情かつ無言で虚空を見つめている"

  • "The potential threat of The Queen of Hatred is well known throughout most employees. Stay cautious."
  • "The Queen of Hatred seems to be good to us until now, but caution is required."
  • "The Queen of Hatred is welcoming with a radiant smile who is just coming into the room."
  • "The Queen of Hatred wants to talk more about how the world has become peaceful thanks to herself."
  • "Her 'Magic jewelry' around her neck is glinting in the sunlight."
  • "She talks about 'Duty' to . She whisper that Her duty is very important and secretive."
  • "Employee has finished for The Queen of Hatred, but Magical is upset and complains."
  • "In fact, 'peace' is not what The Queen of Hatred desires."
  • "The Queen of Hatred is one of the most active and cheerful girls out of all the Abnormality . But that may not be all."
  • "The Queen of Hatred is humming while looking out the window, looking well."
  • "Her 'Magic shoes' occasionally tap together and make a cheerful sound."
  • "She talks about 'Justice' to . She whispers that her work itself is justice."
  • "The Queen of Hatred is saying greetings to . 'It's a nice day today!'"
  • "The Queen of Hatred is talking about a villain who had been reformed virtuously by herself. As compliments, she laughs delightfully."
  • "She bursts into laughter as she mumbles her transformation spell."
  • "Employee has finished on The Queen of Hatred. The Queen of Hatred looks somewhere beyond the employee with vacant expression without a word."

余談 / Trivia[]

  • 憎しみの女王の第二形態は、他のアブノーマリティの鎮圧に利用できる可能性がある。しかし、脱走中の彼女に他のアブノーマリティを攻撃させても、その攻撃が常に有効であるという保証はない
  • 憎しみの女王には、「小さな魔女」というもうひとつの名前がある。これは彼女に関するエンサイクロペディアの最終項目にも記載されている
  • 憎しみの女王は、少女たちが魔法の力や道具を使って敵を倒す、日本でよく題材にされる「魔法少女」というジャンルが由来のようだ。また、憎しみの女王の衣装も同ジャンルにおいてよく見られるものである
  • 憎しみの女王の気分や機嫌の直し方は、エンサイクロペディアの説明文や彼女の待機アニメーションから判断することができる
  • 一時期、危険レベルを現す対象番号の最期の一文字が「W」ではなく「H」のままになっていたことがある。これは内容の更新により、危険レベルは引き上げられたものの対象番号は変更しなかったためである。
  • 憎しみの女王は現時点で最終観測ダイアログが存在しない唯一のアブノーマリティである
  • There is a possibility that the The Queen of Hatred's second form can be instructed to fight other hostile Abnormalities. However, although she can fight other Abnormalities when escaping, her attacks are not very effective against them in some cases.
  • The Queen of Hatred has an alternative name, which is 'Little Witch', named in the last encyclopedia entry of herself.
  • The Queen of Hatred seems like a reference to the genre of 'Mahō shōjo' or 'Magical girls', which are commonly represented in anime and manga, which is about girls who use magical powers or objects to defeat the antagonists. The outfit of The Queen of Hatred is also a reference to the common outfits of the protagonists.
  • The Queen of Hatred is implied to be emotionally if not outright mentally unstable through encyclopedia entries and her idle animation.
  • The last letter in her subject number, which classifies the risk level of the Abnormality, was H (HE) instead of W (WAW) for some time. This is was due to an update, increasing her risk level but not changing the last letter of her subject number.
  • The Queen of Hatred is the only abnormality at the moment which doesn't have a Final Observation dialogue.

ギャラリー / Gallery[]

Magical Girl in her good mood
Magical Girl in her 'Neutral' mood
Sedated effect on Magical Girl
This isn't even her final form! (Transforming)
Her second form
Charing Attack
Good and Neutral Mood animation

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