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-29 [~] | 30 ~ 79 [▲▲] | 80+ [▼] |
"The redemption is not something that changes for you. It is something that happens inside of you."
-- Angela
『白雪姫の林檎』 (F-04-42-W)は頭部が林檎に置き換えられた人型のアブノーマリィティです。彼女は信じられないほど背が高く、首や腕は茨でできているように見えます。彼女は白いパフスリーブやウェストエプロン、萎れた葉でできた大きなドレスカラーのようなものが付いた赤くて長いドレスを着ています。頭部の林檎にはがらんどうの眼窩や鼻孔があり、それらは虫や鳥に食べられてできたものと言われています。
Snow White's Apple is a humanoid Abnormality with an apple for a head. She is incredibly tall, with a neck and arms that appear to be made of thorned flower stalks. She wears a long red dress with white puffed sleeves and a white waist apron, and what appears to be a large dress collar of wilted leaves. The head has hollow eye sockets and nasal apertures that were said to have been eaten in by worms and birds.
Her special ability is "Where is Him?". Snow White's Apple will escape once her mood became bad. She will disappear of her room and appear in a random hallway or small room of the current department, and root, to sprout vines on the floor. Employees will have reduced movement speed and Snow White's Apple will attack them with sharp vines, dealing strong physical damage, as long they are still on the vines and she is still in the same room. Once the room's floor is covered by vines, Snow White's Apple will disappear from it and appear in other zone of the department, repeating the same actions until is subdued or the day end. The vines will be removed in the next day.
由来 / Origin『白雪姫の林檎』の正体は童話『白雪姫と七人の小人』に登場する毒林檎です。林檎は魔女の怒りと呪いによって創られ、白雪姫に一口かじられた後に、白雪姫を毒に侵し、地面に落ちました。白雪姫が小人や王子様と共にその場を去った後も、林檎はずっと森に捨てられたままでした。林檎は孤独になり、白雪姫に深い憎しみを募らせました。それと同時に林檎は自身が腐り、母なる大地に還るのを待ちました。しかし魔女の呪いか、もしくは白雪姫への憎しみによってか、林檎は決して腐ることはありませんでした。時が経つにつれて、鳥や虫に食べられ、林檎は穴だらけになりました。しかし、鳥や虫たちは林檎の毒によって次々と死んでいき、林檎の周りには死体が積み重なるようになりました。その中で林檎は常に自身の存在について考えるようになりました。月日は流れ、ある日、乾いて死んでしまった茎が発芽しました。さらに生気のない葉っぱたちがそこから生えてきました。そしてそれらは毎日成長し続けました。ある日の午後、林檎はようやく自由に動くことができるようになりました。林檎は自分のように長い間横たわっていた白雪姫と自分を目覚めさせてくれる王子様のことを思いました。そして『彼女』は王子様を探しに旅に出ました。
Snow White's Apple is the apple from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves". Created by the witch's rage and curse, it was thrown away after a single bite from Snow White which poisoned her. The apple became lonely, and developed a deep hatred for her. It waited and waited to rot, but never decomposed at all. As time passed, birds and worms took bites of it, leaving holes in the apple. All died soon afterwards due to its poison, and their corpses began piling around it. The apple constantly thought about its own existence. After a long time, a dried, dead stem sprouted. Lifeless leaves grew from and around it, which continued to grow every day. One afternoon, the apple was finally able to move. It thought about Snow White who was lying for a long time and the prince who came to wake her up. The princess which was no longer an apple began to search for her prince.
In the last observation, Snow White's Apple realizes that her 'prince' doesn't exist. She simultaneously realizes that she will never stop existing, and that there is no point in waiting around for nothing.
How Snow White's Apple arrived in the facility or where she was found is still unknown.
Snow White's Apple responds best to violence work. She likes nutrition, and hates cleanliness, consensus, and amusement works. It's recommended that the player always keeps a close eye on her mood, as she only needs to fall a little into the red zone for her to attempt an escape.
Snow White's Apple drains a moderate amount energy when she's happy, supplies a large amount of energy when neutral, and doesn't provide any energy output when upset. However, thanks to what may be a bug, her happiness currently does not drain the facility of energy, and instead supplies it.
In order to complete the final observation, the player must answer 'Doesn't exist' when the prompts arise.
Strategy[]Snow White's Apple is an harmful abnormality when breaching, and is less so when performing work on her. When she first arrives at the facility with no Observation levels, she should be a top priority when assigning works, because her mood will decrease faster until more successful Observation works are made. Only try to do Observation work with her when her mood is above the neutral mood or higher than its half, because if the work ends in fail, her mood will get reduced and may lead to a breach if she enters her bad mood.
Snow White's Apple sometimes inflict a low amount of Physical Damage to the employees while working with her, but due the low probability of occurring, the player can send agents of any level without worry of them getting killed or panicked. Her mood will only increase by 2 types of work, and anything else will decrease her mood greatly.
When breaching, she only appears in hallways and small rooms, next to the elevators, locking paths to other Abnormalities' containment rooms. As long as she is in the same room, only the employees passing over her vines will get damaged and slowed. Check the progress of her vines to see how much time she will remain in there before leaving. After the room's floor is covered by vines, she will leave after a short amount of time. If she enters again in a room covered by vines, she can attack any employee in the room, and after an amount of time, she will move to another room.
If Snow White's Apple is in hallways, she can be suppressed more easily by agents with ranged weapons if she just started her escape, because the vines will take time to spread through the hallway. If she appeared in a small room, the player can send more agents to suppress her due to the small space, making them more easy to reach her. Is not recommended to send agents armed with melee weapons to suppress her in a room covered by vines, the reduction of movement speed will make them take more time to reach her, along with taking strong physical damage. If you have enough energy to reach the end of the day or are close to it, you can leave Snow White's Apple alone instead until the day ends, without employees suppressing her to save them from possible casualties.
観測データ | |||||||
観測レベル | 作業速度 | 気分値減少 | 基礎気分値 | アブノーマリティの項目アンロック(合計) | エンサイクロペディアの項目アンロック(合計) | 好みの理解 | エネルギー生産の把握 |
0 | +0% | -0% | 48% | 0 | 1 | None | None |
1 | +10% | -15% | 50% | 2 | 2 + アブノーマリティの名称 + 画像 + リスクレベル | 大好き: 暴力 好き: 栄養 | 上機嫌: 大- 普通: 標準+ 不機嫌: None |
2 | +10% | -30% | 52% | 4 + 名称 | 3 | 嫌い: 清潔 | 上機嫌: 標準- 普通: 大+ |
3 | +20% | -30% | 55% | 5 | 4 | 嫌い: 交信, 娯楽 | None |
4 | +30% | -40% | 58% | 6 | 5 | None | None |
5 | +40% | -50% | 60% | 6 | 5 | None | None |
::Dialogue:: | |
(あなたは何かを見て、感じる) 固い土。 小鳥がそばにいました。 いいえ、それは鳥ではありません。 それは鳥の腐った死骸です。 私のそばには誰もいない。 眠っていた白雪姫は王子様のキスで目覚めた。 骨をも溶かす毒は役に立たなかった。 なぜ誰も私のことを訪ねてきてくれないの? なぜ誰も私の痛みを分かち合ってくれないの? なぜ誰も私のことを好きになってくれないの? 私に足があれば、いえ、足である必要はありません。私が望むのは動くことだけです。 ああ、王子様、私を…… | |
「私で見つけよう」 | 「存在しない」 |
ある瞬間から、私は歩けることを実感しました。 光が見える。人々の声が聞こえる。 私はこの苦しみから解放される。 王子様に会った時、私は解放されます。 | 不公平です。 私は幸せになりたい。 待つのはあまりにも苦痛です。 私の周りに誰もいないことが苦しい。 私は惨めさに押しつぶされて、消え去りたい。 足が私から芽吹きましたが、私には行くところがありません。 けれど、私は腐らない。私の存在を止めることはできない。 行く場所はなくとも、私は行かなければならない。 私は行く。 行かなければ。 |
Snow White's Apple's encyclopedia portrait
ZAYIN 最も安全 | 触れてはならない - 夜明けのハンマー - たった一つの罪と何百もの善 - 蓋の空いたウェルチアース - ペスト医師 - お前、ハゲだよ… |
TETH | 捨てられた殺人者 - 美女と野獣 - 血の風呂 - 壊れゆく甲冑 - 宇宙の欠片 - オールドレディ - 罰鳥 - マッチガール - 母なるクモ - 壁に向かう女 |
HE | オールアラウンドヘルパー - 大鳥 - 幸せなテディ - 赤ずきんの傭兵 - 無名の胎児 - 赤い靴 - そりのルドル・タ - 歌う機械 - 銀河の子 - 審判鳥 - 沈黙の対価 - 雪の女王 |
WAW | アルリウネ - 大きくて悪いオオカミ - 憎しみの女王 - 貧しい脚本家の手帳 - 女王蜂 - 白雪姫のりんご - 強欲の王 - 小さな王子 |
ALEPH 最も危険 | 「何もない」 - 静かなオーケストラ - 白夜~(使徒)- 終末鳥 |
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