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-44 [▲▲] | 45 ~ 79 [▲] | 80+ [▼] |
- Angela
"Silence is no longer just bringing peace."
- Angela
The 沈黙の対価(O-05-65-H) は黒い街灯に似た、柱の中央に緑の時計がついたアブノーマリティです。三針はそれぞれ異なる速度で回転しており、収容室でその音を聞くことができます。
The Price of Silence (O-05-65-H) is an Abnormality similar to a black lamppost, but with a green clock attached to the middle of the post. The clock possess 3 clock hands of different sizes and forms, rotating in the center at different speeds. A ticking sound of a clock can be heard in its containment room.
Its ability is "The Thirteenth Bell", which triggers while in a bad mood. When the Price of Silence enters a bad mood, it will show a visual effect in its room as a warning, with a white circle in the middle, showing inside a roman number, starting from the 1 and ending in the 13. When the player pauses the game while the Price of Silence is in bad mood with its visual effect, when unpausing the game, a random employee in the facility will get killed, with the clock sounding afterwards, increasing its mood for a bit and increasing the number displayed in the visual effect by one. This ability triggering for the first time might not kill an employee when pausing at the start of the day while Price of Silence is in a bad mood. It will remember the amount of times it activated the ability in the same run, but not if the player loads a previous checkpoint.
When the ability was triggered 12 times, the next time it will show the same visual effect with different colors, and if is triggered again, instead of just one random agent dying, 13 random agents will die in different intervals, increasing its mood as well with each agent's death, and can also reach its max mood when doing this.
Its origin is currently unknown.
Price of Silence likes amusement and violence, dislikes cleanliness, hates consensus and doesn't care for nutrition.
Price of Silence drains a moderate amount of energy when it's at its happiest. It produces a moderate amount of energy when neutral, and produces a large amount when in distress.
Price of Silence is an Abnormality of average difficulty, since thanks to its ability, it has the chance of killing one of the more important or higher level agents in any part of the facility. This abnormality should be prioritized a decent amount, due to how it can easily restrict one of the most vital tools in any manager's disposal: the pausing tool.
The Price of Silence can only increase its mood by using Amusement and Violence work. Due to its ability being able to be triggered while in bad, the player should keep it in a good or neutral mood, because of producing energy in that state instead. If you want to keep it in the neutral mood for more longer, use Nutrition work to stop the fluctuation and also avoiding it to decrease. The Price of Silence deals an average amount of Psychological Damage while failing at work, so is recommended to possess middle to high level agents, Mental Training researched or possess more Observation Levels.
If Price of Silence's counter starts getting into the higher numbers, it could be recommended to restart the game (as in close out of the game completely) and reload from the most recent checkpoint, thus resetting the counter and bringing back agents.
Is totally safe to change time speed while Price of Silence is in bad mood, and if the player doesn't have problems with managing without stopping, leaving the Price of Silence in a bad mood could be an option thanks for the energy production.
Observation Statistics | |||||||
観測レベル Observation Level | 作業成功率 Work Success Rate | 気分減少率 Mood Decrease Rate | 基礎気分値 Basic Mood Rating | 公開済み特殊能力数 | 公開済み説明数 | 嗜好について得られること Preferences Learned | エネルギー生産量について得られること Energy Production Learned |
0 | +0% | -0% | 30% | 0 | 0 | None | None |
1 | +10% | -15% | 30% | 1 | 2 + 名前&姿&危険レベル 2 + Abnormality Name + Portrait + Risk Level | 平常:栄養作業 Neutral: Nutrition | 上機嫌時↓、平常時↑ Happy: Moderate- Neutral / Distressed: Moderate+ |
2 | +10% | -30% | 40% | 1+名前 1 + Name | 2 | 好む:娯楽作業 Likess: Amusement | 不機嫌時↑↑ Distressed: Large+ |
3 | +20% | -30% | 50% | 2 | 2 | 好む:暴力作業、嫌う:清潔作業、最も嫌う:交信作業 Likes: Violence Dislikes: Cleanliness Hates: Consensus | なし None |
::Dialogue:: | |
無駄な時間だとか、時間が足りないという不平不満は、実に無駄である。 しかし、この時計はあなたが失った時を巻き戻すだけでなく、より多くの時を手に入れられるようにしてくれるでしょう。 あなたはこの時計を Time's wasting. time's running out... They are nothing but meaningless tantrums. The watch will not only take your lost time back, but also give you even more time. You decided to... | |
使わない Not to use the watch | 使う Use the watch |
あなたはこれを拒否することはできない。 望む、望まないにかかわらず、あなたが受け取らなければならないことを私たちは皆知っています。 Actually, you have no right to refuse this gift. Whether you want it or not, we all know that you have to take it. | しかし、そのためには相応の対価が支払われるでしょう。 これは最初からそのように作られているので。 The price will follow to your decision. It is designed this way. |
Price of Silence's encyclopedia portrait
ZAYIN 最も安全 | 触れてはならない - 夜明けのハンマー - たった一つの罪と何百もの善 - 蓋の空いたウェルチアース - ペスト医師 - お前、ハゲだよ… |
TETH | 捨てられた殺人者 - 美女と野獣 - 血の風呂 - 壊れゆく甲冑 - 宇宙の欠片 - オールドレディ - 罰鳥 - マッチガール - 母なるクモ - 壁に向かう女 |
HE | オールアラウンドヘルパー - 大鳥 - 幸せなテディ - 赤ずきんの傭兵 - 無名の胎児 - 赤い靴 - そりのルドル・タ - 歌う機械 - 銀河の子 - 審判鳥 - 沈黙の対価 - 雪の女王 |
WAW | アルリウネ - 大きくて悪いオオカミ - 憎しみの女王 - 貧しい脚本家の手帳 - 女王蜂 - 白雪姫のりんご - 強欲の王 - 小さな王子 |
ALEPH 最も危険 | 「何もない」 - 静かなオーケストラ - 白夜~(使徒)- 終末鳥 |
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