Icon Emoji 096 Rosaria Clocking out.png
期限: 2023年2月16日 AM 10:00:00 – 2023年2月27日 AM 03:59:59
2023年2月16日 AM 10:00:00 – 2023年2月27日 AM 03:59:59
In exceptional spirits, you and Paimon returned to Inazuma, only to run into the Arataki Gang, who greeted you with hands clasped and expressions grinning. They seem to be scheming to deal with a mighty foe...
Event Details[]
- 2023/02/16 10:00:00 – 2023/02/27 03:59:59
- Adventure Rank 30 or above
- Complete the Archon Quest "Ritou Escape Plan"
- To get the best experience from this event, complete Archon Quest "Perilous Trail" first.
- If the player has not completed the Archon Quest "Perilous Trail" during the event, they can enter the event through "Quick Start" in the event page.
- From the first day of the event, a new beetle battle challenge will unlock every day. A total of five challenges will be unlocked.
- There are 3 levels of difficulty in each beetle battle challenge: Friendly Spar, Honed Will, and Fanatic Passion. After the challenge begins, Friendly Spar and Honed Will difficulties will be unlocked. Fanatic Passion can only be unlocked after successfully challenging Honed Will.
- Take on your opponents and achieve corresponding criteria to claim rewards in the event page. By completing challenges on a higher difficulty setting, you can directly claim rewards at lower difficulties as well.
Tap the forward button to instruct the Onikabuto to expend a small amount of Stamina to move half a tile forward and get closer to its opponent.
This move will not deal DMG.
Tap the forward button to instruct the Onikabuto to expend a small amount of Stamina to move half a tile forward and get closer to its opponent.
This move will not deal DMG.
Tutorial_Almighty_Arataki_Extraordinary_and_Exhilarating_Extreme_Beetle_Brawl_2.pngHold the forward button to instruct the Onikabuto to charge its energy. When the charging process ends, the Onikabuto will expend a greater amount of Stamina to rush forward. When this rush hits an opponent, it can deal DMG. The Stamina consumed, the distance traveled, and the DMG dealt will all change based on the amount of time spent charging. A fully-charged rush will take the Onikabuto 2 tiles forward.
Hold the forward button to instruct the Onikabuto to charge its energy. When the charging process ends, the Onikabuto will expend a greater amount of Stamina to rush forward. When this rush hits an opponent, it can deal DMG. The Stamina consumed, the distance traveled, and the DMG dealt will all change based on the amount of time spent charging. A fully-charged rush will take the Onikabuto 2 tiles forward.
If the Onikabuto reaches its opponent's exact position upon finishing its rush and hits it, it can perform a piercing strike to deal greater DMG. You cannot trigger this special attack by tapping to advance, and over-charging will not allow you to trigger it either.
If the Onikabuto reaches its opponent's exact position upon finishing its rush and hits it, it can perform a piercing strike to deal greater DMG. You cannot trigger this special attack by tapping to advance, and over-charging will not allow you to trigger it either.
Tutorial_Almighty_Arataki_Extraordinary_and_Exhilarating_Extreme_Beetle_Brawl_4.pngThe time spent charging decides your rush distance, and you can use the charging progress to judge how far your Onikabuto will advance forward.
The time spent charging decides your rush distance, and you can use the charging progress to judge how far your Onikabuto will advance forward.
Tap the back button to expend a certain amount of Stamina and instruct the Onikabuto to move 1 tile backward and dodge your opponent's attacks.
If the distance or timing of the dodge is incorrect, your Onikabuto may still take DMG.
Tap the back button to expend a certain amount of Stamina and instruct the Onikabuto to move 1 tile backward and dodge your opponent's attacks.
If the distance or timing of the dodge is incorrect, your Onikabuto may still take DMG.
Tutorial_Almighty_Arataki_Extraordinary_and_Exhilarating_Extreme_Beetle_Brawl_6.pngIf both Onikabuto unleash their attacks at the same time, your Onikabuto will be knocked down without dealing DMG to the opponent. Take note of the attack timings, and should your plans change, cancel charging to avoid unnecessary Stamina expenditure.
If both Onikabuto unleash their attacks at the same time, your Onikabuto will be knocked down without dealing DMG to the opponent. Take note of the attack timings, and should your plans change, cancel charging to avoid unnecessary Stamina expenditure.
Mallet the SmasherA more normal Onikabuto that prefers to close in and attack with consecutive strikes.
A more normal Onikabuto that prefers to close in and attack with consecutive strikes.
Triple-Strike Gunblade MageTutorial_Almighty_Arataki_Extraordinary_and_Exhilarating_Extreme_Beetle_Brawl_Triple_Strike_Gunblade_Mage.pngA more normal Onikabuto that prefers to keep its distance and launch thunderstrikes.
A more normal Onikabuto that prefers to keep its distance and launch thunderstrikes.
Super-Heavy Defensive FormationA huge and heavy Onikabuto that can enter a status that increases its resistance to interruption.
On the Friendly Spar and Honed Will difficulties, it requires 2 rushes or 1 piercing strike to break through this status.
On the Fanatic Passion difficulty, only a piercing strike can break through its enhanced status.
A huge and heavy Onikabuto that can enter a status that increases its resistance to interruption.
On the Friendly Spar and Honed Will difficulties, it requires 2 rushes or 1 piercing strike to break through this status.
On the Fanatic Passion difficulty, only a piercing strike can break through its enhanced status.
Whirling Wrecker-WheelTutorial_Almighty_Arataki_Extraordinary_and_Exhilarating_Extreme_Beetle_Brawl_Whirling_Wrecker_Wheel.pngA small and agile Onikabuto that prefers using long-ranged attacks and can fire off lightning bullets by combining the power of Electro into a projectile and firing it at its opponent after a short duration.
On the Friendly Spar and Honed Will difficulties, you can disperse the lightning bullet using rush attacks before it can be formed or aim at the fired bullet using a piercing strike to reflect the projectile back at this Onikabuto.
On the Fanatic Passion difficulty, only executing a piercing strike first can perform this reflection. Rush attacks will not be able to disperse the bullet.
A small and agile Onikabuto that prefers using long-ranged attacks and can fire off lightning bullets by combining the power of Electro into a projectile and firing it at its opponent after a short duration.
On the Friendly Spar and Honed Will difficulties, you can disperse the lightning bullet using rush attacks before it can be formed or aim at the fired bullet using a piercing strike to reflect the projectile back at this Onikabuto.
On the Fanatic Passion difficulty, only executing a piercing strike first can perform this reflection. Rush attacks will not be able to disperse the bullet.
Ironclad Beetle KingA majestic, all-round Onikabuto that can enter a status that increases its resistance to interruption, and also fire off lightning bullets.
When its HP falls to a certain amount, it will retreat to the edge of the field and constantly cause lightning to fall and strike its opponents. Dodging this lightning while getting close and reflecting this Onikabuto's lightning bullets may hold the key to defeating it.
A majestic, all-round Onikabuto that can enter a status that increases its resistance to interruption, and also fire off lightning bullets.
When its HP falls to a certain amount, it will retreat to the edge of the field and constantly cause lightning to fall and strike its opponents. Dodging this lightning while getting close and reflecting this Onikabuto's lightning bullets may hold the key to defeating it.
The beetle-fighting grounds built by the Arataki Gang with the help of you and Paimon. The arena was constructed in an "extremely cost-effective way" — so claimed Arataki Itto — with a firm foundation and moderately eye-pleasing wooden frames, all of which were attained with an acceptable budget. Around the arena are posters carefully made by Itto himself — they should be able to outshine Grandmaster Hanakado and his minions, no?
Beetle Brawl description
The challenges can be completed in any order after they are unlocked.
I: Mallet the Smasher[]
Unlocks 2023-02-16 10:00:00
Opponent Details- Considerable combat strength at medium and close ranges
- Attacks consecutively
- Medium movement speed
RewardsObjective | Rewards |
Clear the challenge on Friendly Spar difficulty | |
Clear the challenge on Honed Will difficulty | |
Duel on Fanatic Passion difficulty once | |
II: Triple-Strike Gunblade Mage[]
Unlocks 2023-02-17 04:00:00
Opponent Details- Considerable long-distance combat strength
- Attacks with thunderstrikes
- Very agile
RewardsObjective | Rewards |
Clear the challenge on Friendly Spar difficulty | |
Clear the challenge on Honed Will difficulty | |
Duel on Fanatic Passion difficulty once | |
III: Super-Heavy Defensive Formation[]
Unlocks 2023-02-18 04:00:00
Opponent Details- Impressive melee combat strength
- Attacks with quakes
- Enhanced resistance to interruption
RewardsObjective | Rewards |
Clear the challenge on Friendly Spar difficulty | |
Clear the challenge on Honed Will difficulty | |
Duel on Fanatic Passion difficulty once | |
IV: Whirling Wrecker-Wheel[]
Unlocks 2023-02-19 04:00:00
Opponent Details- Impressive long-distance combat strength
- Attacks with various Electro strikes
- Extremely agile
RewardsObjective | Rewards |
Clear the challenge on Friendly Spar difficulty | |
Clear the challenge on Honed Will difficulty | |
Duel on Fanatic Passion difficulty once | |
V: Ironclad Beetle King[]
Unlocks 2023-02-20 04:00:00
Opponent Details- An Onikabuto with an all-round development
- Extremely powerful in combats of all ranges
- Can attack with consecutive earthquakes
- Can attack with consecutive thunderstrikes
- Continuous and enhanced resistance to interruption
- Medium movement speed
- Has a mysterious hidden power
RewardsObjective | Rewards |
Clear the challenge on Friendly Spar difficulty | |
Clear the challenge on Honed Will difficulty | |
Duel on Fanatic Passion difficulty once | |
このイベントでは、同韻紀行に「このBP期間」の紀行任務が追加されました。これらの任務で得られる紀行経験(BP EXP)は、1週間の経験値制限である10,000紀行経験値にはカウントされない。
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 荒瀧極意堂々虫相撲大試合 Arataki Gokui Doudou Mushizumou Daishiai[!] | Arataki Extreme and Magnificent Bug Fighting Grand Match |
中国語 (簡体字) | 荒泷极意堂堂斗虫大试合 Huānglóng Jíyì Tángtáng Dòuchóng Dàshìhé | Arataki Extreme and Magnificent Bug Fighting Grand Match |
中国語 (繁体字) | 荒瀧極意堂堂鬥蟲大試合 Huānglóng Jíyì Tángtáng Dòuchóng Dàshìhé |
英語 | Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl | — |
韓国語 | 아라타키 위풍당당 곤충 대격전 Arataki Wipungdangdang Gonchung Daegyeokjeon | Arataki Majestic Insect Fierce Battle |
スペイン語 | El Sublime y Glorioso Gran Torneo de Escaradiablos de Arataki | Arataki's Sublime and Glorious Grand Onikabuto Tournament |
フランス語 | L'extraordinaire et exaltante bagarre extrême de scarabées du sublime Arataki | The Sublime Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl |
ロシア語 | Эпичный бой жуков великолепного Аратаки Epichnyy boy zhukov velikolepnogo Arataki | Magnificent Arataki Epic Beetle Fight |
タイ語 | อภิมหาศึกประลองสุดยอดจ้าวแมลงแห่ง Arataki A-phi Maha Suek Pralong Sutyot Chao Malaeng Haeng Arataki | The Epic Ultimate Battle of the Master of Insects of Arataki |
ベトナム語 | Đại Hội Đấu Bọ Arataki Siêu Hoành Tráng | |
ドイツ語 | Außergewöhnliche Käferduell des allmächtigen Arataki | Extraordinary Beetle Duel of the Almighty Arataki |
インドネシア語 | Lomba Adu Kumbang Arataki yang Paling Seru dan Paling Gila | The Most Exciting and Craziest Arataki Beetle Fighting Competition |
ポルトガル語 | Eletrizante e Extraordinária Extrema Batalha de Besouros | |
トルコ語 | Yüce Arataki Sıra Dışı ve Heyecanlı Böcek Dövüşü | |
イタリア語 | La Straordinaria, esaltante ed estrema Lotta degli Scarabei di Arataki l'Onnipotente | The Extraordinary, Exhilarating and Extreme Beetle Fight of the Almighty Arataki |
特に記載のない限り、コミュニティのコンテンツはCC BY-SAライセンスの下で利用可能です。
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