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独眼坊とかくれんぼ は、タルタリヤの伝説任務、空鯨の章の第一幕である。この任務を開放するためには、第一章・第三幕『迫る客星』と錦織の章・第一幕『出自は問わない』をクリアし、冒険ランク40に到達している必要がある。
Arriving at Lingju Pass, the Traveler and Paimon hear reports from Daipai that there have been many Ruin Guards wandering about in the wild that suddenly emerged from a single ruin. In order to keep the people safe, they prepare to assist the Millelith in investigating this affair. Upon dealing with one, the party spots a young boy addressing an inactive Ruin Guard as Mr. Cyclops, his favorite toy made by his doting brother. Introducing himself as Teucer from Snezhnaya, he needs the Traveler's help finding his brother who works as a toy seller in Liyue. A large bag of Mora received from Teucer narrows his brother's location down to the Northland Bank.
Upon arriving at the bank, the three spot Childe and Teucer runs up to him, calling him brother, much to the Traveler, Paimon and Childe's surprise; the former two were unaware of their relationship, while the latter is surprised that his younger brother made the trip alone from Snezhnaya. After a brief discussion, Childe privately informs the Traveler and Paimon that he puts up an act as a toy seller in front of Teucer as the latter is too young to know of his relationship with Fatui. He asks the Traveler to babysit Teucer while he deals with business at Qingxu Pool and also gives additional funds to them for his baby brother's entertainment while he's in Liyue.
テウセルの璃月見聞録A couple of touring sessions later, during which Teucer brags about Childe's achievements, he tells the Traveler and Paimon that he misses his brother, so they escort the little boy to Qingxu Pool. They find Childe negotiating with a trio of Treasure Hoarders, having decided to personally visit them to collect some debt. When his attempt to negotiate fails, Childe prepares to fight, only to spot Teucer and quickly implement a different approach by stating that he would like to join them. The thieves go along with the act, telling him that if he could claim some treasure they were having issues claiming, he would be allowed in. Childe easily obtains the treasure, causing them to realize his original intentions and they politely decline his request to join, but agree to repay the loan.
Just then, Felix comes in and informs Childe that some Fatui recruits are waiting for an orientation near The Chasm, since he is the only Harbinger in the area after La Signora had left. Childe reluctantly heads there, with Teucer following him. Arriving at the area, Childe speaks with the recruits (including a few skirmishers) when he notices Teucer and improvises on the go once more, much to the recruits' bewilderment. He then realizes he is going too far to cover up and simply tells the recruits to spar with him, getting them excited. After the session, he dismisses them, expecting good results.
Able to fool his brother, an impressed Teucer wants to learn from his big brother how to fight to protect his family back home. After some convincing, Teucer agrees to go back to Snezhnaya under the condition that Childe will take him to see Liyue's "Institute for Toy Research".
童話の夢を守る人Childe takes the group to the facility, the ruins that the Traveler and Paimon had seen earlier. It is revealed that the toy institute is actually a Ruin Guard facility abandoned by Il Dottore. He has the Traveler assist him in clearing out the facility of enemies while trying to safely lead Teucer around. Able to lead him to the deepest part of the facilities, Teucer spots a large area where he believes the Ruin Guards are made. The Harbinger tells his brother that he has a surprise and to count down from 60 to buy him some time to clean up the abominable constructs, but the waves of Ruin Guards seems endless. Childe ends up using his Foul Legacy Transformation technique in order to destroy the Ruin Guards and the machine producing them. As he had not recovered sufficiently during his bout with the Traveler in the Golden House, he ends up hurting himself in the process.
Item Mr. Cyclops Action Figure.pngWhen Teucer opens his eyes, he begins to look for Childe alongside the Traveler. The Traveler finds Childe hiding in a corner, where he hands them a Mr. Cyclops Action Figure. He had ordered and intended to give it to Teucer when he got back from Liyue, but decides that it would be better to give it to him now. Paimon suggests that he visit a doctor; with the Traveler agreeing to Childe's request, he discretely leaves the area.
The Traveler returns to Teucer, who is upset that Childe had to abruptly leave. They give him the figurine which immediately lifts his mood. With his tour over, Teucer agrees to return to Snezhnaya. Returning to the bank, Andrei is waiting for the three as he tells Teucer that the boat has arrived to bring him back home. Teucer reveals that he knew of the Traveler through Childe's letters, but had forgotten their name when he arrived. Regardless, he thanks them for the adventure and hopes that they can visit his family in the future.
Childe then comes out of hiding, having concealed himself since he was still recovering and did not want Teucer to leave with a bad memory. He thanks the Traveler for helping him with his cover story, offering them compensation. He also states that he is eager for a rematch, this time with his honor as a Harbinger on the line. Regardless of whoever wins, he also extends them an invitation to meet his family, looking forward to their next meeting.
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 独眼坊とかくれんぼ Dokuganbou to Kakurenbo | Mr. Cyclops and Hide-and-Seek |
中国語 (簡体字) | 独眼小宝总动员 Dúyǎn Xiǎobǎo Zǒngdòngyuán | |
中国語 (繁体字) | 獨眼小寶總動員 Dúyǎn Xiǎobǎo Zǒngdòngyuán | |
英語 | Mighty Cyclops' Adventure! | — |
韓国語 | 외눈박이 이야기 Oenunbagi Iyagi | Mr. Cyclops Story |
スペイン語 | La marcha de los cíclopes | The March of the Cyclopes |
フランス語 | Mobilisation | Mobilization |
ロシア語 | Приключение могучего Одноглазика! Priklyucheniye moguchego Odnoglazika! | Mighty Mr. Cyclops's Adventure! |
タイ語 | การชุมนุมของเจ้าตาเดียว | The Gathering of Mr. Cyclops |
ベトナム語 | Tổng động viên tiểu bảo một mắt | |
ドイツ語 | Kloppis Aufbruch | Mr. Cyclops's Departure |
インドネシア語 | Kisah Harta Karun si Kecil Bermata Satu | Treasure Tale of Mr. Cyclops |
ポルトガル語 | A Marcha do Sr. Ciclope | The March of Mr. Cyclops |
トルコ語 | Güçlü Tepegözün Macerası! | |
イタリア語 | L'avventura del possente Ciclope! |
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