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本当の宝物 は、クレーの伝説任務、四つ葉の章の第一幕である。この任務を開放するためには、夜梟の章・第一幕『闇夜の英雄のアリバイ』と狼の章・第一幕『ルピカの意味』をクリアし、冒険ランク32に到達している必要がある。
The Traveler and Paimon return to Diluc's tavern, Angel's Share, meeting Patton at night. Patton laments the fact that he can't join in on the current hot trend of who the strongest fighter in all of Mondstadt is. This gets the pair's attention as they enter the tavern and begin asking the people inside who they think is the strongest fighter. They get varied answers such as Stanley, Diluc (as the Darknight Hero) and Jean, but Six-Fingered José tells them that the strongest is actually a little girl who blew up the Stormbearer Mountains.
Seeing that everyone has their own opinion, the two decide to head to the Knights of Favonius HQ and speak to Jean. Jean is unable to answer their question, but tells them that she has heard reports of an Abyss Mage lurking around the city, warning the two to be on their guard as they travel around.
「赤い服の女の子の宝物」の謎Leaving Jean's office, the two bump into a small girl who drops a parchment regarding "survival" rules. The Traveler picks it up and Paimon reads the bizarre rules. The girl introduces herself as Klee, who then recognizes the Traveler as the Honorary Knight. Klee tells them that the "treasure" she buried in Whispering Woods has gone missing. She had buried the treasure with a large marker, much to Paimon's surprise. Arriving at the woods, Paimon soon spots an Abyss Mage, the one Jean had been warning them about. The Pyro mage attempts to shake the trio off its trail, but they are able to catch up to it. Klee calls the mage "Mr. Fluffball" and believes it is just playing as a bad guy, despite Paimon telling her that the Abyss Order is evil. It disappears to its stronghold at the end of the chase.
Inside the stronghold, the Traveler and Klee clear the area of slimes and hilichurls. Reaching the end of the domain, they confront the mage, who tells them that the human nature of gossiping has allowed it to deduce that Klee is the strongest in all of Mondstadt and tries to use her "treasure" against them. Klee warns Mr. Fluffball not to activate the bomb. Mr. Fluffball, believing that Klee is scared that it will use its treasure on them, ignores her warning and prematurely sets off the bomb, killing it. Klee becomes horrified at this and runs off, having broken one of the survival rules.
「騎士団の宝物」The Traveler and Paimon return to headquarters where they find Klee frantically apologizing to Jean for hurting someone. Jean is confused by Klee's apology until the pair come in, explaining to her that the person she "hurt" was an Abyss Mage. Jean then apologizes to Klee for not having told her about the Abyss Order; in part due to solving the problem, she allows her to attend the next Ludi Harpastum, much to her delight. But unfortunately the celebration was cut short as Jean is able to suspect that Klee was intending to blow up the fish at Starfell Lake, so Klee resigns herself to solitary confinement. Jean explains to the two that Klee is also a member of the Knights; despite the trouble she causes them, they care for her and she asks the Traveler to watch over her in the future.
Heading to the confinement room nearby, the pair learn that Klee is contemplating her actions, but is also developing another bomb in the process, intending to show it off in the next Ludi Harpastum.
言語 | 正式名称 | 直訳の意味 (英語) |
日本語 | 本当の宝物 Hontou no Takaramono | True Treasure |
中国語 (簡体字) | 真正的宝物 Zhēnzhèng de Bǎowù | Real Treasure |
中国語 (繁体字) | 真正的寶物 Zhēnzhèng de Bǎowù | |
英語 | True Treasure | — |
韓国語 | 진정한 보물 Jinjeonghan Bomul | True Treasure |
スペイン語 | El verdadero tesoro | The True Treasure |
フランス語 | Le vrai trésor | The True Treasure |
ロシア語 | Настоящее сокровище Nastoyashcheye sokrovishche | The True Treasure |
タイ語 | สมบัติที่แท้จริง | |
ベトナム語 | Bảo Vật Thực Sự | |
ドイツ語 | Wahrer Schatz | True Treasure |
インドネシア語 | Harta yang Sesungguhnya | Treasure that is real |
ポルトガル語 | Tesouro Verdadeiro | True Treasure |
トルコ語 | Gerçek Hazine | |
イタリア語 | Il vero tesoro |
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