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Hierarchical Loot Table is a general data structure for the loot system in game designing, which some games have used.[2][3]

In Hierarchical Loot Table, it have many subtables for the sub-drop mechanic.

There is an example table for explaining the mechanic.

The Name of the DropThe Name of Sub Drop 1The Number of the Sub Drop 1The Weight of the Sub Drop 1The Name of Sub Drop 2The Number of the Sub Drop 2The Weight of the Sub Drop 2
Drop 1Weapon1710Armor Set1.0651000
Armor SetHelmet1500Shield1500

The weapon is a direct-drop reward. The helmet and the shield are rewards which use the sub-drop mechanic.

In game designing, designers usually use weight to represent the percentage of chance.

The Mean of the Sub Drop = the Drop Number of the Sub Drop x the Drop Chance of the Sub Drop

The Drop Chance of the Sub Drop = The Weight of the Sub Drop / The Coefficient

In this hierarchical table, the coefficient is 1000.

When a sub drop has 1.065 number, and 100% chance. It means that it has 6.5% chance to drop 2 different sub drops and has 93.5% chance to get only 1 sub drop.

  • Different sub drops mean that you have chances to get different rewards.
    • But it doesn't mean you won't get the same rewards.
    • In this example, there are some rewards that will happen: Only 1 helmet, only 1 shield, 2 helmets, 2 shields or 1 helmet with 1 shield.

When a sub drop has 1 number, and 71% chance. It means that it has 71% chance to drop 1 sub drop and has 29% chance not to get any sub drop.

Loot System in Genshin Impact[]

Sub Drop and Rolling Order[]

In Genshin Impact, some rewards will directly drop, while some rewards will use sub drops.

For example, most Artifacts rewards use the sub-drop mechanic.The order for rolling is:

  1. The rarity of Artifact
  2. The number of initial Sub Stat
  3. The Artifact set
  4. The type of Artifact (flower, feather, etc.)

Each kind of rolling usually have many sub drops.

Enemy Level and Reward Tier[]

Most rewards from enemies have many tiers. These tiers are determined by the level of the enemy.

From level 1 to 4, rewards are all in tier 1. From level 5 to 9, rewards are all in tier 2. And then in each 5 levels, rewards share the same tier. So the relationship between the enemy level and the reward tier is a piece-wise function.

For some rewards, the mean of the reward will be the same between tiers.

  • For example, it will have the same drop rates for 3-star artifacts and 4-star artifacts between tier 11 and 12 among some elite enemies.

There is a list to show the relationship.

The Enemy Level For The TierReward Tier

Artifact Drop Distribution[]

See also: Loot System/Artifact Drop Distribution for community-gathered data. Please note that any information there can differ from actual gameplay.

For Domains, Weekly bosses, Normal Bosses and Elite Enemies, their rewards use the sub-drop mechanic.

The order for rolling is:

  1. Rarity
  2. Value of initial Sub Stat
  3. Artifact Set
  4. Artifact Type (flower, feather, etc.)

Material Drop Distribution[]

See also: Loot System/Material Drop Distribution for community-gathered data. Please note that any information there can differ from actual gameplay.

Some rewards that use the sub-drop mechanic:

  • Talent Level-Up Books from Domains (variable part of the reward)
  • Weapon Ascension Materials from Domains (variable part of the reward)
  • Ascension Gems from Normal Bosses, Weekly Bosses and Daily Bonus Rewards.
  • Talent Level-Up Materials from Weekly Bosses
  • Northlander Billets from Weekly Bosses
  • Enhancement Ores from Daily Commission Rewards

Some rewards that don't use the sub-drop mechanic:

  • Mineral Chunks
  • Talent Level-Up Books from Domains (guaranteed part of the reward)
  • Weapon Ascension Materials from Domains (guaranteed part of the reward)
  • Common Ascension Materials from Normal Enemies and Elite Enemies.
  • Elite Boss Materials from Normal Bosses
  • Dream Solvents from Weekly Bosses

Talent Level-Up Books and Weapon Ascension Materials[]

For Talent Level-Up Books and Weapon Ascension Materials from Domains, the reward has a variable part and a guaranteed part.

The variable part use the sub-drop mechanic, and players will have chance to get materials of all rarities.

The order for rolling is:

  1. Amount
  2. Rarity

The guaranteed part will directly drop, and players will only get 2-star materials.

  • The mean of the material in the guaranteed part is different for different domain levels.

Ascension Gems[]

For Ascension Gems from Normal Bosses and Weekly Bosses, the order for rolling is:

  1. Amount
  2. Rarity

For Ascension Gems from Daily Bonus Rewards, the order for rolling is:

  1. Amount
  2. Element type (2-Star Gems)

Weekly Talent Level-Up Materials and Northlander Billets[]

For Talent Level-Up Materials and Northlander Billets from Weekly Bosses, the order for rolling is:

  1. The number
  2. The type of Materials

Elite Boss Materials and Dream Solvents[]

For Elite Boss Materials and Dream Solvents, materials will drop directly.

Common Ascension Materials[]

See also: Loot System/Common Ascension Materials for community-gathered data. Please note that any information there can differ from actual gameplay.

For Common Ascension Materials from Normal Enemies and Elite Enemies, materials of all rarities will have chances to drop in the same time.

Mineral Chunks[]

For some minerals, there is 100% chance to get 1 chunk. Meanwhile, there is chances to get other 2 chunks (each 10%).

  • For 1 chunk, the total chance is 1 * 0.9 * 0.9 = 81%
  • For 2 chunks, the total chance is 1 * 0.1 * 0.9 * 2 = 18%
  • For 3 chunks, the total chance is 1 * 0.1 * 0.1 = 1%

Enhancement Ores from Daily Commission Rewards[]

For Enhancement Ores from Daily Commission Rewards, the order for rolling is:

  1. Amount
  2. Rarity


  1. Lostgarden: Hierarchical Loot Table Introduction in Lostgarden
  2. Gearboxsoftware: Loot System in Borderlands 2
  3. Beaconapp: Loot System in Ark: Survival Evolve

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