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「獅子の血」 は、ディシア伝説任務、マンティコアの章の第一幕である。この任務を開放するためには、第三章・第五幕『虚空の鼓動、熾盛の劫火』をクリアし、冒険ランク40に到達している必要がある。




  1. 黒く染まった赤い絹
  2. 赤砂旧事
  3. 隠された本心



Walking around the Grand Bazaar, the Traveler and Paimon run into Dehya and Dunyarzad. While talking to each other, Dunyarzad notices that Dehya is acting off, who then admits that she has an uneasy feeling about the Dakan Al-Ahmar brigade. After finding a discreet location, she tells them that the brigade has been stripping people of their items before killing them and were responsible for hundreds of incidents. She decides that she needs to confront their leader, who is also her father. Dehya also reveals that the main brigade, Deshret's Relics, made those who worked under them the "bad guys" and wants to know why the brigade has been acting up all of a sudden.

The investigation starts outside Caravan Ribat, meeting up with Dehya's contacts. They inform her that the last camp the brigade attacked was completely looted of value and there were no survivors. They then ambush another group of Eremites, interrogating Sattar. Sattar refuses to divulge any information and tries to bite his tongue off, but the attempt only renders him unconscious. After treating him, they investigate the caravan, discovering that some of the items were from Shahzaman, Dunyarzad's father. Dehya is surprised her father would back murderers, but believing that there must be a mistake, decides to ask Dunyarzad about it when they return to the city.


Returning to the city, Dehya informs Dunyarzad about the discovery. Dunyarzad is surprised to hear that her father would back murderers, but recalls how the Blazing Beasts, Dehya's brigade, had referred her to Shahzaman, who hired her to be her bodyguard. Dunyarzad takes her father along to meet at the "usual place", where Dehya introduces him to the Traveler and Paimon. Upon being confronted with the news, Shahzaman warns her that she might not like the truth. When Dunyarzad was young, the family made a trip to the desert where they were set upon by bandits. They were nearly overwhelmed until a group of passing Eremites intervened and slew the bandits, with their leader, Kusayla, remarking on how he had a daughter around her age like Dunyarzad. Out of gratitude, he hired them to help maintain his estate for a short time. When they met again, Kusayla was old and weak. However, he decided to refer Dehya to Dunyarzad as a bodyguard, wanting to get her out of Deshret's Relics.

Shahzaman explains that his contribution to Dakan Al-Ahmar only came in the form of food and medicine, as Kusayla had requested help from him and needed supplies. At that time, the brigade began to become violent, so Shahzaman was reluctant to give weapons and explosives. He wanted t o meet Kusayla in person for an explanation, but his attempts were rebuffed, so he guessed that he did not want Dehya to get involved. Shahzaman then points them to an Eremite named Jawad, who was responsible for supplying them with weapons and that he hung out at Lambad's Tavern at night.

Confronting the Eremite, Dehya demands to know where Kusayla is. Intimidated by her, he reveals that Kusayla and his men were camping out near the Valley of Dahri. When they arrive, the two clash briefly before Dehya puts a stop to the fighting, as she knew all of them. She demands to see Kusayla, but they reveal to her that he had died a while ago, breaking up the brigade and arriving at Deshret's Relic's headquarters to burn the "records" to free everyone. However, the remnants of Dakan Al-Ahmar felt incredible guilt over their newfound freedom and thus resolved to take revenge on Deshret's Relics. Plagiarizing his handwriting, they sent letters to his contacts, most of whom were willing to agree to help. Dehya pities their situation and resolves to help them, knowing that Deshret's Relics needed to be brought to justice.


With Dakan Al-Ahmar, Dehya and the Traveler storm the headquarters of Deshret's Relics; due to Kusayla's burning of the records, there were only a few diehard loyalists left in their employ. After triggering a trap, the two are seperated but they manage to navigate their way through to the heart of the base, defeating their commander Hamzah. Similarly to Dakan Al-Ahmar, Deshret's Relics intend to die too. Confronting the remnants of the brigade, Dehya demands they tell her about Kusayla, so Shakhbout directs them to the old records room. They investigate the room, where they find Kusayla's cane. Dehya notices that the cane has a hidden compartment and opens it, revealing a sword which she and the others recognize as the toy sword that she used to play with in her youth.

The defeated Eremites are taken into the Corps of Thirty's custody whereas the Dakan Al-Ahmar members surrender themselves to them. Dehya is given Kusayla's cane as an inheritance. Both Dehya and Dunyarzad are upset with the turn of events, the former due to suddenness of the events and the latter because her father was taken into custody. They decide to lighten the mood by going to the Grand Bazaar, where they run into Sattar. Sattar reveals that after regaining consciousness, he tried to warn the brigade but only found its injured members there, as their goal had been accomplished. As they had turned themselves in, he decided to do so too, but not before giving Dehya a box with more of Kusayla's belongings.

Opening the box, they initially believe it to be full of trash but soon notice one of the bottles has a letter in it. Taking the letter out, Dehya reads it and discovers that Kusayla was not her blood father, but he had discovered her in the sands and took her in. He was impressed by the freedom and sincerity he and the other members could only dream of and wanted her to live her life how she wanted to. Dehya is touched by her adoptive father's sincerity and ultimately resolves to find out who her blood parents are, thanking the group for supporting her.




    言語正式名称直訳の意味 (英語)
    "Shishi no Chi"
    "Lion Blood"
    "Shī zhī Xuè"
    "Blood of Lions"
    "Shī zhī Xiě"
    韓国語「사자의 피」
    "Saja-ui Pi"
    "Lion's Blood"
    スペイン語Sangre de la LeonaBlood of the Lioness
    フランス語Sang de lionneBlood of Lioness
    ロシア語Львиная кровь
    L'vinaya krov'
    Lioness Blood
    ベトナム語Dòng Máu Sư Tử
    ドイツ語„Blut der Löwin“"Blood of the Lioness"
    インドネシア語Darah Sang SingaBlood of the Lion
    ポルトガル語Sangue da Leoa
    トルコ語Aslan Kanı
    イタリア語Sangue di leoneBlood of Lion



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