A merchant planning to enter the Kamera business. However, the current Kamera model he has ordered in seems to have some trange faults...
季同: How very strange... What is the matter with this Kamera?Icon Dialogue Talk.png What's wrong with your Kamera?季同: I think it's broken... Well, maybe not broken, but it's certainly not working like it's supposed to.季同: I ordered a batch from Fontaine a while back.季同: The person who sold it to me said that this particular kind of Kamera features the very latest technology from Fontaine.季同: Supposedly, it can print photos in a special hue and add in some special effects, or something. So I bought one to try it out.季同: But try as I might, I can't get it to print out photos properly. I don't know whether I'm using it wrong, or if it's just faulty.季同: Maybe there's some trick to it that I'm not getting...季同: So, how about you? Much of a Kamera Konnoisseur yourself? I dabble.季同: I'll take that as a yes! So, could I get you to help?Icon Dialogue Talk.png Never heard of a "Kamera" in my life.季同: Oh, I see... Well, never mind, it's simple enough to use... Would you mind giving me a hand anyway?季同: I'm guessing you're a traveler? You must have a lot of experiences under your belt.季同: What I'd like you to do is use this Kamera to take a picture of something with a strong color.季同: Once you've taken a snap, if you could please bring me the photo. I want to see if I can isolate the source of the issue...季同: And if I can't, I'll take the photos to the seller and see what he has to say. With the photos as hard evidence, he won't be able to dismiss the issue. I'll do it.季同: Great. Thanks!(
不思議な「写真機」を入手)Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg What do you mean by strong color?季同: Oh, you know... Really bright colors, like red Jueyun Chilis, blue Mist Flower...季同: Once you've taken a good shot, bring me the photo.(
(季同と話してください)季同: Ah, hello. Just the person I wanted to speak to. About what?Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg About strong-color photography?季同: Nope, no need. I've figured out what it was.季同: I finally managed to track down the merchant the other day. The one who sold me it in the first place.季同: I told him there was a problem with the Kamera he sold me, but he was having none of it.季同: Luckily I had all the photos you took for me. Without them, I'd have had no way of convincing him.季同: After taking a look at your photos, he finally agreed to take a look at the Kamera he sold to me.季同: Yesterday, he came to see me and brought a bottle of some sort of potion with him.季同: He explained that this Kamera works differently from regular models. You need to add some of this potion to it to make sure the photos turn out normal.季同: If you don't add any, the photos turn out just like yours did. Just pages of color, rather than clear images. Good thing that your Kamera's not broken, then.Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg So... problem sorted?季同: Well... To be honest, I'm less interested in the Kamera itself now. This potion is what intrigues me...季同: Think about it. Most people will just buy the Kamera, right? Buy it once, use it forever.季同: But this potion is a consumable. So, once you've used it up, you have to buy more if you want to keep using it.季同: Also, the guy says that different potions will produce photos with different effects. He's currently developing more types...季同: Maybe... Just maybe, those bottles of potion are where the big business opportunity is.季同: Ah, sorry. I'm rambling.季同: Thanks for all your help. Hand me this Kamera, I'll add some potion in for you...(After submitting the Kurious Kamera)季同: Alright, this Kamera is yours to keep. Take care of it. ...You're just gonna give it to me?Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg What happens when the potion runs out?季同: There's enough potion in there for you to get a good amount of use out of it. Once it runs out... Well, you know where to find me, right?季同: While we're on the subject, I'm planning to talk to my contact about importing some new kinds of potions for the Kamera.季同: If you find that's something that interests you, I hope to see you again in the future.季同: Thought I was just buying a Kamera, turns out I was buying a whole business venture...
季同: Definitely need to investigate this Kamera more closely... Claim 招福の箱季同: How have the photos turned out? Let me see...(Opens Claim 招福の箱 menu)Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg Where did you get this Kamera?季同: Oh, I bought it off a merchant from Fontaine.季同: He said this model prints photos with a unique effect, which is certain to make it catch on.季同: I took him at his word, but I quickly discovered that I don't recognize anything that this Kamera prints...季同: Maybe I'm using it wrong? But I don't know how to track him down, ugh... Goodbye.季同: Bye... Ugh, this Kamera, such a konundrum...
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