








小巻の占い (非公式名)は、海祇島で行われる隠された探索の目的である。世界任務「海淵仙草霊験記」のクリアが条件となり、リアルタイム5日間(サーバーリセット4回)の時間制約が設定されている。




  1. 小巻と話す
  2. 今日の運勢:「海祇島の一番高い場所、神を祀る古き地で、幸運に出会えるじゃろう。」
  3. 曚雲神社に向かい、雷霊を案内して普通の宝箱を入手する。
  4. 再び小巻に話しかける。


  1. 今日の運勢 「綿津見島の南にある洞窟で、思いがけない出会いをすることになる。しかし、その不運を乗り越えれば、思わぬ恩恵が得られるかもしれない。」
  2. 望瀧村から左のワープポイントの南西にある洞窟である。宝盗団を倒した後にメモと対話すると、隠された探索の目的の林蔵の宝が開始される。


  1. 今日の運勢:「A gentle Electro Seelie will guide your path near the deep pool in the center of Watatsumi Island, just below 珊瑚宮.」
  2. 雷霊は、珊瑚宮のワープポイントの下にあり、風の翼で降りると簡単に見ることができる。仙霊を追って、普通の宝箱を入手する。


  1. 今日の運勢:「The ruined shrine in the east is shrouded in an ominous aura... However... Those who boldly go forth and conquer such omens will receive their just reward.」
  2. 水月池の南東にあるワープポイントの近くに廃墟の祠がある。野伏衆海乱鬼を倒し、普通の宝箱を開放する。


  1. 今日の運勢:「北東にある遺跡、海の上の古城で、旧日の霊がお前さんらを導くじゃろう。」
  2. 水月池の池の中にある邸宅にテレポートする。雷の種を使って上に飛び、雷霊に触れる。それをたどっていくと、「普通の宝箱」「精巧な宝箱」「貴重な宝箱」を入手することができる。


  • 5つの日替わり運勢をすべて引くと、「天地万象」のアチーブメント「願いは叶えた」が付与される。
  • 3日目と5日目に集めた雷霊は「鳴草の捕手・2」のアチーブメントに、5日間を通して獲得した宝箱は「循雷のトレジャーハンター・2」のアチーブメントにカウントされる。



(小巻と話す)小巻: 帰ってきたんじゃな、何か用でもあるかい? 占ってほしい。パイモン: オイラも(旅人)が今日がどんな運勢なのか知りたいぞ!小巻: ふむ「霊草」の葉の模様からみて…幸運じゃよ。小巻: 二人とも、海祇島の一番高い場所、神を祀る古き地で、幸運に出会えるじゃろう。パイモン: うーん…オイラはその模様を見ても全然わからなかったぞ…小巻: ふふ、年寄りの知恵じゃよ。パイモン: そのごまかした感じの答え…あやしい!(毎日の財産を完了する前に、小巻にもう一度話してください)小巻: "You will find that fortune at the highest point in Watatsumi Island, in an ancient place dedicated to the gods."小巻: Haha, that's what the Spiritherbs say.(前述のハイポイントに近づく)パイモン: ここが小巻ばあちゃんの言ってた…「幸運の高所」だな!(3体雷霊に従って、宝箱を開く)パイモン: わお、やっぱりいいものがあるぞ!(現在の毎日の幸運のタスクが完了した後、小巻に相談してください)小巻: ふふ、幸運は急いでも仕方ない…それに「霊草」にも休みは必須じゃ小巻: じゃが、こんな年寄りに声をかけてくれて、本当にありがとう。お前さんらの旅の無事を祈っておるよ。


(小巻と話す)小巻: 帰ってきたんじゃな、何か用でもあるかい?Icon Dialogue Talk.png 占ってほしい。パイモン: オイラも(旅人)が今日がどんな運勢なのか知りたいぞ!小巻: ふむ「霊草」の葉の模様からみて…幸運じゃよ。小巻: You will have an ill-fated and unexpected encounter in a cave in the south of Watatsumi Island — a hive of scum and villainy.パイモン: Eh, it's bad luck! Uh, we should probably that [sic] sort of place, huh?小巻: Hehe. However...小巻: Overcoming ill fate may yet bring you an unexpected boon.パイモン: A boon...? You mean treasure? Is it gonna be treasure?小巻: I did not say that...パイモン: Oh...小巻: But I did not say it wouldn't be that, either.パイモン: Oh, come on, Granny, why do you have to be like that?(Talk to Komaki again before completing the daily fortune)小巻: "You will have an ill-fated and unexpected encounter in a cave in the south of Watatsumi Island — a hive of scum and villainy."小巻: "Yet overcoming that ill fate may bring you an unexpected boon."小巻: Haha, that's what the Spiritherbs say.(Approach the aforementioned cave)パイモン: So that's the "cave of ill fortune" Granny Komaki talked about, hm? Nothing scary about it!Treasure Hoarders: Wait, someone's here!? Are they tryin' to steal a march on us?パイモン: Oh no, it's the Treasure Hoarders!パイモン: Well... Why would we be scared of Treasure Hoarders, anyway?(Defeat the Treasure Hoarders)(If Rinzou's Treasure is not yet started)パイモン: Oh, so it's just the Treasure Hoarders, huh. Still, Paimon did hear them mention "treasure"!(If Rinzou's Treasure is already completed)パイモン: Haha, bet those Treasure Hoarders have no clue that we've already found Rinzou's Treasure!(Talk to Komaki after the current daily fortune task is completed)小巻: Hehe. Good luck cannot be rushed, and what's more, even Spiritherbs need rest.小巻: Still, I'd like to thank you for coming by to say hello to an old lady. May you have safe travels.


(Talk to Komaki)小巻: Oh, youngsters, how do you do? Please help me tell my fortune!パイモン: Hehe, what's our luck gonna be like today, hmm~?小巻: The Spiritherbs say that... you will have good luck.小巻: A gentle Electro Seelie will guide your path near the deep pool in the center of Watatsumi Island, just below the Sangonomiya Shrine.パイモン: Wow!小巻: It should be true. These divinations have always been very accurate.パイモン: Mmm, the more you say that, the more Paimon's getting suspicious...Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg Don't mind Paimon, Granny.小巻: Hehe, it's alright, it's alright. You're still young...パイモン: Wait a minute, what are you trying to say, (Traveler)?(Talk to Komaki again before completing the daily fortune)小巻: "A gentle Electro Seelie will guide your path near the deep pool in the center of Watatsumi Island, just below the Sangonomiya Shrine."小巻: It will lead to unexpected good fortune.小巻: Haha, that's what the Spiritherbs say.(Approach the aforementioned Electro Seelie)パイモン: Look, it's an Electro Seelie! Looks like it was by this "pool of good luck" after all!(Follow the Electro Seelie and open the chest)パイモン: Wow, guess it's our lucky day after all!(Talk to Komaki after the current daily fortune task is completed)小巻: Hehe. Good luck cannot be rushed, and what's more, even Spiritherbs need rest.小巻: Still, I'd like to thank you for coming by to say hello to an old lady. May you have safe travels.


(Talk to Komaki)小巻: Oh, youngsters, how do you do? Please help me tell my fortune!パイモン: Paimon wants to know what today will be like too!小巻: Hmm. The Spiritherbs say that this will be an ill-fated day.小巻: The ruined shrine in the east is shrouded in an ominous aura...パイモン: Uhh, that sounds kinda scary...小巻: However...小巻: Those who boldly go forth and conquer such omens will receive their just reward.Icon_Dialogue_Talk.svg This seems quite similar to what you said before...小巻: Ah, isn't life like that? New experiences always cloak themselves in familiar-seeming days.(Talk to Komaki again before completing the daily fortune)小巻: "The ruined shrine in the east is shrouded in an ominous aura..."小巻: "But should you boldly go forth and conquer such omens, you will receive your just reward."小巻: Haha, that's what the Spiritherbs say.(Approach the aforementioned shrine)パイモン: This must be that "unlucky shrine" that Granny Komaki mentioned. Huh, look — there's treasure over there!Bounty Hunter Ronin: My apologies, but we must ask you to die here. We, too, are people on a mission.パイモン: Hey! Don't say such creepy stuff so politely!パイモン: Ugh, Paimon's... so... tired!(Defeat the Nobushi and Kairagi and open the chest)パイモン: Ooh, there was something nice here after all!(Talk to Komaki after the current daily fortune task is completed)小巻: Hehe. Good luck cannot be rushed, and what's more, even Spiritherbs need rest.小巻: Still, I'd like to thank you for coming by to say hello to an old lady. May you have safe travels.


(Talk to Komaki)小巻: Oh, youngsters, how do you do? Please help me tell my fortune!パイモン: Hmm, is it gonna be good luck this time, Paimon wonders?小巻: Oh dear, the Spiritherbs' light is rather weak at the moment. It seems they shall need some rest...小巻: All the same, I can help you perform another divination.小巻: Hmm. The twinkling of the Spiritherbs say that you shall have good fortune.小巻: In the ruins to the northeast, in the ancient city that stands alone amidst the sea, a lingering spirit of mourning will light the way.小巻: However...小巻: You must open for her a great gate and return her to her nest of sweet slumber before the fated reward can be yours.パイモン: That was so confusing... Something something ancient city, something nest?小巻: Haha, it's alright. I will remain here. If you cannot figure it out, you can feel free to ask me anytime.パイモン: えっ、オイラのことバカだって言ってるのかよ!(毎日の財産を完了する前に、小巻にもう一度話してください)小巻: 「北東にある遺跡、海の上の古城で、旧日の霊がお前さんらを導くじゃろう。」小巻: 「運命に定められた報酬を手にするには…そやつのために扉を開け、永久なる甘い眠りの巣に帰らせる必要がある。」小巻: ふふ、「霊草」はそう言っておるよ。(Follow the aforementioned Electro Seelie)パイモン: Wow, there's so much treasure! It was good luck after all!(Talk to Komaki after the current daily fortune task is completed)小巻: Hehe. Good luck cannot be rushed, and what's more, even Spiritherbs need rest.小巻: Still, I'd like to thank you for coming by to say hello to an old lady. May you have safe travels.


  • 洞窟が「a hive of scum and villainy」と呼ばれているのは、スター・ウォーズへの言及である。


Day 1 Guide
Day 2 Guide
Day 3 Guide
Day 4 Guide
Day 5 Guide




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