Genesis_Part_2_DLC.jpg | This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Genesis: Part 2 |
Exo-Mekは、ARK: Survival EvolvedのDLCGenesis: Part 2の乗物の1つで、Mekの後継機です。
“ | That there's a Federation exo-mek, a kind of utility work suit for the crew to pilot inside and outside this starship. Good for repairs, heavy lifting, EVAs -- plus they could take a beating! I can see how these could really come in handy, especially given how fragile you humans are. https://ark.gamepedia.com/File:HLNA_Exo-Mek_Dossier_sound.ogg | „ |
~ NoteHLN-A.pngHLN-A |
Exo-Meks are Federation variation for Mek that can be piloted by Survivors, armed with giant Hands and constructed with a visible cockpit.
This section displays the Exo-Mek's natural regions.デモンストレーションのために、以下の領域はアルビノのExo-Mekの上に赤色で表示されています。
この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor
Region 0はこの生物には
Region 1はこの生物には
Region 2はこの生物には
Region 3はこの生物には
Region 4はこの生物には
Region 5はこの生物には
能力値 | 基準値 | レベルアップ | テイムボーナス | ||
野性生物 | テイム生物 | Additive | Multiplicative | ||
Health.png体力 | 2000 | +0 | +0% | 0.07 | |
スタミナ | N/A | ? | ? | ||
Oxygen.png酸素量 | N/A | N/A | N/A | ||
食料 | N/A | ? | ? | ||
Weight.png重量 | 20000 | +0 | +0% | ||
近接攻撃力 | 180 | ? | ? | ||
Movement_Speed.png移動速度 | N/A | N/A | ? | ||
気絶値 | 150 | +9 | 該当なし | 0.5 |
移動 | 基本速度 | 全力疾走の速度 | スタミナ | ||
野生生物 | テイム生物 | 野生生物 | テイム生物 | ||
歩行 | 900 | 900 | 1800 | 1800 | ? |
水泳 | 900 | 900 | N/A | N/A | ? |
stat-calculatorはモバイルビューでは機能しません。代替方法についてはこちらをご覧ください: Apps
This section describes how to fight against the Exo-Mek
While Exo-Meks are only found as survivor's deployment and not in the wild, they do not pose any form of threat so long as they are not piloted.
Due to the Exo-Mek's high jump height, the player can trick the pilot into jumping far enough away to give the player time to hide.
The Exo-Mek comes with four different modes of function:
Combat Mode
The Exo-Mek enters a barehanded battle stance. It is capable of doing straight punches, as well as a hammer-fisted ground pound. While boasting less attack power than its predecessor, it is still a reliable vehicle for close-quarters combat.
Storage Mode
With this mode activated, the Exo-Mek extends its right hand outwards, which allows it to absorb tribe-owned / player-owned Structures, storing it into its virtual storage module. Excellent for transferring base components during a move to a different location.
Carry Mode
The Exo-Mek squats in a carry position, capable of lifting various Structures and placing them down elsewhere (akin to the initial construction of a Structure). It should be worth noting, however, that items which need to be placed on Foundations still abide by that rule, even when carried by the Mek. Perfect mode for moving storage units (such as Vaults or Fridges) someplace more spacious and accessible, as whatever storage Structure it picks up will not destroy or drop any of the items kept within. It is also unable to pick up Foundations.
RTS Mode
A unique feature this vehicle boasts, the Exo-Mek can activate a bird’s-eye-view of the surrounding area, highlight nearby tames and issue orders for them to move to a location or attack a specific unit. A vital function for when traditional whistling proves time-consuming, counterintuitive or inconvenient. This can especially work well during King_Titan.pngTitan battles.
Besides all of the modes mentioned above, the Exo-Mek is capable of crafting Tek items within it, similar to a Tek Replicator.
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