Alliance Tournament Guide
PreparationsYou can’t enter battlefield in the following cases. o If a wounded sol...
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PreparationsYou can’t enter battlefield in the following cases. o If a wounded sol...
November, 2022I already talked this to some leaders, but I decided to change the kingdom map.W...
The Plan of New Independent AlliancesA plan to create three independent alliances, which are conside...
New Independent AlliancesCross Kingdom War (CKW)Dark Legion Attack EventImperial Expedition Ev...
New Cross Kingdom War (CKW) from September, 2022CKW is the event that two kingdoms are paired and at...
Dark Legion Attack Event What is Dark Legion Attack Event? This is a team work event and have t...
Imperial Expedition EventImperial Expedition Event is called as “KE” most of time. ...
Some of the info might be a bit old......
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