Alliance Tournament Guide

ページ名:Alliance Tournament Guide


You can’t enter battlefield in the following cases.

   o If a wounded soldier remains in the hospital (Temple). They must be revived with Holy Water or dismissed.

   o If there are soldiers in training.

   o If there are marches outside of your castle.

Auto rallying should be turned off.

Talent tree should be set to “Combat Mode.”

During the event, you will not be able to train and increase the number of soldiers. So prepare a certain number of soldiers before the event. You can purchase and revive the injured soldiers with “Battlefield Holy Water” though.

Since equipments cannot be changed, level up lords, and update and inlay gems for equipments in advance.

During the event, the usage of boost items is restricted. You should turn on them in advance.

Turn on Free March. 

If your castle is attacked, your dead or wounded soldiers will be restored after the event, but looted resources will not be returned. 

Try to reduce the amount of resources you have at hand as much as possible. 

If it is difficult to reduce the resources, open the grain items and increase the stock level of the grain at hand to around 1000M in order to reduce the number of the other resources to be looted.

You need Blue Energy to hunt Demon Lair. Save Blue Energy before the event.


Notes on the battlefield

Acceleration item and Shields cannot be used on the battlefield.

You can use Free March, but you can redirect only once per march.

Outside of home ground, the location you can port is “Teleport Point” only. You can’t port other islands.

You are not attacked if you stay on the home ground.

 HOWEVER, there seems to be a bug where if you send a camp to the opponent home territory first and redirect to a castle using Free March, you can actually attack the castle there. Not sure if this still work this time. 

So be careful even if you are on the home ground.


Diamond tiles will appears on the home ground for collection. However, there might be tile hitting.

From the home ground to a target fort will be a long march. You can’t port your castle while you have marching troops. If an attack comes, avoid damage by marching the troops out or evacuating the lord temporarily to a shelter.

 If you exit from the battlefield, there is a cooldown time in order to return to the battlefield.

There is a bug that all march lines are not displayed. suddenly. If it happens, restart the game without exiting the battlefield.



This event is won by earning more alliance points by occupying forts, attacking enemy castles, and defeating the Demon Lairs.

Individual points are also gained at the same time. Each player must earn at least 3,000 points to complete the highest phase.

Different from EC Occupation, points are gained by having each alliance member takes turns occupying the fort. Having a single player keep the fort occupied does not provide additional points.

Only the player who made the last attack to slay a Demon Lair will gain points. Therefore, it is more efficient that all players to attack the same target at a time.


Basic Strategy


Occupation of buildings

The first 5 minutes of the event is preparation time; all buildings cannot be attacked for 5 minutes.

What you should do is that you start sending camps to the enemy's home ground as soon as the event started and then change the target to one of buildings using free march.

 It is important to capture the fortress first, because the points for the initial capture are the most significant. The lower the level of the troops have faster the march speed. So try to one camp march with the lowest level troops you have and send the other camps with T4 and/or T5.


The priority of buildings we should occupy is as follows

1. Teleport Points

Occupying Teleport Points are important. We will gain the time to port there to shorten the march to fortresses. However, there is a risk of being attacked by the enemy.

2. Technology Fortress

We can have Travel SPD 50% and Legion HP 8% once occupied. Recommended T5 to occupy when a battle is expected.

3. Military Fortress

We can have Legion Attack and HP 10% once occupied. Recommended T5 to occupy when a battle is expected.

4. Front line fortress

We can get double point of the other fortresses.

5. Fortress

It is the closest to the home ground, so it might be better T4s to occupy it from the home ground.


Once you occupied a building, leave the facility before the next player arrives so that the next player can get points. If you do not take turns occupying the building, you will not earn any points.

Rally Attack - Because the event lasts only one hour and players are in different locations, a rally attack might takes too much time. It is recommended to do only when we try to attack a big player or take back a building from enemy. Follow the instruction on chat.

Reinforcement – It depends on the situation, but once one of members occupied the building it is good to send "reinforcement." The occupying player should use “Change commanders” to allow the next player to gain points.


Demon Lair (Beast Area in the center)


 The timer for the appearance of the Demon Lair is displayed in the lower left corner. 

The first Demon Lair will appear in the central beast area 10 minutes after the start of the event.

As soon as it appears, send the coordinates to the chat. We will all attack the same target. 

You always see "No chance to win” warning message, but just ignore it.

Same as Abyssal Dragon event, only one march can be sent at a time.

We need to attack about 25 times with T4 or T5 in order to defeat a Demon Lair. 

As mentioned, points are provided to the player who made the final blow only.

If there is a building occupied by the enemy alliance at the time the Demon Lair is defeated, the Demon Lair will attack that building with enemy once as a bonus.

After the first Demon Lair is defeated, multiple Demon Lair will appear. So it is necessary to attack them continuously in parallel with the building occupation.

Always have one march for Demon Lair.


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