New independent alliances

ページ名:New independent alliances

The Plan of New Independent Alliances

A plan to create three independent alliances, which are considered as the ideal model of the kingdom is currently underway.
The plan is suggested by newly immigrated Dante and other members who have already experienced success of this form in K33. 
The alliances are consist of one for construction/researchd and training and the other two for battles.
Until now, each alliance has shared the boosts, so the exclusive boosts and exclusive rewards have been lost. The idea is to share all of this to accelerate player's growth and do better with next KvK and CKW.

Please do NOT misunderstand. New alliances are open and nuetral alliances for all players to access any time. We can keep our current alliance as our home and access to the new open alliances as necessary by switching tags.

Three alliances map

Naturally, this will eliminate the boosts which each alliance has at the moment. Thus, we will need to switch the alliances around when we want to start new construction, research and training as necessary in order to apply the maximum boosts.
We have not yet received agreement from all the alliances yet, but we will probably proceed this plan and I want each of you to understand about the plan. 
We could get a big exclusive rewards EVERY WEEK!

Having said that, it's a basically a good idea, but the only problem is that you have to be online during the EC occupations and visit three alliances within one hour to receive all rewards.

I personally feel we need some changes in K52 to develop and this plan is worth a try.
What are your thoughts?
Let me know if you have any questions or comments...ASAP!

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