Imperial Expedition Event

ページ名:Imperial Expedition Event

Imperial Expedition Event

Imperial Expedition Event is called as “KE” most of time.


First of all, please note that this event is NOT for destroying active players or to take a revenge on a particular player.


This event is a drill for up coming KvK and CWK. This is an opportunity to try your strengths and strategy in the field.

You can do own your on or you can do as a group to try reinforcement and garrison.


The rules during the KE are as follows.


  1. NAP TOP10 does NOT apply during the KE event. Any player can be your opponent.
  2. Do NOT attack hive. A hive means a gather of 10 castles or more.
  3. Do NOT attack from a hive. If you want to patriciate the KE, you must go outside of the hive and attack players in the field.
  4. In the field, you can attack an active player ONE TIME only. Do NOT attack multiple times. It is prohibited.
  5. If the castle is obviously deserted or a bot, you can attack TWO TIMES.

It might not be 100% accurate, but an easy way to determine whether it’s an active player or not is to click the castle and check the "Player Info". If there are less than 1000 troops, it is most likely a dead or bot castle.


If there is a player who does not follow the rules, please report it to R4 or R5 of your alliance. Do NOT try to take a revenge with other members and make a war between alliances. It’s not a purpose of this event.

Play a fair and good game.

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