Dark Legion Attack Event

ページ名:Dark Legion Attack Event

Dark Legion Attack Event


What is Dark Legion Attack Event?

  • This is a team work event and have to cooperate each other.
  • Thus, it is recommended as many as possible members participate.
  • Dark Legion attacks all of us at the same time in waves.
  • There are 20 waves in total and they get tougher every time.
  • SMOKE from the castle means the defend is SUCCESSFUL.
  • FIRE on the castle means you are DEFEATED. 
  • If you are defeated 2 times you are no longer attacked after that. You can still reinforce the higher level castles.
  • The points are given for the DAMAGES we give the Legion and REINFORCEMENTs you send to members.
  • Longer and more player survive your alliance get more points.
  • Top 10 Alliances receives alliance rewards.
  • We receive minimal damage. No death of soldiers, but injuries.
  • All resources are safe.
  • The shield does not work.

Preparations before the event

1. T1-T3 soldiers

You should upgrade low level soldiers as your level goes up. This is effective not only this event but also normal combats.

If you have T2 soldiers, start upgrading T1 soldiers.

(You can keep some T1 or  T2 soldiers for collecting RSS as their marching speed are faster than T3 and above. Send them for collection of RSS or to shelter during the event.)

If you have T3 soldiers, upgrade all T1 soldiers and T2.

If you already have T4 soldiers, upgrade T1 and T2 soldiers and then T3 soldiers gradually.

This is actually important because if you have too many weak soldiers, they fill in the Temple quickly and cause a defeat faster. Also when it happens with a real combat and there is no vacancy for higher level soldiers, the higher level soldiers DIE as they can't go to Temple.

Alternatively,if you have T1-2 soldiers, send them for RSS collection or put them in shelter before the event starts. 

2. Adjust the Heroes who station in your castle

Depending on the level of castle you can choose 4-6 strong Heroes to protect your castle.

Click on the Castle and select the second icon from the right for setting of the Heroes.

Before the event start, make sure to set up the strong Heroes.  

Reinforcement before and during the event

1. As the rebels are dark force soldiers, you send ARCHERS only for "Reinforcement".

2. Do NOT use "Station" as the other player will not receive any points.

4. C24 or higher castle player send T4 Archers to low level castle players as Reinforcement.

5. If the players to whom you sent Reinforcement are defeated two times, RECALL the soldiers IMMEDIATELY.

6. If you are defeated two times and lost, send only T4 Archers to the stronger castle players as Reinforcement.No need to send reinforcements to C30 players.

Double check and do before the event starts (sent  as an alliance mail)

A Sample mail

We are going to start Dark Legion attack at 8:00 server time

1. Please make sure all your strong soldiers are returned in the castle and start to reinforce other players (ARCHERS only!!)

2. Remember to switch Talent Preset to ATTACK/DEFEND MODE and make sure your powerful heroes are set up in the Castle.

3. When the castle you sent reinforcement lost (castle on fire) recall your reinforcement immediately.

4. If you lost 2 times, then send archers to the other high level castle players who are still fighting (castles with smoke) but T4 ARCHERS only




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